Can Slow Eating Really Prevent Obesity or Cause Weight Loss?
Myth or fact: Eating slowly either prevents getting fat or causes weight loss in those who are already obese. […]
Myth or fact: Eating slowly either prevents getting fat or causes weight loss in those who are already obese. […]
If you’re very plus size and trying to achieve goals by walking on a treadmill, did you know that holding on will interfere with your goals? […]
Since when does a hard workout mean you’re punishing yourself for how you’ve been eating? You should never feel guilty for exercising like a warrior and dripping with sweat. […]
It's okay to hate your love handles; here's how to get rid of them: No gimmicks, nothing fancy; just research-proven approaches that will shrink that unbecoming pudge in your waist. When I was a personal [...]
Here’s why it’s only a myth that people, even “today,” are nowhere near too busy to exercise. […]
Here are five changes that’ll make you lose those last five pounds of stubborn fat. […]
Struggling to lose the fat in your hips, belly and thighs or one of these areas? […]
Here is how a woman can shrink her middle and waistline by strength training — even if she’s struggled for years to trim her stomach. […]
If you're bored with walking for exercise, it's probably time to transition to jogging. You can do this without getting injured. Here's how. For many people -- not necessarily overweight -- it's quite uncomfortable and [...]
The human body was meant to walk more than sit around, so it’s no surprise that yet another study shows that walking cuts breast cancer risk in women after menopause. American Cancer Society researchers found [...]
Body positive enthusiasts insist it’s impossible to tell a person’s health and fitness by their looks. […]
Have you been hearing lately that it’s not healthy to have a lot of muscle? This isn’t the same as saying that a very muscular person can still be unhealthy. What’s being said is that [...]
Though it’s not known just how many plus-size influencers become irate when followers point out mistakes in their workout form and how to exercise with better technique, at least one made the news in late [...]
One of the biggest exercise mistakes, if not THE biggest, is that of holding onto a treadmill – a very bad habit done by able-bodied men and women including those in their 20s. [...]
Beverages with electrolytes that are targeted towards fitness enthusiasts is a booming business, but does this mean plain water isn’t good enough after your boot camp class or “leg day”? […]
The treadmill is an inviting piece of exercise equipment for plus size men and women, and it can work wonders – but only if it’s used correctly. I’ve been a personal trainer and lifelong fitness [...]
If you’re a middle age woman who sits many hours a day, you’re at risk for becoming frail and weak later on, yet this is just SO preventable. […]
If you have heart disease you’d better pick up the pace with your walking if you want to avoid hospitalizations. Slow walkers with heart disease are doomed to more frequent hospitalizations, says a study in [...]
Looks like all the backlash against pasta over the years as a weight gain food has been undeserved. Now research shows that pasta, which has a low glycemic index, isn’t bad at all for people [...]
Don't chalk your stalled weight loss up to body type or genes. There are several dietary reasons why the scale is now stuck at that still-too-big number. When I was a personal trainer at a gym some [...]
Can’t lose stubborn weight no matter what you do? Don’t give up! If you haven’t been able to lose weight, don’t assume you’re meant to be fat. This is not how the human body was [...]
Don’t count on weight loss if you’re making mistakes with your APPROACH to working out, what you believe. Here are 7 skewered beliefs that will kill any chance at losing weight. […]
Crunches are worthless if you’re fat, obese or have a huge belly. […]
Some of the reasons you've stopped losing weight despite all that exercise and strict dieting will shock you. #1. You haven't been lifting weights. This particularly applies to young females (afraid of bulking up) and [...]
Is there a way you can lose lots of weight with lots of cardio exercise? Have you read that cardio won't cut it for weight loss? How MUCH cardio must you do to lose all [...]
There are six reasons why you haven't been able to lose your belly fat even though (or so you think) you've "tried everything." Fforget everything you THINK you know about how to lose belly fat. [...]
This article explains why “I’ve tried everything to lose weight” is a myth, and what obese or overweight people CAN do for permanent fat loss without surgery. “‘I’ve tried everything, but nothing works,’ is a [...]
Many obese people insist that they exercise as much as any lean person. About 80 percent of personal-training clients are overweight women. But the truth is, the percentage of clinically obese individuals at health clubs [...]
Why aren't you able to get rid of that belly fat? What's preventing this? You may not be the problem. Here are 5 shocking reasons the fat stays: Belly fat that won’t go away is frustrating to [...]
Just because you haven’t lost weight despite all the time you’ve spent walking on a treadmill doesn’t mean that you can’t change this outcome. I’ve worked with many heavy women who wanted to lose large [...]
Housework does not replace structured exercise, and thus, is a poor tool to rely upon for any fitness goal, including weight loss. The BMC Public Health journal (October, 2013) has the latest report on the [...]
Where do we draw the line for blaming thyroid issues on obesity? Can low thyroid make a woman weigh 528 pounds? That's a LOT of weight to attribute to a sick thyroid gland. It seems [...]