Why All Women Should Gain Muscle in Their Upper Body
Women, hear this: Gain upper body muscle. Yes, that’s right; women need to gain muscle in their upper body. […]
Women, hear this: Gain upper body muscle. Yes, that’s right; women need to gain muscle in their upper body. […]
Have you ever wondered why some gyms have only rubber coated weight plates? Why not just use the cheaper metal-surfaced plates? There are very logical reasons for this. So why do some gyms use rubber [...]
Any reason women don’t grunt, at least loudly, during their gym workouts? Is this an alpha male thing or what? Sure, some hardcore women do make vocal sounds when pushing out those last few heavy [...]
Biceps, triceps and forearms … all in one exercise? This is actually possible. There are three ways to hit the biceps, triceps and forearms in one routine. But this does not mean that the biceps, [...]
Here is your simple, no-nonsense guide to WHY a beginner should do compound weightlifting exercises. If the weight being lifted is light enough, any beginner can handle any compound strength training move. Think about that [...]
There are several mistakes with the lat pull-down exercise that seem to be common only among women, and you may be one of them! Now, as a former personal trainer, I’ve seen all of these [...]
Here is the top 8 list for low back exercises for building your strongest core ever. […]
So should you exercise before breakfast or work out after breakfast? What a conundrum for many health-conscious people including those who are struggling to lose weight. “Some people feel great working out on an empty [...]
Let’s pit “muscle confusion” against simply lifting heavier and heavier weights for shock value to grow muscles. […]
Yes, it’s possible to do leg extensions with poor form vs. perfect form, and great technique makes all the difference in the world. […]
For big shoulders, does it really come down to heavy weights with impaired range of motion or light weights with full ROM? Can you build big shoulder muscles with light weights? It may seem intuitive [...]
"Puffy nipples" may refer to "gyno," "man boobs" or "moobs," which is when a man has what appears to be breasts. To get rid of puffy nipples, a man or teen boy must do several [...]
The weight is all lost but the fat in your belly remains, but once you know the cause you’ll be able to cure this problem. I’m first going to tell you the solutions to the [...]
Is strength training only once a week worth it for muscle gain? Here's a better question: Why would you want to limit strength training to just once a week? Here is the answer to the first [...]
Stop wasting your time with calf building exercises that WON’T grow your little calves! It’s unbelievable what nutty things men will do to grow their puny calves. […]
Weight training exercises for calves should be part of any man’s or woman’s exercise program. Calf muscles can be prone to muscle pain that can send you through the roof. […]
Do not fool yourself into thinking that swimming can replace strength training with weights. […]
The best solution to your super wide hips, even if you’re thin, is something you’ve probably never even considered. And that’s to develop your shoulders and back/chest muscles to offset the lopsided appearance that excessive [...]
Crunches are worthless if you’re fat, obese or have a huge belly. […]
Weightlifting gloves are a common sight among fitness enthusiasts who do strength training and bodybuilding workouts. […]
The best strength training exercises for the elderly are the same for both men and women. If you’re elderly or of "senior" age, you should strength train -- no excuses. This means lift weights. Elderly [...]
WHY the big gorilla who can lift more weight than you isn’t necessarily STRONGER! If you can lift more weight, say in the bench press, than someone else, this doesn’t necessarily mean your chest and arm [...]
One more reason to lift weights is that it will prove a mighty defense against insulin resistance. And you do not want insulin resistance. This is a precursor to type 2 diabetes. Normal fasting blood [...]
Dropping weights at the gym is almost always done intentionally, and it's no surprise that sooner or later, the men who do this get injured. The whole idea of dropping weights at the gym needs [...]
If you're worried about developing the painful condition of sciatica, and you haven't been strength training -- it's time to hit the gym and lift those weights. It's yet one more benefit to weight workouts: [...]
No matter how big your muscles get, you will not become unhealthy as a result. If you actually think huge muscles are unhealthy, then ask yourself why, when you're at the busy medical clinic for [...]
For women who feel awkward because they’re stronger than their husbands, I’ve decided to write this article. I was inspired by a thread on a fitness site. I could not believe how many women (who’ve [...]
After reading this you’ll never again be convinced that thirst can be mistaken for hunger. What a crock! That thirst can be mistaken for hunger is absolutely one of the most ridiculous myths out there. When [...]
Here is what a nurse told me after I asked if lifting weights through tetanus shot pain was safe. The day after a tetanus shot, my upper arm felt as though someone had slugged me [...]
Stop wondering; HERE is what a doctor says causes an electric shock feeling in your arms when you lift weights. “Feelings of electric shocks are often related to nerve irritation,” says Asim S. Aijaz, MD, [...]
Are you worried because your dominant hand’s grip is weaker than that of your non-dominant hand? So suppose you’re right-handed, but your left grip is actually stronger. Don’t jump to the conclusion that this means [...]
Here is why you shouldn’t assume a woman is unhealthy or too skinny just because her ribs show. Many women have ribs that show. Some are undernourished, weak and unhealthy, while others can deadlift 250 [...]
It’s strange that many trainees who desperately want big arms focus a lot of time on building the biceps and pay little mind to the triceps, not knowing about the lying triceps extension for big [...]
Here’s how to make lateral raises, a.k.a., dumbbell side lifts, safe to avoid injury. Lateral raises can be done safely without threat of injury, by following my guidelines. There are different ways to do lateral [...]
It's common to see old men with thin arms and legs, but fat bellies... Ever notice how many old men have skinny legs and arms, but plenty of fat in their bellies? In fact, as they [...]
Here is a guide on how to lose weight with exercise even if you can’t do aerobics or leg workouts and need a total knee replacement. A person who needs a total knee replacement can [...]
Dumbbell curls vs. barbell curls: Which is better, and what are the pros and cons? Many of the great bodybuilding champs swear by barbell curls, yet many other bodybuilding legends swear by dumbbell curls. It's interesting [...]
Is it abusive to punish your child with pushups? I wonder if the people who think this is a form of child abuse are also opposed to spanking or other forms of corporal punishment. I’ll [...]
Have you heard of super slow training? This pertains to weight training done very slowly, as in a 10-second release of the weight, after taking 4 or 5 seconds to lift it. Super slow training [...]
Comparison of drop sets, supersets and pyramids... Drop set vs. superset vs. pyramids: What exactly are these, how are they different and what are the benefits of each? Drop sets, supersets and pyramid sets are [...]