Autism Spectrum: How a Special Interest Obsession Develops
Just exactly how do hyperfixations in autism spectrum disorder arise in the first place? Are they foreseeable? Or do special interests “just happen”? […]
Just exactly how do hyperfixations in autism spectrum disorder arise in the first place? Are they foreseeable? Or do special interests “just happen”? […]
What are the pros and cons of sled workouts for obese, even morbidly, individuals? […]
My experience after getting the second booster shot to protect against COVID-19. […]
I want you to see me as confident and self-assured, and the Alpha part of my brain overrides the Autistic part when it comes to eye contact. […]
When I, an autistic woman, do “small talk,” the recipient may end up learning about ancient alien theory or why holding onto a treadmill sabotages the workout. […]
Do you ever have scruffy looking poops? Their texture may even resemble an old paint roller. […]
If one day you notice that the pile of stools in the toilet bowl are a much lighter shade of brown than usual, maybe even tan in color, this could be unnerving. […]
Your poops appear unusually dark one day. Really dark. But you didn’t eat a bag of Oreos or licorice. […]
Why would only mucus be passed through the anus? Might this be caused by colon cancer or even some other serious condition? […]
The dangers of obesity include how it will compromise the effectiveness of a CT scan. This could mean a missed cancerous tumor, among other missed pathology. […]
Are there medical conditions that an MRI would make difficult to see if the patient were obese? How much fat can interfere with an MRI image? […]
There are quirky neurotypicals. There are non-autistic people who have what would be considered autistic traits. […]
Have you read that the life expectancy of Autistics is really low, even for only Level 1 autism? […]
Just how quickly can autism be determined during an assessment? It there a minimal time? How long should the evaluation be? Does length = efficiency? I was inspired to cover this topic after a man [...]
Your preschool boy isn’t talking yet; a relative asks if he’s been checked for autism. You say “Yes, he doesn’t have autism.” But COULD he? […]
Is it really true that there’s no disease that only fat people get? And if so, does this mean that the dangers of obesity should be downplayed? […]
Could a “false negative” actually result from a scan of the abdominal aorta, missing an aneurysm of this large vessel? […]
Should majority mean normal? What if 98% of people were autistic? Would the neurotypicals be the “disabled” ones, struggling to fit in, hiding NT traits? […]
Isn’t it odd that rocking in autism is considered socially unacceptable, yet these same critics endorse rocking babies and toddlers in all sorts of ways. […]
Also known as the “Aspie stare,” this doesn’t mean we’re having some kind of abnormal mental situation. […]
A thought experiment: curing autism in those who have it, rather than prevention in the future. What would people be like with their autism removed? […]
The symptoms of prostate cancer and kidney stones overlap quite a bit. But are there any symptoms that are not shared by these two conditions? […]
Are your hands and fingers tremoring after you handled a weed snipper? […]
Has your “side split” become so narrow that it hurts to get into a car due to the upper leg positioning? I solved this problem in five days. […]
These parents of two autistic boys believe in giving them the tools to manage a neurotypical world instead of teaching them that the world owes accommodations. […]
Can an autistic individual actually be more self-sufficient and independent than a well-grounded neurotypical person? […]
It’s legal to pay challenged people less than minimum wage simply because of their challenge, regardless of skill level on a job that normally pays more. […]
It’s time to stop blaming an epidemic of morbid obesity on a tiny gland in the neck. […]
Are you in agony and struggling to fall asleep after having a Renuvion and liposuction treatment of your neck and face? […]
Are you struggling to chew and manipulate food in your mouth hours after you had Renuvion and liposuction for your lower face? […]
If you try to walk with “good posture” holding onto a treadmill, this is still bad for the spine – even if your posture seems to be perfect throughout the entire session. “Holding onto guardrails [...]
Are there medical specialties, once a doctor has completed their training, that will never involve viewing anything “gross”? […]
Based on content of autistic writers, it seems that executive dysfunction automatically comes with ASD. […]
Have you been told you can’t be autistic because you have good eye contact? Was your child denied an ASD diagnosis because they looked the evaluator in the eye? […]
There’s much content by autistic people about how crucial masking is for “surviving” in a neurotypical world, but do ALL autistic people mask? […]
You know that an autistic person can be misdiagnosed with something else, but what about the reverse: a neurotypical being misdiagnosed with autism? […]
The stories in the cookbook are packed with ways that the neurodiverse students benefit! […]
CBVA = Calgary Beach Volleyball Association. We have been a not-for-profit since 1992. […]
Could prostate cancer be a possible cause of pain in only one testicle, plus the groin and thigh on that same side? […]
Looking for loyal, hardworking, detail-oriented employees? Hire autistic people. They’ll bring high productivity to your company in a variety of positions. […]