If You Waddle You’re Not Healthy
Some say weight doesn’t determine health. But what if someone’s so heavy they waddle? […]
Some say weight doesn’t determine health. But what if someone’s so heavy they waddle? […]
Despite the fact that some slim or straight-size people acquire serious medical conditions, obesity remains a major modifiable risk factor for death worldwide from top causes. […]
A normal blood test in a fat person today is meaningless and not predictive of what their morbid obesity will do to them in the future. […]
Are you afraid of intentional weight loss because you think “weight cycling” is worse for your body than is staying fat? […]
I finally decided to shred an influencer’s repeated mantra that “the purpose of your body is relationship, not perfection or thinness.” […]
Belly fat in obese women and men isn’t all the same. […]
It’s weird how fat acceptance cites the diet industry’s yearly profit of $75 billion but they ignore the fast food’s $385 billion and soda’s $279 billion. […]
While around 800 million people worldwide face chronic hunger from food shortages, just how many people in the world are obese? […]
If a woman weighs more than most NFL linemen, could she ever be strong, fit and healthy? A weight of 300 pounds is a lot even for a six foot man. The question of whether [...]
Is it really true that there’s no disease that only fat people get? And if so, does this mean that the dangers of obesity should be downplayed? […]
Obesity doesn’t just cause serious disease; it also impairs the detection of serious medical conditions. This isn’t about a physician mistakenly assuming that a patient’s symptoms are being caused by her obesity, and hence, “missing” [...]
So just how harmful is excess back fat? There are five ways it can hurt you, including two ways it can lead to your death. […]
The health dangers of obesity get much media coverage, but what of the mechanical difficulties that doctors have when performing exams hands-on in the office? Physicians rely heavily on the ability of their fingers to [...]
Obese model Tess Holliday once said in an interview that she was physically fit because she was able to take care of a toddler. […]
A morbidly obese COVID survivor has accused frontline heroes of fat shaming when she was in the ER and then COVID unit. […]
Does the fact that even thin women can get gestational diabetes mean that low body weight is a risk factor? […]
Have you seen a morbidly obese woman doing the splits and were amazed? […]
Are you now on a statin drug and wonder if it’s okay to indulge in a lot of your favorite junk foods? Will a statin undo the harm of all that sugar and fat? [...]
Here's how to track calories if your weight is in the obese range. Calorie tracking can be your best friend if you're ready to lose a lot of weight and keep it off. For whom [...]
When a superstar influencer gets an Instagram comment of “Obesity isn’t healthy,” defensive followers post back, “Thin people die of heart attacks all the time.” […]
The latest in the fact-denying movement is that “obesity” is an insulting word and should not even be used by doctors as a medical term. […]
If obese people can be fit and healthy, then why don’t doctors ever advise their normal-weight patients to pack on some pounds? […]
Many obese women in the “healthy at any size” camp claim to be healthy and feel great. But is this actually an issue of being habituated to aches and pains and not really knowing what [...]
If we can’t tell a person’s health by their size, does this mean a 600 pound person can be healthy? Does it mean a 75 pound woman can be healthy? […]
Just when you thought Jeanne took the cake (no pun intended) for the Nasty Award on “My 600 Pound Life,” Angie J. comes along & makes mincemeat out of her. Poor Daisy, Angie Johns’ granddaughter. [...]
There’s a simple reason why many thin people have high blood pressure, but this reason is no excuse for obese people to deny the dangers of excess weight. […]
If you consider yourself healthy despite obesit ... high blood pressure and a thickened heart muscle may be lurking around the corner – EVEN if you have normal blood pressure and blood sugar now. Obese [...]
You're probably eating WAY more salt and sodium than you think. Here are 12 simple ways to lower salt intake to help prevent heart problems down the road. American Heart Association Daily Salt Intake Recommendations [...]
If you’re overweight even by 30 pounds and think you’re healthy due to normal blood work, you still should lose weight because down the road, your excess fat may catch up to you and cause [...]
Is it when your fasting blood sugar gets over 100? Is it when your systolic blood pressure gets over 140? […]
Just because a plus size woman has normal blood sugar does NOT mean she is healthy. A blood sugar reading is not the only metric for good health in the body. However, many body positivity [...]
There’s more to being healthy than having normal blood sugar and pressure; obesity cannot be any healthier than is smoking. A clinically obese woman may be able to train for a 5K or go on [...]
At some point obesity has to be unhealthy despite claims by plus-size people that they are healthy. At what weight, then, does obesity go from being potentially healthy to always harmful? When very overweight people [...]
Obese women who claim they’re healthy because they have normal blood pressure and blood sugar need to know that obesity impairs protection against the flu. Of course, this applies to men as well. Normal blood [...]
Why do metabolic healthy obese people keep comparing themselves to “unhealthy thin” people when they should be comparing themselves to metabolically healthy THIN or straight-size people? “In this situation, one should compare oneself to the [...]
The body positive very overweight women need to stop pointing out that thin people have heart attacks in an attempt to validate obesity. This is like saying that smoking is okay because nonsmokers get lung [...]
A most weak defense by obese people who claim they’re healthy is when they point out deaths from marathon running. Obesity or being significantly overweight is a well-proven health hazard; you cannot be healthy and [...]
Anorexia nervosa is the name of a psychiatric disorder, a mental illness, but “obesity” can be the result of certain of psychiatric disorders. […]
It keeps happening: Overweight and obese women post comments in social media that they’re healthy — because their blood work is normal. […]
Every week a Facebook or Instagram image of a fat or overweight woman goes viral: The latest is an obese woman in a bikini standing beside her overweight very young daughter. […]