Eight Things to Know Before Your Autism Assessment
Don’t let these eight things to know before your ASD assessment end up as “Things I WISH I’d known before my autism assessment.” […]
Don’t let these eight things to know before your ASD assessment end up as “Things I WISH I’d known before my autism assessment.” […]
If you’re doubting your ASD diagnosis wondering if you’re just a broken person, here’s the autism traits that childhood trauma can’t cause. […]
Many people 65+ walk fast on a treadmill while tightly holding on, but a slower walk with your hands FREE is significantly better for the older body in many ways. […]
Is it possible for a really bad looking or “ugly” melanoma to still be early stage, in situ and very thin? […]
You’ve read that “satellite” spots around a mole is a sign suspicious for melanoma. […]
What are the odds of two moles at the same time turning into melanoma? […]
If you have a basal cell carcinoma on the back of your ear, here’s what to expect. […]
Do you have tattoos and are worried that if you ever get melanoma under the ink, the ink will make it spread or quicken the spreading? […]
Teens with Level 1 (“mild”) autism give their parents LESS grief than do neurotypical or so-called normal teenagers! Don’t feel sorry for these parents. […]
Here are real-life examples of autistic circumscribed interests. A circumscribed or “narrowed” interest is very rarely found in neurotypical people. […]
An autism and ADHD friendly martial arts school in Denver Metro is co-owned by an autistic black belt who knows firsthand how autistic people think and see the world. […]
Is your snapping hip syndrome finally on the mend, and you’re wondering what exercises can help prevent it from coming back? […]
If you have or had snapping hip syndrome, you’ll want to know the five exercises to avoid to keep it from getting worse or help prevent a recurrence of this tendonitis. The inflammation typically involves [...]
An AC joint sprain is every gym goer’s nightmare. […]
Autistic teens need to spend less time playing videogames and more time strength training with weights – including girls. […]
Rylee was diagnosed autistic at seven. She loves the deadlift exercise and explains how beneficial this is to her mental and emotional wellbeing. […]
In a YouTube video Isaac Butterfield challenges why there are so many adult autism diagnoses these days. […]
Is it at all possible to see a brain tumor from the outside of one’s head or even elsewhere? […]
When a brain tumor shows on a scan, how much time usually passes before a doctor calls the patient? […]
Bouldering is a form of climbing that can be done indoors at gyms dedicated to bouldering; no rope or harness required. Autistic kids will benefit tremendously from bouldering. […]
Ashley’s heavy autistic masking since childhood has shielded her true authentic self even from her own parents. She explains how this dual life works. […]
Jess began karate at age 5; by 12 she had her black belt. […]
Are you autistic, unemployed or have little money and wondering how to get started with an exercise program? You have a built-in gym: your body. […]
A severely autistic person’s heart stops beating; they have a “near death” experience. […]
The autistic community is divided with the term “special interest.” […]
I’m autistic and one of my biggest obsessions ever was that of wood chippers. […]
Have we not had enough of thinner influencers thinking they’re on to something revolutionary by leaning forward to make fake belly rolls and then telling people even thin bodies have rolls of “fat”? [...]
Ariadne eloquently describes the difference between her severe childhood trauma and the way her innate autism affects how she processes and sees the world. […]
If your young child was diagnosed with autism and you keep this a secret from them, it can cause a lot of harm. An autistic woman to whom this happened explains why. A child psychiatrist [...]
As an autistic and ADHD person with co-occurring chronic health conditions, my having to deal with the bureaucracy of healthcare can be overwhelming and disabling. […]
Can an autistic adult bang or hit their head hard enough to trigger a brain bleed? […]
If you suspect autism but then read these autistic traits, you might end up swearing you’re not autistic even though you really are. […]
When an autistic person requires “low support needs,” does this mean the so-called accommodations? […]
You have a right to oppose Taxotere to avoid permanently losing your hair. A woman who’s about to undergo breast cancer treatment may be fully aware that a very small percentage of patients who receive [...]
If a tiny glioblastoma multiforme is spotted incidentally on a head CT for a different reason, could the patient be cured? […]
It’s impossible not to notice if your urine has an odd or stronger than usual smell. […]
A dentist explains three surprising reasons why you continue feeling food stuck between your teeth despite repeated flossing and not being able to locate the food with a fingernail. […]
Is repeatedly clicking your teeth throughout the day one of your autistic stims and you’re wondering if over time, this could damage your teeth or bite alignment? […]
“Maybe she has cancer,” you might hear when commenting how thin a woman is and assuming she has an eating disorder. Is it cancer or anorexia nervosa? […]
Here are 10 common symptoms that you’d never think could be caused by cancer, but they can be. […]