Obesity and Sleep in Men and Women: A Study
Let’s take a look at the major health issues for obese men and women who neglect their bodies’ natural sleep signals. […]
Let’s take a look at the major health issues for obese men and women who neglect their bodies’ natural sleep signals. […]
Untreated sleep apnea can lead to heart disease. If one starts CPAP therapy, might this reverse the heart disease? OSA endangers the heart. […]
Is your resting heart rate fast but you can’t figure out why? You might be wondering if a fast pulse might be caused by untreated sleep apnea. […]
Sleep apnea is one of the most underdiagnosed conditions, yet it can cause so much damage if untreated. How does this impact life expectancy? […]
No, sleep apnea does NOT affect only obese people. Lean fitness enthusiasts can have OSA which can go undetected and lead to coronary artery disease. […]
Is it harmful to your body to let sleep apnea go untreated even if you don’t have any daytime symptoms? Or should you still use a CPAP even though you feel fine? […]
Are you waking up with a headache every morning lately? Can this be a brain tumor or more likely from migraine disorder? […]
There is a specific circumstance under which an oral appliance can actually work better than CPAP for the patient with severe obstructive sleep apnea. […]
Can your dentist customize an oral appliance to treat your obstructive sleep apnea that’s a lot safer than a CPAP machine? […]
Why don’t doctors screen for obstructive sleep apnea during the annual routine physical? […]
Ever awaken after eight hours’ sleep feeling dead tired as though you’ve slept only four hours, but within 10 minutes of being up, your entire body is piping awake? […]
If you’ve been grinding your teeth overnight (bruxism) you should undergo testing for obstructive sleep apnea. Left untreated, sleep apnea can lead to very serious health problems. […]
If you’ve been waking up every morning with a headache, this is less likely from a brain tumor and more likely from your brain not getting enough oxygen. […]
Sometimes a dentist can create a perfect solution to a patient’s obstructive sleep apnea. Many people wonder if they have obstructive sleep apnea, especially if they never feel recharged from sleeping or wake up in [...]
You settle comfortably in bed and are halfway between wakefulness and falling sleep when suddenly you realize you’ve stopped breathing: You’re gasping for breath, trying to get in air. The episode lasts only a second [...]
How many people with sleep apnea do not improve despite using a CPAP machine and why does this occur? After all, CPAP therapy is the gold standard treatment for sleep apnea with a highly effective [...]
You abruptly wake up from sleep gasping, feeling like you haven’t taken a breath for a whole minute. Is this your heart? Could it be cancer or sleep apnea? […]
If you’re having chest pain at night in bed, it sure would be more reassuring to know it’s from sleep apnea than a heart attack or heart disease. Those who’ve never been tested for sleep [...]
The transitional form of sleep apnea is alarming and frightening, making people think they’ll need a CPAP machine for the rest of their life. […]
The twist on this is the accompanying burning throat that comes with waking up in the middle of the night struggling to breathe. Usually when someone awakens gasping for breath, that’s their only symptom. [...]
If you’re getting over 10 hours of sleep a night, your health needs to be re-evaluated, as sleeping this much may be bad news. The effects differ between men and women. BMC Public Health (June [...]
There are common two medical conditions in particular that can make TMJ disorder a lot worse. Temporomandibular joint disorder symptoms are bad enough without some other medical condition amplifying them. […]
You know that TMJ disorder can cause obstructive sleep apnea… But what about the other way around: Can temporomandibular joint problems lead to obstructive sleep apnea? […]
Seems that a mandibular advancement device (MAD) would keep the airway open continuously, yet this oral appliance is no match for CPAP when it comes to obstructive sleep apnea of moderate to severe degree. [...]
You should never assume that you can’t possibly have obstructive sleep apnea just because you’re lean, buff and compete in triathlons or CrossFit. […]
Before you panic that your night sweats are caused by lymphoma or HIV, there’s a possibility they’re caused by TMJ disorder. Night sweats can be bad enough to require changing one's clothes. “Patients with TMJ [...]
TMJ problems affect the tongue, though more serious conditions can also cause symptoms involving the tongue such as cancer or a neurological disease […]
“The reason a TMJ disorder can cause ears to clog during sleep is the same reason it can cause ears to clog while awake,” says a dentist who specializes in the treatment of temporomandibular joint [...]
Have you been diagnosed with both TMJ disorder and sleep apnea and are wondering if the TMJ problem is causing or aggravating your sleep apnea? […]
Sleep apnea is one of the most under- and misdiagnosed conditions in the elderly; the estimated number who have it is alarmingly high, and this includes non-overweight as well as female older people. Symptoms of [...]
An itching nose is a common complaint among CPAP users, but there are ways to prevent this most annoying situation. CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure. Complying to CPAP use is difficult enough for [...]
It’s understandable if a CPAP user is concerned about the machine’s noise or pressure causing hearing loss. […]
For some people with obstructive sleep apnea who can’t tolerate CPAP machines, Provent may be a godsend. Just how does Provent work? Provent is an FDA approved treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. This nasal device [...]
Poor sleep can lead to insulin resistance, which is a progenitor of type 2 diabetes. There are several things you can do to reverse insulin resistance that’s caused by or made worse by poor sleep—as [...]
How is it that a person as young as 25 could have a baseline blood pressure that’s high, meaning at least 140 for the top number and over 90 for the bottom number? [...]
Since millions have undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnea, shouldn’t EVERYONE be screened for OSA, even if they don’t have daytime symptoms? […]
Is your sleep interrupted by the need to urinate, and a LOT of urine usually comes out, even if you avoid liquids for hours before bedtime? Sleep apnea could be the reason. Studies linking untreated [...]
Excess sitting is dangerous in so many ways, but so is untreated sleep apnea. Which is worse for the body? Both can lead to heart disease and other ailments. Excessive sitting, which has been defined [...]
Are you concerned that your AHI keeps showing as two, three or four despite doing everything possible to ensure your CPAP is working right? It’s a fair question: Why don’t CPAP machines deliver an AHI [...]
There are quite a few causes for waking up every hour or so despite compliance with CPAP therapy. If this is happening to you, the obvious approach is to first identify if there are any [...]