Can Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Cause Nasal Congestion ?
Laryngopharyngeal reflux, or “LPR,” is one of the most missed medical conditions, yet it can cause so many symptoms – including nasal congestion or sinusitis. […]
Laryngopharyngeal reflux, or “LPR,” is one of the most missed medical conditions, yet it can cause so many symptoms – including nasal congestion or sinusitis. […]
The potential causes of a swooshing noise inside the ear can be deadly. When someone begins noticing a “whooshing” sound in their ear, a brain tumor is often the first possible cause that comes to [...]
Fact is, there is nothing inherent about menopause that causes unpleasant vaginal odors. Some women have a tendency to immediately blame menopause when something goes awry with their body. Though menopause is associated with dozens [...]
Ever notice that women with thunder thighs don’t usually do leg presses, and the women who do a lot of leg presses have sleek firm thighs? Is this because women with thunder thighs avoid the [...]
Yes, it makes a BIG difference whether you eat whole eggs or egg whites after training to pack on muscle, even if the amount of protein in grams is identical. Study: Egg Yolks vs. Egg [...]
If you can sport a badass ponytail, then there’s NO such thing as a woman being too old to wear a ponytail! Check out the big fluffy ponytail below. The woman’s face told me she [...]
When yoga is compared to cardio (aerobic) exercise as part of heart disease treatment, which is better? Yoga and cardio exercise are both very beneficial forms of physical activity for healthy people as well as [...]
Since millions have undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnea, shouldn’t EVERYONE be screened for OSA, even if they don’t have daytime symptoms? […]
Is your sleep interrupted by the need to urinate, and a LOT of urine usually comes out, even if you avoid liquids for hours before bedtime? Sleep apnea could be the reason. Studies linking untreated [...]
HPV is highly contagious and can lead to numerous cancers including that of the penis. So if a man’s never had sex, could he still get infected with this common virus? […]
The sudden onset of sensitivity in one’s teeth can be caused by several uniquely different issues. […]
Eye pain has quite a few causes, including cancer. However, eye pain can also be caused by a cavity, believe it or not. Nevertheless, if you’re having seemingly unexplainable pain in an eye, you should [...]
Yes, a shot of Novocain can damage a nerve— but the bigger question is if this can be permanent. Is your upcoming visit to the dentist to have a cavity drilled out causing you to [...]
Excess sitting is dangerous in so many ways, but so is untreated sleep apnea. Which is worse for the body? Both can lead to heart disease and other ailments. Excessive sitting, which has been defined [...]
A small aneurysm seemingly ballooned in size and unexpectedly killed a woman. Violet (Sue) Livene Nelson, 80, collapsed in her home in Wokingham, Berkshire, England, in 2016. 2012 Diagnosis of Small Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm As [...]
The tongue may have a tingling or burning sensation for even much more than a few days following a root canal. This can be unsettling to patients, making them wonder if the tingling or burning [...]
Are your gums left bleeding after a deep cleaning from your dentist or hygienist? First off, do not be alarmed if a deep cleaning has left your gums bleeding. “Gums heal very quickly,” begins Laurence [...]
Ever notice that dental pains or aching teeth are more prominent at night when you’re in bed? Two Reasons Tooth Pain Is Worse at Night “A decayed tooth will hurt more at night for two [...]
Things can definitely go wrong in the healing process following molar removal, so it’s important to know how to tell whether the site is healing well or not. “As with any surgery, there's going to [...]
Are you concerned that your AHI keeps showing as two, three or four despite doing everything possible to ensure your CPAP is working right? It’s a fair question: Why don’t CPAP machines deliver an AHI [...]
Pneumonia and bronchitis are notorious for causing a lot of coughing, but does this cough differ between the two conditions? “It is important to begin by stating the differences between bronchitis and pneumonia,” says Angel [...]
When is heavy breathing benign and when is it serious? Are some people just “naturally” heavy breathers – or, does this necessarily signal a problem? “Heavy breathing is typically identified by an elevated rate of [...]
Exercise induced asthma (EIA) has several skilled mimickers. You should know what they are. “The classic symptoms of asthma include wheezing and shortness of breath,” says Angel Coz, MD, FCCP, board certified pulmonologist, Associate Professor [...]
Is it actually possible for a person with pneumonia to have only one symptom: coughing? “One of the hallmark symptoms of pneumonia is cough, but it is infrequently the only symptom,” says Angel Coz, MD, [...]
Exercise induced asthma, though seemingly well-controlled with an inhaler, can be deadly. This is why, if you’ve been diagnosed with EIA, you should never think, “Oops, forgot my inhaler; well, I could do without it [...]
Asthma and vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) are strikingly similar in symptom presentation, but one subtle difference can point much more to vocal cord dysfunction. […]
Is that chest tightness and shortness of breath from exercise induced asthma? OR is it angina, in which blood flow to the heart is reduced due to clogged arteries? The symptoms of angina and exercise [...]
Aortic dilatation, or dilation, refers to an enlarged portion of the aorta, the biggest blood vessel in the body that comes out of the heart. An aortic aneurysm, or a bulge in a section of [...]
There are quite a few causes for waking up every hour or so despite compliance with CPAP therapy. If this is happening to you, the obvious approach is to first identify if there are any [...]
You’re now on CPAP for the sleep apnea that’s been causing endless overnight trips to the john, but doggone it, you still suffer from nocturia. […]
You know that untreated sleep apnea can cause cardiovascular damage including heart disease and failure, but how long must OSA go untreated to cause these problems? […]
So you continuously worry that your negative mammogram missed cancer because you have dense breasts? […]
A “negative” CT scan for prostate cancer isn’t anything to get too hopeful about because a CT scan can actually miss prostate cancer. […]
Don’t be fooled that an early, slow growing prostate cancer is nothing to worry about and can’t be deadly. Don’t let the relative lack of publicity regarding prostate cancer trick you into believing that this [...]
You've gone 14 months without menstruating, when suddenly, you begin feeling crampy, bloated, and here comes the blood -- just like any period you've ever had. How can this be? Cancer is something that will [...]
No doctor will ever say that 15-year-old girls never get breast cancer. It’s actually possible for breast cancer to strike a 15-year-old girl. However, the likelihood of this occurring is so incredibly low that the [...]
Do your armpits get really stinky right before your period and you dread going to work and social situations? Even if you’ve managed to find a strong deodorant that actually masks this problem, having really [...]
Are you wakened at least twice during sleep by the urge to urinate and are wondering if menopause is the cause? […]
If you find that your breasts suddenly have an icy cold feeling, the thought of cancer may come to mind. Breast cancer can present with symptoms other than the classic lump. […]
Save yourself endless hours of online research about sleep apnea treatment and being overwhelmed; here’s what you need to know to effectively face head-on what you know is coming. […]