Why Diabetics Should Avoid Nutella: Healthy Alternatives
What’s up with all the hype about Nutella being a health food? This stuff is junk food and no good for diabetics. Don’t let the catchy funky name “Nutella” mislead you. […]
What’s up with all the hype about Nutella being a health food? This stuff is junk food and no good for diabetics. Don’t let the catchy funky name “Nutella” mislead you. […]
Excess body fat causes edema, but so does chronic heart failure. Here is a comparison in how this swelling looks on the body when it’s caused by either of these two common conditions. When a [...]
How is it that a person as young as 25 could have a baseline blood pressure that’s high, meaning at least 140 for the top number and over 90 for the bottom number? [...]
Good news for those with stiff backs and legs who are wondering if they could benefit from or even try yoga! Do not blow off yoga just because your back is as stiff as a [...]
An OBGYN was squatting at the gym the day she gave birth to her daughter and explains how to safely perform squats, deadlifts and lunges during pregnancy. The answer to “Can I do squats, deadlifts [...]
If it’s possible to go from CIN 1 to CIN 3 in 90 days, why aren’t all CIN 1 cases treated with LEEP? CIN 1 is precancer and has the potential to transform into a [...]
A “D & C” stands for dilation and curettage and is very useful at detecting uterine cancer, but some women are wondering if ovarian cancer as well can be detected by this procedure. [...]
If you’re a virgin and have CIN 1, and your doctor won’t believe you’re a virgin, it’s highly recommended that you find yourself a new doctor. That’s because virgins CAN get cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, which [...]
It’s now been shown that being “skinny fat” puts a woman at a higher risk of invasive breast cancer. This in part explains why “thin” women can get just as sick as full figured women. [...]
Belly fat may grow so quickly and stick out so much that you fear it’s actually ascites from ovarian cancer, but there are ways to tell the difference. “The diagnosis of ovarian cancer is extremely [...]
Are you down to only one cigarette a day and think you're off the hook from any harmful effects? Just how "light" a smoker can you be before this habit starts ruining your body? Some [...]
If your child’s been diagnosed with ADHD, you should first have a sleep study done on them before you start doling out the ADHD drugs. When adults don't get enough sleep, the most obvious symptom [...]
How is it that some will have acute heart failure with an ejection fraction of 15% and die, while others are quite alive with a much lower ejection fraction? I was inspired to write this [...]
Heart failure can cause liver failure AND kidney failure, but what are the odds that the liver and kidneys decide to fail at the exact same time? Is it more likely that heart failure injures [...]
Are you wondering if excess abdominal fluid, called ascites, can cause an already weak heart to be strained, leading to ADHF? And if so, would this be due to a mechanical type of pressure or [...]
A fully functioning patient with CHF who’s medically stable, although with chronic renal insufficiency, could have acute decompensated heart failure at any time. There are people with chronic heart failure who go dancing, bike riding, [...]
“For unknown reasons, some patients are able to tolerate very low ejection fraction without failure of other organs” including the kidneys, says Dr. Mark Pool, MD, a board-certified cardiothoracic surgeon based in TX who’s been [...]
There are several mechanisms by which you can suffer acute liver failure as a result of your chronic heart failure. The kidneys get virtually all of the attention in medical literature when it comes to [...]
Can ejection fraction suddenly get a lot worse (acute heart failure) without filling the lungs with fluid or causing peripheral edema? When people are hospitalized with acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF), is this commonly because [...]
I accidentally discovered a way to greatly blunt the spinach taste in a spinach smoothie despite loads of spinach in the blend! Recipes for spinach smoothies often call for small amounts of this green superfood [...]
Elderly people are notorious for walking very slowly, but this doesn’t mean it has to be so. Slow walking does NOT have to be a non-preventable effect of old age. Furthermore, the ability to RUN [...]
There’s all sorts of yummy hard candy out there, and being diabetic doesn’t mean you can never enjoy this kind of sweet food ever again. With all the types of hard candy sold at candy [...]
Sudden spikes in blood sugar overnight are something that diabetics don’t want to ever experience. Something like this happening – blood sugar soaring while you’re sound asleep and totally unaware – is a frightening thought. [...]
How high must that number on the glucose meter be in order for it to warrant a trip to the emergency room STAT? Should you zip to the emergency room if your blood sugar is [...]
One of the classic symptoms of untreated diabetes is the so-called excessive urination. […]
Believe it or not, walking on a treadmill may be the cause of your hip and butt pain, even the tingling that comes with it. At the epicenter of this problem is the piriformis muscle. [...]
When a person lately begins suffering from a lot of unexplained muscle twitching, they may try to convince themselves it’s low blood sugar because this diagnosis would sure beat a diagnosis of ALS. [...]
There are different ways that uncontrolled diabetes can make your body smell. And these odors are not the same, depending on where in your body they are coming from. Diabetes and Breath Smell “Breath can [...]
Under certain conditions, a blood sugar reading in the 200’s can damage the body’s organs. The longer that your glucose (blood sugar) remains very high, the more likely it will cause a lot of problems [...]
There are effective ways to train your biceps while seated, no matter what your physical condition. In fact, seated biceps curls will more effectively isolate this muscle group than will standing – as a general [...]
Many senior age men and women do back and arm strength training wrong. As a fitness expert, I like to point out that old age is never an excuse for poor form. […]
Excessive sitting is strongly associated with how much fat surrounds your organs. This is the most dangerous kind of fat, called visceral fat, and is waiting for anybody who spends a lot of time sitting. [...]
Never believe that congestive heart failure is a required part of getting old, because a study shows that exercise can help prevent this very common condition. […]
There are 10 pushup mistakes that many women make and don't even realize it. But they can be eliminated very easily. Here they are, in no particular order. Being too presumptive. A big mistake is [...]
Though rock wall climbing can be seen as a resistance workout, there can be a good cardio component to this kind of activity, depending on some factors. […]
If a woman had to choose just one type of strength training, should it be free weights or machines? After all, there are advantages – and disadvantages – to both approaches of resistance training. [...]
You need only a few minutes here and there throughout your busy day to burn fat; there's no such thing as not having time for fat-burning exercise. You need to know the correct technique. This [...]
Is your metabolism freaking slow and preventing you from losing weight despite your daily efforts? I’ll bet the farm that you have not tried the very exercises that will fire up your lethargic metabolism. [...]
You may already know that GERD can cause chest pain, but what about severe or intense pain, which can frighten people into thinking that their heart is in serious trouble? […]
Laryngopharyngeal reflux, or “LPR,” is one of the most missed medical conditions, yet it can cause so many symptoms – including nasal congestion or sinusitis. […]