Where in the Body CAN’T Cancer Grow?
Is NO area in the body safe from cancer? Or are there locations in the body where cancer actually cannot ever grow? […]
Is NO area in the body safe from cancer? Or are there locations in the body where cancer actually cannot ever grow? […]
At some point after your deadlift workout or even next day, does the underside of your fingers feel achy and stiff? […]
Felt fine during dead hangs but your back is killing you the day after? […]
There are several reasons for difficulty swallowing. […]
If you’re a parent of a mixed race teen, there are 5 things you should not say to them, according to a mixed race licensed psychologist who coaches parents of mixed race children. [...]
As you rise into a bridge, your neck cracks or self-adjusts; it feels good; it’s not painful. How does this happen from rising into a bridge? […]
Ann developed excruciating shin pain below her knee while training for a marathon; it was cancer her doctor missed that was visible on an X-ray. […]
Do you get an odd pain behind only one ear that seems to come and go without any pattern? […]
Between a sudden illness, an ER visit, a hospital stay, recovery at home, multiple doctor visits and the shocking medical bill, you need a powerful ally. […]
After undergoing my second Morpheus8 treatment on my face I went immediately to the gym to do a kickass strength training workout for my legs. […]
Have you recently had patellar tendon surgery and now the foot on that side feels cold? […]
When you exit your car after driving for an hour do your legs feel wobbly and like jelly? […]
When you get into your car, your legs split apart as your lead leg enters first, other leg still outside the door frame, and your inner thighs hurt. […]
Has a head scan revealed you have a jugular bulb diverticulum? […]
I developed inner elbow pain while doing pull-ups using a bar wedged in a door frame. […]
This universal definition of success applies to any person no matter what their background, education, circumstance or any other variable. It’s ingenious! […]
Are you troubled by excess sinus mucus that just won’t go away? […]
Many conditions can cause a metal taste in the mouth, but is Sjogren’s syndrome one of them? […]
Have you been diagnosed with Sjogren’s syndrome and now find yourself having a heartburn sensation in your chest? […]
Can Sjogren’s syndrome cause one’s toenails to fall off? […]
I couldn’t believe when a woman in the locker room said that hitting a heavy bag doesn’t count as cardio exercise. […]
No dumbbells, barbells or cable machines for this routine! […]
Too weak for the medicine ball press? Here’s how to get the strength to do this triceps blaster. […]
It’s time to ditch that tiny kettlebell for a 50 pounder and do some REAL swinging to strengthen your back to a whole new level. […]
You’re now retired or close to retirement age and want a personal trainer. […]
Influencers need to stop using the iconic Venus figurine as “evidence” being fat was once a beauty standard. […]
Here’s why you should concentrate on the “negative” or lowering portion (eccentric) in a set of lifting weights for muscle growth and strength. […]
Instagram shows many morbidly obese women lifting heavy weights, promoting them as healthy. How much healthier and fitter are fat women who lift heavy? […]
A morbidly obese influencer said that even doctors can’t tell a person’s health by looking at them. […]
Just how many fat Americans die every year from weight stigma and fatphobia vs. the illnesses caused by obesity? […]
Did your doctor order a “chest MRI” for something other than your heart, and you’re wondering if it’ll still show your heart and even cardiac function? […]
The simplest, no-nonsense approach is the best approach for parents when their child wonders what gender they are. […]
A woman with EDS, MCAS and dysautonomia suffered for years because one doctor after another kept telling her that her severe symptoms were all in her head. […]
You’ve recently noticed that one foot is smaller than the other, and the same-size shoe is looser on that smaller foot. […]
The mole was 3 millimeters and, under magnification had a dark solid spot that was NOT there two years ago. […]
Just because shoveling snow burns more calories than walking doesn’t mean it effectively replaces conventional exercise. […]
Lidocaine injected into my face at multiple points caused a side effect of feeling lightheaded and faint, likely a vasovagal response. […]
Have you discovered a small hard lump just below your sternum and between the ribs in that area? Are you wondering why you never noticed this before? […]
Yes, there is a such thing as “good” and “bad” food. Why wouldn’t ingesting toxins be a bad thing? […]
It’s not a hernia, so what on earth IS that small, hard lump below your sternum that has no “give” when you press into it? […]