Rid Belly Fat Fast, Cut Heart Disease & Cancer Risk
The faster you get rid of belly fat, the faster you will cut your risk of heart disease and cancer. Excess abdominal or belly fat means a higher risk of cancer and heart disease. A [...]
The faster you get rid of belly fat, the faster you will cut your risk of heart disease and cancer. Excess abdominal or belly fat means a higher risk of cancer and heart disease. A [...]
How can something as difficult as clapping pull-ups NOT build muscle? After all, the clapping increases the recruitment of fast-twitch muscle fiber, which has the potential to grow in size. It makes sense that if [...]
Are there certain ways to raise a child such that they'd be highly resistant to getting Stockholm syndrome if ever taken hostage as a teen or adult? I asked the following questions to Dr. Nancy Zarse, associate [...]
If you're over 55 and walk on a treadmill, do you normally hold on? The man pictured here, walking on a treadmill, appears to be between 55 and 65, and he’s doing it wrong. There [...]
Here are solutions to a German Shepherd’s allergy-caused dry skin. I have found that my German Shepherd’s skin and coat condition are indicative of overall health. When he is in good health his coat shines, [...]
Home recipe solutions for older German Shepherds that need a boost in appetite. As my German Shepherd ages he becomes less interested in food and at times requires some inspired recipes to make food seem [...]
Here is a simple home remedy to rid the stink on your dog after it gets sprayed by a skunk. And here is what NEVER to do should your dog get stunk up by a [...]
Here is a simple remedy for preventing ice buildup on your dog's paws, whether your companion is a German Shepherd, Havanese or a size breed in between. Dogs notoriously love the snow; they are passionate [...]
The symptoms of LPR and laryngeal cancer overlap, but an ENT doctor compares these two conditions. LPR, as anyone who has found this article certainly knows, stands for laryngeal pharyngeal reflux, and the symptoms can [...]
A doctor explains what causes excessive saliva buildup when you awaken and how to prevent this. Excessive saliva when awakening: causes, mechanism behind causes? On one hand it could be excessive production, but also insufficient [...]
No matter your age, you’re doing yourself NO favor if you hold onto the treadmill’s front bar when walking. As a personal trainer, I require all of my clients, including older, poorly conditioned ones, to [...]
A scientific explanation of near death experiences is not good news for believers in an afterlife. On the other hand, does a scientific explanation for “near death experiences” mean there can’t be an afterlife? Researchers [...]
Find out just how big a difference there is between jogging on a treadmill while holding on vs. hands off. If you’ve been holding onto the treadmill while jogging, you’ve hardly done anything to make [...]
How long after taking birth control pills might a blood clot form in high risk women like smokers? Blood clots are possible complications of using birth control pills, especially for women at higher risk for [...]
An ear, nose and throat doctor explains why exercise such as running can cause a sore throat and how to solve this problem. Stacey Silvers, MD, first points out that a sore throat from exercising [...]
An ear, nose and throat doctor explains the causes of clicking sounds when you swallow and what can be done about this. “Many people experience clicking in the ear when they swallow or chew,” says [...]
Putting your hands on the side rails of a treadmill while running or jogging will sabotage your efforts and waste your time. If you hold onto the side rails of the treadmill while doing your [...]
Does it really make a difference if the systolic blood pressure in the elderly is around 150 vs. a little bit under 140? The guidelines that systolic blood pressure should be below 140 are based [...]
A fall in an elderly person from standing to the ground is deadlier far more often than you may think. “Slip-and-fall” accidents may be the fodder of reams of personal injury lawsuits, but for the [...]
Slow walking in daily life may increase mortality risk in older people. Years ago I worked in a department with many people over age 55. I confess: I had no tolerance for slow walkers, as [...]
Actinic keratoses and squamous cell carcinoma can look similar; in fact, an actinic keratosis can turn into a squamous cell carcinoma. Some doctors even believe they are one and the same, just at different points along [...]
Which is better for DVT treatment: a blood thinner drug or catheter-based removal? A Temple University School of Medicine study involving 90,000 patients has an interesting conclusion. The mortality rate between the two DVT treatments [...]
If you want to lose stomach fat and had to choose between cardio or lifting weights, which should you choose? According to a Duke University Medical Center study, cardio wins for reducing belly size. But [...]
Don't let a sprained ankle stop you from doing cardio exercise that burns fat. First of all, make sure your sprained ankle is only that; no broken bones. Make sure it is securely stabilized with [...]
Which brand of organic chocolate milk tastes the best? There are three popular “natural” brands that are sold at Whole Foods. One is Horizon Organic. One is Organic Valley. And the other is Promised Land [...]
Don't let the name fool you: Silly Farms hot chocolate mix (there are several varieties) is absolutely the best tasting hot chocolate mix you'll ever find. I discovered Silly Farms hot chocolate mix at Whole [...]
It seems logical that a chronically stressed person could benefit from a daily aspirin in terms of helping prevent a heart attack, since aspirin is a blood thinner and stress thickens blood. I wondered about [...]
Here’s a benign explanation for why you see new black spots in your mole that weren’t there before. Before I give this explanation, you should know that the new appearance of black in a pre-existing [...]
Do you know a very depressed person who doesn’t think they are depressed? You’d think that of all mental illnesses, depression would be the one that the patient is well-aware of. But in the case [...]
Simply changing the way you do things in your daily life will minimize hair loss. Use Your Fingertips The first way to reduce the number of hairs that fall out of your head every day [...]
Far more people die every year from a pulmonary embolism than you think. These blood clots in the lungs may cause cardiac arrest, and often, the cause of death is listed as just that—cardiac arrest. [...]
Here’s how tall women and teen girls can learn to embrace their blessed height and conquer the world with high heels, high confidence and empowerment. Below are links to a huge assortment of articles for [...]
PVC stands for premature ventricular contraction. It creates the illusion of an extra heartbeat, especially if there are two or three in a row. And sometimes, it feels as though the heart has skipped a [...]
The brain damage of CTE begins during the athlete's career, yet mental symptoms don't start showing until years later when the athlete is much older. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) starts developing years, sometimes even decades, after the [...]
You need only three strength training exercises to drop 100 pounds of unhealthy body fat. There’s nothing gimmicky about what I’m going to tell you. If you’re a hundred pounds overweight, or weigh 450 pounds [...]
You’ve heard that colon cancer can cause ribbon stools, but IBS can also do this. “Ribbon stools are not uncommonly seen with IBS, although excluding other causes, such as anatomic problems, inflammatory disease, etc., would [...]
Ever feel nauseous after a bowel movement and you have irritable bowel syndrome? Could there be a connection? “The mechanism of IBS is abnormal motility in one form or another (constipation or diarrhea); hence, after [...]
Do you have IBS and have noticed what looks like blood in the mucous that comes out with your bowel movements? “One not uncommonly sees mucous in the stool with IBS, but not blood," says [...]
An IBS flare or attack is no picnic and can last for many days. “Some attacks can last for a few hours, some days,” says Michael Blume, MD, a gastroenterologist at MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital, Baltimore. [...]
There’s a way to undo some of the harm of prolonged sitting for three hours. If you’re sitting at your computer for three hours, but get up three times during that session and walk for [...]