Depressed or Have Anxiety? Pick up Weights for Treatment
Strength training, aka lifting weights or resistance exercise, has been shown in numerous studies to be effective at combating depression and anxiety. […]
Strength training, aka lifting weights or resistance exercise, has been shown in numerous studies to be effective at combating depression and anxiety. […]
Once a woman is diagnosed with only bone mets from breast cancer, does this mean the beginning of the end? […]
Can an autistic person have a “normal” level of interest in a topic? […]
For years I thought these 5 autism traits were normal until I began researching ASD and got my official diagnosis. Or almost normal. […]
Is it worth it to get in 10,000 steps a day? Just exactly how can this benefit your body? And how do you get 10,000 steps a day? […]
Even if you do vigorous exercise, excessive sitting raises mortality risk significantly, says a study on older women. […]
Absolutely ridiculous: the volume level of music at indoor trampoline parks. […]
Breast cancer can spread to the brain; why aren’t brain scans a standard part of lifelong surveillance? […]
Before you reach for that sleeping pill, you may want to add some light exercise in the evening to help you sleep better. […]
HIIT boosts cognitive skills in older adults — and the improvement keeps going even if the exercise stops. […]
Let’s get this straightened out once and for all: Is “learning disability” a part of ASD? Does autism cause learning disabilities? […]
Autistic people have empathy. We just express it differently. It’s the psychopath who lacks empathy. […]
I’ve written extensive content on hands-free treadmill use. Here’s a simple analysis of what went wrong when the woman fell off a treadmill and died. […]
Political correctness has leapt overboard with “developmental delay.” […]
The terms “dad bod” and “skinny fat” have been used to refer to a particular kind of physique in men – though skinny fat can also be applied to women. […]
The popularization of the “dad bod” is based on how this physique suggests Dad is involved in his kids’ lives. […]
Journalists, reporters and other media need to stop saying “suffers from autism” when referring to an autistic person. […]
How do you distinguish stimming in autism from the repetitive movements of OCD, especially OCD in someone without autism? […]
Here’s how to do walking correctly to help reduce your nagging low back pain. […]
With repetitive jumping exercises such as jumping rope, box jumps or other plyometrics, the burning in your calves can be the very first thing that forces you to stop the activity. […]
Seems like every patient on “My 600 Pound Life” has at least two tiny dogs. […]
Don’t assume a nonverbal or non-conversational autistic person can’t read or can’t learn to read. Parents need to take the bull by the horns. […]
Many fat women believe they’d feel vulnerable and unwelcome at a gym. […]
The kickass ponytail stopped me in my tracks; it was on an old man at the grocery store, and there’s a sad story behind it. […]
So it isn’t just autistic people who can have issues with eye contact. Neurotypicals, too, have been known to struggle with eye contact, but why? As an autistic woman, I was inspired to write about [...]
You just learned your son-in-law was diagnosed with autism. What’s your next step? How should you feel and think about this? […]
Several factors contribute to why some individuals with high functioning ASD may struggle with independence, despite their high intellectual abilities. […]
There are several reasons why exercising alone, if you’re older, can result in a much more effective result for your body. […]
Many people, seemingly the majority of the population, do absolutely no cardio exercise. […]
The BMI (body mass index) is a widely used measure of obesity in children and teens. […]
While around 800 million people worldwide face chronic hunger from food shortages, just how many people in the world are obese? […]
Here are eight gym errors made by the 65+ crowd, both men and women, plus tips to avoid these mistakes. […]
The term “skinny fat” has gained traction to describe a body composition where one appears trim but with a higher percentage of body fat. […]
A fat body is more unattainable than a thin body. A fat body is more unrealistic to achieve than a thin body. […]
Ever wonder if crackers can make you gain fat? […]
If you’re at least 100 lbs. overweight (morbidly obese), here are 10 exercises that you should avoid, because gravity is a real thing. […]
You’ve been hitting the gym for six months now, yet your clothes aren’t any looser and your weight’s about the same. […]
Weightlifting, often associated with building muscle mass, has sparked concerns among morbidly obese women about the potential for bulking up and getting bigger. […]
Discovering an autism diagnosis later in life can be a profound and transformative experience. […]
Ever notice how your appetite seems to go through the roof the day after you hit your back muscles hard? […]