26 Conditions that Mimic Stroke Including Cancer
People are misdiagnosed with stroke more often than you think because stroke mimics so many conditions – including cancer. […]
People are misdiagnosed with stroke more often than you think because stroke mimics so many conditions – including cancer. […]
Some melanoma mimickers are other forms of cancer, but most are benign. Many people will present to a doctor with what they fear is melanoma, when in fact, it turns out to be a benign [...]
Relentless lip picking is a habit of anxiety, as is nail biting. However, people will usually notice lips a lot more than nails when they interact with you. […]
Frequent picking of acne scars will do a number on your skin — and a very unsightly one. Is there any hope ? Even if you don't have the money or insurance to pay for [...]
A mole gets removed, then a long time later it starts itching like mad. One woman feared this meant a few mole cells were left behind and turned into cancer. And that the cancer was [...]
Rather than worry that scratching a mole raises melanoma risk, you should be concerned that a mole that bleeds from the lightest scratch IS melanoma. However, this is not likely since often, scratching can cause [...]
At what point should you stop waiting and waiting and finally get a suspicious looking mole checked by a dermatologist? It’s easy to just say, “You know you should get that suspicious mole checked when [...]
Do you have a relative just diagnosed with a brain aneurysm and are wondering if you should get a screening MRI every year? There is a type of brain aneurysm called familial aneurysm. And it’s [...]
Both sciatica and deep vein thrombosis can cause a lot of calf pain. What’s troubling is that not all DVT pain comes with visible symptoms that strongly point towards this condition. So the patient is [...]
Frequent diarrhea can result after gallbladder removal and persist for months. But there is no clear answer as to how common this problem is, especially the longer the time lapse following the surgery. [...]
It’s not unheard of for a man to wonder if the change in the way food tastes is somehow connected to his recent radical prostatectomy. The patient needs to make sure that this is not [...]
Do not put off having a CT scan if your doctor wants this done just because you fear getting diarrhea. The diarrhea after a CT scan happens to many people, a well-documented side effect of [...]
Some of your flares of seborrheic dermatitis can be made worse by stress, but stress can actually cause this condition as well. […]
You may fear you have multiple sclerosis only to learn that it’s actually cancer; there are over 100 mimickers of MS and here are 44 of them. […]
When pancreatic cancer is suspected, a CT scan is the first imaging study done. There are three types of CT scan for pancreatic cancer detection. Pancreatic cancer is one of the most vicious cancers because [...]
If you’ve been noticing a weaker grip lately, this doesn’t necessarily point to carpal tunnel syndrome, though this condition CAN cause a weakened grip. In fact, carpal tunnel syndrome can weaken the grip enough to [...]
Your suspicion is correct: A hard lump inside your nose can be cancer — and there are numerous different kinds of cancers that can cause a self-detected lump or bump inside the nose. [...]
You may be wondering if a sinus headache is necessarily accompanied by excess mucus from your nose. Perhaps the absence of mucus has you worrying that your “sinus feeling” headache is actually a brain tumor. [...]
Though a burning feeling inside the nose isn’t all that uncommon, neither is the No. 3 killer of Americans: cancer. So it stands to reason that one might wonder if cancer can cause a burning [...]
Chronic muscle twitching (fasciculations) at various locations of the body can actually be caused by a gluten intolerance, and the effective treatment could be an elimination of gluten. […]
The botulinum toxin type A, aka Botox, has been shown to be effective at treating benign fasciculation syndrome (BFS). […]
There are far more conditions that mimic ALS than you can imagine: at least 22. “Potentially curative treatments exist for certain ALS mimic syndromes,” states a report in the Iranian Journal of Neurology (April 2016), [...]
Throwing up in the mouth while asleep or overnight is not a literal vomiting up of contents from the stomach in the way you would after eating bad meat or from a bad reaction to [...]
Constipation after removal of the gallbladder is actually common, and is not an indication that something went wrong during the surgery. For the procedure, an anesthetic is required to paralyze the bowel so that the [...]
Yes, there’s overlap with the symptoms of labyrinthitis and a brain tumor. A brain tumor can cause so many more symptoms than what is typically described in pamphlets. The vast array of symptoms that a [...]
If your vomit is tarry black, there’s more than one disease that can cause this, but the black itself is old blood. Vomiting blood is always bad news and requires immediate medical attention. [...]
If you have diabetes and are wondering if it’s related to an unsettling black patch on your toenail, you’ll want to head straight to a dermatologist first rather than to your diabetes doctor. A slowly [...]
How panic attacks cause chest pain are due to several ways, including a few that involve the heart. What’s quite fascinating is that the body mechanisms involved in a panic event may work in concert [...]
Is it possible for a thin person who regularly exercises to develop type 2 diabetes? Though 20% of type 2 diabetics are not overweight, what about their exercise habits? Let's take that a step further. [...]
Suffering from intense pain in the back or other part of the head during or after you complete barbell squats? This could be serious. First off, if you get a sudden headache in the middle [...]
What is the youngest that a child can get colon cancer? Yes, kids can get colon cancer, even though routine screening is recommended beginning at age 50. […]
Have you noticed a sudden development of mustard or bright yellow staining under your fingernails and/or on the skin on either side of your nails? […]
Cancer causes significant weight loss for many patients, and the reasons are many. This situation goes well-beyond loss of appetite or anxiety. “A review of 25 studies relating weight loss and cancer was done in [...]
Warning: Do not ever assume that just because your troublesome digestive symptoms come and go, that they can’t possibly mean pancreatic cancer. “Generally, when someone has symptoms of pancreatic cancer, they tend to get progressively [...]
MRI is a superb imaging tool for detecting breast cancer, even when compared to the combined methods of ultrasound and mammography. “MRI is a cutting-edge way that we can detect breast cancers early on, especially [...]
Unfortunately, asymmetry IS associated with a higher chance of cancer in tonsils, according to one study. If only one tonsil is abnormally large, it should be removed, recommends a study in the Ear, Nose & [...]
There IS a way you can undergo a very reliable sleep apnea test if you don’t have insurance—for a price so low you won’t believe it. […]
It’s no secret that sleep paralysis is much more common in younger people. […]
Have you ever wondered about the safety of a CPAP machine, considering that this is an unnatural way to sleep? The device involves a hose and forced air down down the throat, or just the [...]
Prostate cancer can cause pain in many areas and not just because of bone spread, but also due to other features of the disease. It can feel different ways depending on the nature of the [...]