How to Cure Feeling Old from Menopause
There is ONE thing that women in menopause can do to cure the feeling of “getting old” as a result of this change in life. Hey, I just don’t know how a woman can feel [...]
There is ONE thing that women in menopause can do to cure the feeling of “getting old” as a result of this change in life. Hey, I just don’t know how a woman can feel [...]
When I was a caregiver to my elderly mother, I was always easily lifting her 130-pound body off the floor. Following quintuple bypass surgery, mitral valve replacement and a pacemaker implant, my mother developed a [...]
Women who have broad shoulders should prize their dimensions, not despise them! Why is it that if a woman has a trait that’s “more,” she so often detests it? I wonder if women who hate [...]
Muzzling a dog has received a really bad rap, and many people even believe that putting a muzzle on a dog is cruel or inhumane. This perception was perhaps ignited by images of greyhounds being [...]
Here are 3 outstanding points that support the idea that NDEs are very real. But first, here are the well-established common features of an NDE that point to the idea that they are very real: [...]
Why do NDEs differ so much, despite the common themes? Some commonalities among near-death experiences are that of overwhelming joy and peace; reunions with deceased loved-ones; a threshold that the NDE’er knows that once crossed, [...]
If your soul goes to the afterlife at the start of your cryonic suspension, what happens if you’re thawed out and cured of your disease? Let’s play around with this a little. Let’s just suppose [...]
During an NDE, are people told “It’s not your time” only when it seems that the doctors or EMTs won’t give up on the CPR? A common theme in near-death experiences is that the individual [...]
Ever wonder what kind of near-death experience that a person in a persistent vegetative state had? Thousands of people have reported NDEs during the time their heart was stopped and brain not receiving blood flow [...]
Ever wonder if a natural cancer cure might exist? Such as in the form of diet? Breast cancer survivor Ruth Heidrich believes so. She was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer 35+ years ago at the [...]
There are many shoe lifts out there, but which truly work best for making you taller? Many people want to be tall or taller. It’s no secret that many men, and women, wish to be [...]
A report says that lean people have an increased risk of death five years after a heart attack, but there’s a flaw in this report. So if you're plus size, don't rejoice just yet. Plus [...]
If you’re depressed over retirement and thinking of ending it all, here’s what happened to a 68-year-old, newly retired man who considered suicide. He's a relative of mine and I’ll call him Raymond. When he [...]
There are several causes of pain in the right side following gallbladder surgery. “Postcholecystectomy syndrome (PCS) is a complex of heterogeneous symptoms including persistent abdominal pain and dyspepsia that recur and persist after cholecystectomy,” says [...]
“Yes, patients can have dull pain if the symptoms are secondary to gallstones,” says Akram Alashari, MD, a trauma surgeon at Geisinger Medical Center in PA, and author of “THE POWER OF PEAK STATE.” Dr. Alashari [...]
“Abdominal aortic aneurysms are extremely rare in teenagers and adolescents,” says Akram Alashari, MD, a trauma surgeon at Geisinger Medical Center in PA, and author of “THE POWER OF PEAK STATE.” Dr. Alashari explains that if an [...]
Removal of the gallbladder can cause diarrhea, for sure -- and it may take a long time to go away. Following gallbladder removal, the diarrhea that may occur can take weeks to months to go [...]
A doctor explains how gallstones cause pain... Gallstone pain, or biliary colic, is often characterized by intense discomfort. The pain typically manifests in the upper right abdomen, just beneath the rib cage. It may also [...]
Many people want to know if gallstone pain can be only mild, or is it always sharp and severe? “Biliary colic is associated with right upper quadrant pain,” says Akram Alashari, MD, a trauma surgeon [...]
Actually, the No. 1 doctor-recommended treatment for constipation is so effective that it counts as ALL of the top five. Constipation stinks (no pun intended). It hurts and in some cases can feel as though [...]
“Usually a black speck in your stool is related to what you are eating – for example, coffee or pepper,” says Sander R. Binderow, MD. Will bleeding or blood cause black specks in stools? “A [...]
Colon cancer isn’t the only cause of black stools. There are other causes as well, and in fact, bowel movements may only appear to be black, when in they’re just a very dark green, brown [...]
Stools that come out like toothpaste from a tube or ribbon-like or thin like pencils can indicate colon cancer. “If you have an anal or low rectal cancer tumor, your stools might be smaller than [...]
Many people with GERD want to know if there’s a difference between prescription Prilosec and the over-the-counter version. “This is a relatively challenging question," says Akram Alashari, MD, a trauma surgeon at Geisinger Medical Center [...]
A doctor explains the three ways that GERD (acid reflux) can cause shortness of breath. “Shortness of breath,” when it comes to GERD or acid reflux, is more accurately referred to as labored or difficulty [...]
These top seven pills for prevention of migraine headaches are recommended by a neurologist who specializes in migraine pain treatment. Anyone who suffers from migraine headaches knows that these can reach a pain level of [...]
A sudden severe headache with that last bench press rep can have one of several possible causes. […]
Are you thinking of applying Rogaine (minoxidil) throughout your entire scalp to combat diffuse hair loss? Not all hair loss is the same. Some people suffer from it in a diffuse or scalp-wide way, rather [...]
A hair loss doctor explains why minoxidil can’t be made in shampoo form. Rogaine (generic name minoxidil) comes in either a liquid form that’s dripped onto the scalp from a medicine dropper, or a foam [...]
Do you dread taking nutritional supplements because they usually end up “stuck” in your chest (esophagus)? Hate that feeling? Is the supplement really trapped there or does it just feel that way? The pills that [...]
Have you gulped or guzzled water, only to find that it refluxes back up into your throat? What’s going on here? “Water, in and of itself, does not cause reflux,” says Akram Alashari, MD, a [...]
A doctor explains why acid reflux can sometimes cause a sensation of food being stuck in your chest. “Prolonged acid reflux can cause reflux esophagitis,” says Akram Alashari, MD, a trauma surgeon at Geisinger Medical [...]
A doctor explains why it seems your pills get stuck in your esophagus. Sometimes you may be convinced beyond doubt that the pills you just swallowed are sitting in your esophagus, not moving, just stuck [...]
“Someone with a cancer can experience loud noises in the stomach often if they are having symptoms of an intestinal obstruction,” explains Michael Blume, MD, a gastroenterologist at MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital, Baltimore. “The cancer itself [...]
Here is what a gastroenterologist explains might explain chest pain, left arm symptoms and burping all occurring together, which means that a heart attack must be ruled out as soon as possible. Once a cardiac cause [...]
A GI doctor explains what you should do when you have mild ongoing chest tightness, and what the burping with it might mean. “First of all, in any situation where one experiences chest tightness, even [...]
Find out what a GI doctor, not a layman in a thread, says is the cause of a growling, rumbling stomach 24/7. We expect our stomach to growl and rumble when we haven’t eaten for [...]
You might be surprised when you find out what the causes of extreme fatigue following exercise is. “Mostly fatigue comes from deconditioning, dehydration, uncontrolled hypertension and psychological as the most common reasons,” says Dr. Cynthia Thaik, [...]
If physical exertion brings on angina, will the angina necessarily persist as long as the activity does, or is it possible for it to disappear if the exercise continues? Let’s assume that the physical activity [...]
So who is more likely to suffer a heart attack? Those at the so-called mild to moderate risk? Or those who have a high risk for heart attack? The answer is very compelling -- given [...]