Does Your Personal Trainer Stand By As You Hold to a Treadmill?
Does your personal trainer stand at your side while you’re holding onto a treadmill, saying nothing about this mistake and instead just watching you make-believe walk? […]
Does your personal trainer stand at your side while you’re holding onto a treadmill, saying nothing about this mistake and instead just watching you make-believe walk? […]
Many people 65+ walk fast on a treadmill while tightly holding on, but a slower walk with your hands FREE is significantly better for the older body in many ways. […]
Do your wrists always hurt during or after using a treadmill? […]
How does gripping the front bar and pushing your feet out hard behind you compare to regular walking without holding onto the treadmill? […]
People think they get a novel workout by walking backwards on a treadmill while leaning their back into the front bar! This is worthless and here’s why. […]
Do the majority of people who hold onto a treadmill when walking have a physical disability? Or is this merely a bad habit from ignorance? […]
If you try to walk with “good posture” holding onto a treadmill, this is still bad for the spine – even if your posture seems to be perfect throughout the entire session. “Holding onto guardrails [...]
Treadmills these days come with all sorts of viewing screens, ranging from Netflix to interactive training. Should you hold on while viewing? […]
If you’re very plus size and trying to achieve goals by walking on a treadmill, did you know that holding on will interfere with your goals? […]
Are you trying to lose weight by taking medium or even brisk paced walks after dinner? How well is this working for your weight loss goals? If not much weight is coming off, here are [...]
What’s the difference between holding onto a treadmill while walking and pushing a stroller? Are these two activities one and the same? […]
How much must a woman walk every week to reduce her risk of stroke? […]
There are 10 super ways to make your walking sessions more intense -- and you probably never even considered some of them -- but they truly do work to melt fat and greatly improve heart [...]
Does your hip hurt ONLY when you walk on a treadmill? […]
Do you find that after carrying groceries into your home, your heart is racing and you’re out of breath? […]
It’s easy to say that the cause of low back ache after hiking is due to being “out of shape.” But incorrect use of a treadmill can be a contributing factor. […]
One of the biggest exercise mistakes, if not THE biggest, is that of holding onto a treadmill – a very bad habit done by able-bodied men and women including those in their 20s. [...]
If you hold onto the side of a treadmill when walking, are you aware this mimics using a walker? You’re training to use a WALKER when you hold onto a treadmill! […]
Holding onto the side rails of a treadmill is bad enough, but it’s even worse if your hands are behind you. This totally warps the body’s natural walking gait. […]
Do you hold onto the bar in front when you run on a treadmill? Stop this. It’s giving you a false sense of accomplishment and will never carry over to outdoor or court running. [...]
If you see everyone in your group treadmill class holding onto the machine, does this mean you should too? The answer is NO. Absolutely NOT. […]
If you want the most out of a treadmill workout, then holding it with one hand and switching off with the other is NOT a smart way to walk or jog. […]
The treadmill is an inviting piece of exercise equipment for plus size men and women, and it can work wonders – but only if it’s used correctly. I’ve been a personal trainer and lifelong fitness [...]
What’s the point of doing a side shuffle on a treadmill if you’re holding onto the rail? Why do able-bodied people feel they must hold on just because they’re walking sideways? […]
Many women want a bigger butt and would rather get one by walking on a treadmill and leaning way forward while holding on than by intense weight training. […]
Who’d ever think that walking on a treadmill can cause stress fractures to the feet, but it actually can. Does this mean that if you’ve never had a stress fracture in your foot, that you [...]
Walking on an inclined treadmill can cause shin splints, but there are several solutions to this problem. First off, don’t assume that incline walking is not impacting enough to cause shin splints. You need not [...]
The treadmill is a great piece of equipment for weight loss and gaining fitness, yet why for some people don’t they see ANY results? Well, just because exercise equipment can work wonders for weight loss [...]
Where did older men and women get the idea that the proper way to use a treadmill is to hold onto the bar in front and then hunch over as they pseudo-walk? […]
When the Treadclimber is compared to a high incline treadmill, it's pretty difficult to determine which one actually works better -- and then that depends on the user's goals. It also depends on how much the [...]
If you’re recovering great from your double hip replacement and walking well without assistance, here are smart treadmill guidelines from a surgeon, even if you’ve never before used a treadmill. […]
There’s basically one reason why you feel off balance after stepping off the treadmill, but there’s more than one solution to this benign problem. First of all, when I was a personal trainer at a [...]
It’s entirely possible to do a blistering HIIT workout on a treadmill without having to worry about time being used to switch the speed settings. Having to switch the speed settings will NOT interfere with [...]
I hope you aren’t unwise enough to don the weighted backpack, jack up the treadmill incline, then HOLD ON as you “walk,” thinking you’re preparing yourself for a backcountry hike! I couldn’t believe what I [...]
Are there any benefits or training effect if you death grip a treadmill while “walking” 5 mph at 15 percent incline? First off, you’re setting your hips up for injury. When I was a personal [...]
Are you now fully recovered from your total knee replacement surgery and are interested in taking up jogging for aerobic exercise? There is a strong likelihood that you, as a total knee replacement patient, were [...]
How does a slow jog compare to a regular jog when it comes to fitness and calories burned? […]
Do you do the “shoulder bob” while you hold onto the treadmill when walking? Have you noticed a mysterious shoulder pain recently that seems to have no cause? […]
Are you morbidly obese and hold onto the treadmill for your walks? Stop doing this. It will sabotage your efforts to lose weight. […]
Ever wonder what that fine line is when a walking speed on a treadmill should transition to jogging? Just HOW fast should someone walk on a treadmill? Walking, either on a treadmill or outdoors, is [...]