Benefits of Having a Shy Child: Nothing Is Broken!
Trying to “fix” your child’s shyness may cause more harm than good. I recently read in an advice column of a woman who complained that her husband would make his child sit in the laps [...]
Trying to “fix” your child’s shyness may cause more harm than good. I recently read in an advice column of a woman who complained that her husband would make his child sit in the laps [...]
If bilirubin has been found in your urine, is there ANY reassurance that this might have a benign cause? “Bilirubin is not normally found in the urine,” says Akram Alashari, MD, a trauma surgeon at [...]
Have you had your gallbladder removed and are now experiencing strange, funny sounds that seem to be originating from your stomach? “I am unaware of this condition. Have not read about it or seen it [...]
Wondering if your gallbladder pain warrants the removal of this organ even though you don’t have gallstones? “Gallbladder dyskinesia [impairment of movement] is a motility disorder that affects the gallbladder,” explains Akram Alashari, MD, a [...]
Are you suffering from back pain post-gallbladder removal and are wondering what’s causing this and what can be done about it? “It is not unusual for people who have had laparoscopic cholecystectomy [gallbladder removal] to [...]
Can stem cell therapy work on a knee that’s had a total replacement? An orthopedic surgeon who also uses stem cell treatments was asked this question by me, at his seminar, regarding my father who [...]
Are you noticing that the cyst under your arm seems to disappear, then return, back and forth? What’s really going on? The cyst “can get enlarged and inflamed at times and make it feel as [...]
Sudden attacks of itching all over the body with a rash can mean one of several serious conditions. What appears to be a rash may also be termed as “hives.” “Paroxysms of pruritus (episodes of [...]
Should you panic and fear melanoma if a flat mole quickly becomes elevated to pencil eraser height? I read in a skin care forum of a woman who was very worried about melanoma because one [...]
Itchy armpits can drive you crazy. And the more you scratch them, the itchier they get. The area under the arm may even begin feeling rather painful. One possible cause -- something that may not [...]
Muscle twitching is quite a popular topic, but not one you'll hear a lot about at the water cooler. In cyberspace, twitching muscles are discussed quite prominently, because muscle twitching, though extremely common, is also [...]
Is it just imaginary, or does running really increase your need to take a leak? Have you ever noticed that you seem to have to urinate more when you’re running, whether it’s outdoors or on [...]
Why are people told to “just tune out” annoying sounds, but these very same critics don’t feel this way when something begins stinking really bad? How many times have you complained about a noise and [...]
“Both herniated disc and tumors can present with symptoms that are consistent with the nerve compression,” says Charles Park, MD, Director of The Minimally Invasive Brain and Spine Center at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore. [...]
A neurosurgeon says there is one distinguishing feature between a migraine headache and chronic subdural hematoma head pain. Chances are, if you have a chronic subdural hematoma, you might remember in your recent history getting [...]
A chronic subdural hematoma is a gradual brain bleed that's common in the elderly. Can exercise bring this on, being that sometimes exercise involves jarring or erratic movements? Perhaps you know that a whiplash-type movement [...]
Can young adults get a chronic subdural hematoma from head trauma? “It's possible but not likely,” says neurosurgeon Charles Park, MD, Director of The Minimally Invasive Brain and Spine Center at Mercy Medical Center in [...]
Even young athletes can suffer from a herniated disc; it’s not just for older couch potatoes. Charles Park, MD, neurosurgeon, Director of The Minimally Invasive Brain and Spine Center at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, [...]
Breast cancer is linked to prolonged periods of sitting done most days of the week. For this study, other variables were adjusted for like physical activity and body mass index, and the results still came [...]
The guidelines for bench pressing with a thoracic aortic aneurysm are not encouraging. If you found this article, you’ve probably been diagnosed, or know someone who has, with a thoracic aortic aneurysm—and know exactly what [...]
Just how painful can pronator teres syndrome be? This condition is much under-publicized, and its symptoms can mimic carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Any condition that involves a nerve can cause pain. Pronator teres syndrome involves [...]
Jonathan Oheb, MD, compares the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome with pronator teres syndrome. “Whereas carpal tunnel syndrome is compression of the median nerve at the wrist, pronator syndrome is median nerve compression at the [...]
Dr. Jonathan Oheb provides solutions for when the pain of pronator teres syndrome strikes. Pronator teres syndrome is characterized by compression of the median nerve as it travels through the forearm, typically at the level [...]
There are two explanations for pain persisting after carpal tunnel release. What is a carpal tunnel release? The median nerve and tendons pass through a narrow passageway in the wrist: the carpal tunnel, formed at [...]
If you’re having only one bowel movement a week, this can mean an obstruction, says gastroenterologist Sander R. Binderow, MD. “It is important to also ask patients if they are passing gas if they have [...]
Huge mistake if you think your housework magically replaces the physical therapy you’ve been prescribed for a herniated disc. You’ve been diagnosed with a herniated disc. You had a session of physical therapy with a [...]
A spine doctor has bad news for those with a herniated disc who spend lots of time lying around, even if they do therapy exercises. So you have a herniated disc and it hurts like [...]
A doctor explains the safety of an epidural injection for the elderly patient including those with heart disease. You may also be wondering if this procedure is done under general anesthesia (to guarantee the patient [...]
Here’s what a gastroenterologist says about having one bowel movement every three days. Some people have been led to believe that we “should” have one bowel movement every day—that it’s not normal to skip a [...]
Just what is meant by “tarry” stools, and is texture important as a sign of colon cancer? How often have you read that “tarry” stools are serious cause for concern and warrant a prompt visit [...]
So many people are scared of seeing the so-called pencil-thin stools—even if the day before, their bowel movements were thick or fat. “The reason that a stool changes from wide and then thin can be [...]
A headache expert describes the difference between ruptured aneurysm head pain and that from an acute subdural hematoma. “Headaches related to ruptured aneurysm can be difficult to distinguish from that of a subdural hematoma,” says [...]
A neurologist answers the question of “Can you die directly from MS?” Anyone who has ever known someone who was suffering from multiple sclerosis may wonder if this autoimmune disease can actually be fatal. Some [...]
Many people wonder if twitching muscles might be an early symptom of multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that can render a person bedridden and comes with an assortment of possible symptoms. "Twitching [...]
We all have struggles, and many people wish their biggest problems were finding jeans that are long enough and trying to squeeze into an airplane seat. Meanwhile, I’ve always wished I were six feet, and [...]
Do twitching muscles have you terrified of ALS? Then you need tons of reassurance, and I have it for you: a collection of the best muscle twitching articles that cover everything imaginable to help you through [...]
Chest pain with painful swallowing can mean a number of things including heart attack in progress, heart attack in the near future and benign esophageal spasms. About 200,000 people in the U.S. every year suffer [...]
A cardiologist explains how many whole eggs you can confidently eat in a single day. Is it unhealthy to eat five whole eggs a day? Bodybuilders swear by eating lots of whole eggs, but what [...]
“Many patients note heart palpitations after meals,” says Chester M. Hedgepeth, III, MD, PhD, Executive Chief of Cardiology at Care New England. “The most common reason for this is dietary caffeine intake during mealtime which [...]
Acid reflux or GERD can cause chest tightness, but how does this compare to that caused by a heart attack or angina? “GERD is a disease where the esophagus is exposed to abnormal amounts of [...]