10 Benefits of a Late in Life Autism Diagnosis
Discovering an autism diagnosis later in life can be a profound and transformative experience. […]
Discovering an autism diagnosis later in life can be a profound and transformative experience. […]
Ever notice how your appetite seems to go through the roof the day after you hit your back muscles hard? […]
What’ve you been doing to lose belly fat even though the pudge won’t budge? […]
Once again an autistic preschooler escaped overnight and was found dead a few days later. Parent fail! […]
Wondering if lifting weights will make you bigger especially if you’re morbidly obese? […]
Here are some considerations the next time you experience pain or an odd discomfort in your chest while doing dips, whether the bench version or the bar version. […]
Here’s an uplifting encounter with a stranger who became teary eyed as a result of my autistic special interest (obsession). […]
Is a special interest in autism as much of a hyperfixation if it lasts only a week vs. many years? Just how short-lived can an autistic obsession ever be? […]
Not every morbidly obese person “belongs in the pool” or “should be swimming,” as some weight loss coaches insist. […]
Just like neurotypicals have questions for autistic people, those on the Spectrum have questions for NTs. […]
Walking can be used as a form of preventive medicine. Do not underestimate the power of accumulated steps throughout your day. […]
Plenty of research shows that in some cases, the deadlift exercise can alleviate chronic low back pain. […]
As you get older over many years, have you noticed that other people in the gym stay in their 20s and 30s? Where have all your peers gone? […]
Has the switch from “disabled people” to “people with disabilities” really opened doors for disabled individuals? […]
I’ve been hearing color since I could remember; Autistics are three times more likely than neurotypicals to have synesthesia. […]
One of the most persistent and damaging misconceptions surrounding autism is the assumption that it usually accompanies intellectual deficit, or that a low IQ is caused by autism. […]
It’s all here: the differences in special interests between autistic women and men. […]
There’s a big difference between autism acceptance and autism awareness. […]
We’re ALL human, so why do neurotypicals struggle to understand autistic people? […]
Just find out someone has a few autistic kids? Feeling sorry for them? Well here’s why you SHOULDN’T. […]
April is Autism Acceptance Month, but every day of the year is a good time to appreciate what the autistic mind can bring to humanity. […]
Many autistic people believe nobody likes them even though this may be false, but it doesn’t mean it can’t be true, either. […]
Stimming isn’t just among Autistics. Neurotypicals may actually stim quite a bit under certain circumstances – especially one in particular. […]
Does every single Autistic use “fidgets” designed for stimming? […]
Microsoft Designer Image Creator refuses to generate the word “autism.” […]
Embracing one’s autism can be transformative and empowering, leading to improved mental health and overall well-being. […]
One significant hurdle faced by Autistics is the mismatch between facial expressions, tone of voice and their actual feelings. […]
I’ve always gotten feedback from a third party that someone thought I was rude or that I “hurt her feelings” even though I hadn’t tried to. I’m autistic. […]
Kindly don’t say “Everyone’s a little autistic” next time someone tells you they’re on the Spectrum. […]
Here are 12 ways you can make your ASD blend in well with sensory over-stimulation of the gym environment. […]
What we call “stimming” — or repetitive movements to feel more at ease or cope with stress — is done by both neurotypical (NT) people and those with Autism Spectrum Disorder. But it’s the NTs [...]
Are you autistic and drawn towards stimming that involves pressure? […]
Here are 10 items for Autistics who love watching or making things spin. […]
Here are fluffy or furry fidget items for Autistics who love the feel of these textures. […]
Are you autistic and love smooth objects? Do you love to feel them or even just look at them? […]
Many autistic people find comfort and relief through stimming in the form of watching blinking lights. […]
Autistic individuals often exhibit unique sensory preferences, and for some, a fascination with shiny objects can be particularly pronounced. […]
Some autistic people find comfort, relief or enjoyment from crumpling things. Here are ideas on how you can satisfy your need to crumple objects: stim on! […]
Is the autistic loved-one in your life absolutely nuts about sharks? […]
Getting a DUI (driving under the influence) is a serious matter that can lead to various consequences. Understanding what happens if you find yourself in this situation can be crucial for anyone. Here's an in-depth [...]