Can a General Physician Read an EKG?
Just how well can a general practitioner interpret an EKG of your heart? This is a very fair question. After all, sooner or later, medical students will be shown how to read an EKG (also [...]
Just how well can a general practitioner interpret an EKG of your heart? This is a very fair question. After all, sooner or later, medical students will be shown how to read an EKG (also [...]
Are you unnerved by those studies showing a link between resting heart rates of 95 and all-cause mortality? Isn’t an RHR of 75 better than 95? […]
You don’t want to wait till you have spinal stenosis to wonder what kind of exercises could have possibly prevented it. Spinal stenosis tends to be progressive. In its severe form, the patient walks or [...]
Do you suffer from unexplained pain or aching in the shins? The origin of this problem could be in your lower back. Shins that hurt is a very common symptom, especially among runners. But people [...]
What exactly is a dermatoscope? First off, next time you see a dermatologist for a skin cancer screening, make sure the doctor is using a dermatoscope. Sometimes, a dermatoscope is incorrectly called a dermoscope. “Derma” [...]
Have you ever wondered if heart attacks always cause a loss of consciousness, even if for just a few moments? […]
If you’ve connected your chest pain to your deadlift routine—a definite cause and effect—yet experience no chest pain during other strenuous activities, this is very likely musculoskeletal in origin. If any pain or pressure in [...]
Sometimes, a hematoma (blood mass) in the thigh forms after cardiac ablation. “When we perform cardiac ablations we most commonly utilize the blood vessels in the groin,” says Michael Hoosien, MD, MSc, a cardiac electrophysiologist [...]
“There are a myriad of reasons someone might experience short-lived palpitations — or the sensation of the heart ‘racing,’” says Michael Hoosien, MD, MSc, a cardiac electrophysiologist with Piedmont Heart Hospital in Atlanta, GA. short [...]
If you’ve been feeling palpitations when your fingertips are against your neck, this can mean more than one situation internally. […]
If a teen’s mole is suspicious enough for a doctor to say, “It should be watched,” then why not just biopsy it in case it’s melanoma? Teens DO get melanoma. “Melanoma among adolescents and young [...]
What appears to be a big red pimple on a teen’s nose may actually be melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. […]
That line or stripe down a nail that’s melanoma isn’t always black or dark brown. It can be other colors, too, and it’s not always a stripe or line, either. Nail melanoma is also called [...]
It’s one thing to have a constant “whooshing” sound in one’s ear, but what does it mean when this happens only from exposure to loud noise? “Loud noise exposure is a trigger for tinnitus,” says [...]
There are seven ways you can boost your testosterone levels on your own without having to see a doctor. Maintaining a healthy testosterone level is crucial for optimal health and performance. Many men believe that [...]
That patch of yellowish overgrowth of skin that you think has been seborrheic dermatitis all this time may actually be actinic keratosis, a precancerous lesion. […]
The mole has been there since you could remember, when suddenly an edge of it has started to come away from the skin. […]
There is a period of time after an embryo transfer during which a woman should avoid swimming. This is why she should not schedule the embryo transfer in close proximity to a vacation during which [...]
Are you trying to get pregnant, need a CT scan of the pelvic area and are worried the radiation will damage the eggs in your ovaries? […]
The transitional form of sleep apnea is alarming and frightening, making people think they’ll need a CPAP machine for the rest of their life. […]
Perhaps you know that new-onset inverted nipples in a woman can signal breast cancer, but what’s going on when a baby is born with inverted nipples? […]
Do you find the shrieking loud speech habits of your preschooler getting harder to tolerate with each passing day? You do not have to put up with this. […]
Just how likely can a two year old ever get skin cancer of the non-melanoma type? The two types that are strongly associated with sunlight exposure are squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma. [...]
If your baby gets hit in the head and briefly passes out, yet there are no other symptoms once the baby comes back around, this is a situation that should never be blown off. So [...]
You may be trying to conceive (TTC) for such a very long time without success, and begin to wonder if your own dog is the cause of your infertility. […]
When a woman experiences what she believes to be painful ovulation, she may wonder if this means that an egg has been released from an ovary. […]
Sudden abdominal cramping during a pregnancy can be quite alarming, as this can make a woman fear that she’s having a miscarriage. Many expectant women want to know if a miscarriage will necessarily cause cramping [...]
You’re older, you have no kids but desperately want a baby, but you’ve been told to lose a lot of weight before you can have IVF. By the time you lose the weight, you fear [...]
Dark vaginal discharge means the presence of blood, a frightening occurrence since bleeding between periods can mean cancer. Infertility as a possible cause may spring into the minds of some women. What else besides uterine [...]
There’s a difference between heavy lifting on the job and heavy lifting at the gym when it comes to risk of miscarriage. […]
There are two kinds of cancer that radioactivity most commonly causes, especially in children and young adults. A CAT scan emits more radiation than any other imaging modality. […]
When a child has recurring nosebleeds from only one nostril, this can be from leukemia, lymphoma or a cancer inside the sinus cavity. […]
If you have trouble breathing when lying on your right side only, don’t let that diffuse the situation: It’s cause for concern and you need to see a doctor. […]
Because the cells of benign, slow-growing brain tumors divide slowly, the shrinkage effect of targeted radiation can take three years to show significant reduction in tumor size. If you’ve been diagnosed with an [...]
LPR is often a chronic problem that many people suffer with, but sudden acute anxiety or stress can also fire up the stomach acid and cause LPR. LPR stands for laryngopharyngeal reflux disease. It’s also [...]
Many different cancers can cause you to have a swollen feeling or lumpy sensation in the throat, even if you’ve never smoked or drank. But there’s more to this than you’re probably thinking. [...]
You aren’t imagining it: If you think your mouth tastes salty or metallic from your acoustic neuroma surgery, you’re correct. […]
In most cases, hearing a thumping sound in your ear that’s in rhythm with your heartbeat during exercise is benign. However, there are serious causes that need to be ruled out. […]
Do you smell the stink of dirty feet but there’s no dirty feet or socks around? Why does it seem that everything smells like dirty socks or feet? […]
The twist on this is the accompanying burning throat that comes with waking up in the middle of the night struggling to breathe. Usually when someone awakens gasping for breath, that’s their only symptom. [...]