The simplest, no-nonsense approach is the best approach for parents when their child wonders what gender they are.

If your child asks if they’re a boy or girl, what should you say?

Indoctrination IS a thing. It needs to stop. Children are so very, very impressionable!

I have a brief but vivid memory that has been lifelong. It’s one of countless memories I have as a young child, because I’m able to recollect many happenings during my young childhood.

I consider this a blessing. I may not always have the exact age recalled, but I definitely have the setting and dialogues of so many occurrences etched in my memory.

When I was five, six or seven, I walked into my parents’ bedroom where I knew my mother was doing something, likely at her sewing machine.

Her back was facing me as I stood before the full-length mirror, looking at my sweeping, frizzy hair that came down to the top of my shoulders.

My exact question was, “Mom? Am I a boy or a girl?” For real, I just didn’t know at that moment in time.

It wasn’t something that I had been stewing about all day. Rather, it was just a moment-in-time question. I was not distressed or upset.

I was simply seeking an answer. Nothing more.

My mother, as I’m pretty sure my memory serves, did not turn to face me as she worked. Instead, she responded – with a matter-of-fact voice – “You’re a girl.”

I was satisfied. I was like (in my mind), Oh, okay. Feeling no need to pursue the matter, I exited the room.

I never wondered about my gender ever again. I never questioned it again. And…my mother never brought it up after that, either.

My mother handled the question beautifully.

Unfortunately, in this day and age of indoctrination and brainwashing, many mothers would’ve felt a need to turn a question about gender – coming from their young child – into a “teaching moment” or an “opportunity to open up a dialogue.”

This response has been drilled into parents by social media and liberal news sites – both online and on TV.

The parent of today will feel compelled to drop what they’re doing, place their hands on the young child’s shoulders and begin a deep probing process, beginning with, “Why are you confused over if you’re a boy or a girl?”

Even if all the child does is shrug their shoulders, today’s brainwashed parent is apt to continue probing with follow-up questions such as, “Okay, Kari. It’s perfectly normal to sometimes feel like you might be a boy inside a girl’s body. Let’s talk about this. Do you sometimes feel like you were born in the wrong body?”

This probing sets the child up for confusion, bewilderment and a high capacity to be “indoctrinated.”

What if my mother had had this liberal, woke approach? I may have ended up one confused little girl who might’ve actually begun thinking that she was really a BOY trapped in a girl’s body – especially since one of my favorite toys at that time was a little white car that I liked to push along the carpet.

I might’ve then began suspecting, even more, that I was a boy in a girl’s body, upon realizing that I liked to make mud patties and didn’t like to play with dolls. Oh noooo, I’m really a boy!! 

I’d then end up staring at myself naked, wondering why I didn’t “have one.”

A parent’s response to their child asking what sex they are can set that child’s malleable mind into motion – into going down a deep rabbit hole.

A woke response sets that child up for believing that nature messed up.

There are many parents today who, if their child casually asks (yes, I asked casually) if they’re a boy or a girl, will feel driven to investigate this.

They will invent a need for a 30-minute discussion with their child. They may follow up with a book – geared towards children – about transgenderism, encouraging them to read it.

Or, if they’re too young to read, the parent will slowly page through the book with them, explaining each page.

The parent will report the question to the other parent. The parents may even bring it up to the child’s teachers.

In no time at all, that poor kid will be reeling with utter confusion over what sex or gender they are.

Suppose I post on a “progressive” site the following question:

“Today my five-year-old daughter asked me if she was a boy or a girl. What should I tell her?”

I guarantee it, I would get advice to “open up a discussion” or have a nice long talk with that child and explain all about how there’s 57 genders, that sometimes, a person feels like the gender that’s opposite of the body they were born with, and God knows what other kind of advice!

That poor kid will end up totally mixed up. If a girl, she might think she’s a boy because she likes to wear baseball caps and play ball. If a boy, he might start thinking he’s a girl because he likes to bake cookies. Good grief.

How do you even “feel” like a particular gender?

One of the major flaws in all of this is the concept of “feeling” like a particular gender. How does one FEEL like a girl/woman or boy/man?

If you asked 10 biological girls/women, who claim to identify as their biological sex, what it “feels” like to be a girl/woman/female, they’d all give different answers. Same with 10 boys/men.

There’s NO objective way to determine how it feels to be female or male. And for what it’s worth, I feel human; I feel like ME.

Which gender one “feels” seems to be heavily tied to a social construct.

For instance, does a man feel like a woman because he so badly wants to wear traditional women’s clothes, grow long nails and paint them red?

What if he grew up and lived in a society where all men and women had to wear their nails short and unpainted, had to wear the same grey pantsuit, and where makeup and jewelry were non-existent, where everyone had to wear the same hairstyle: a short ponytail?

What if, in this hypothetical world, there was a 50/50 split among men and women in all lines of work, so that there was no type of job that was associated with men or women?

I’ll bet that NOBODY would “feel” a particular gender.

Kids, and their parents, are being brainwashed by TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, TV talk shows, print magazines, the whole nine yards.

My mother’s response is the response that a parent should give when a child asks if they’re a boy or a girl.

And by the way, I have a clinical diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. I hate that many people think that ALL autistic people are ultra-liberal and woke minded. No, not this Autist.

  • “Rory is a boy’s name.
  • “A social activity that would attract only women is ‘What’s in your purse?’

I once made the above innocent comments to a man on two separate days. He got triggered both times, defensively reacting in a way that clearly showed that he was deeply offended by anything that separates genders or hints at gender exclusion.

I can imagine how triggered he’d be if he overheard a pregnant woman (no, not pregnant person) telling a friend, “I want to give our daughter a traditionally feminine name like Elizabeth or Abigayle, but my husband wants to name her something more masculine like Hunter or Cole.”

Yes, there are actually people who’d get all bent out of shape overhearing this kind of conversation. No wonder extraterrestrials still won’t establish first contact. 

Lorra Garrick has been covering medical and fitness topics for many years, having written thousands of articles for print magazines and websites, including as a ghostwriter. She’s also a former ACE-certified personal trainer. In 2022 she received a diagnosis of Level 1 Autism Spectrum Disorder.