Headache from Reading vs. from Aneurysm, Tumor, Brain Bleed
Just why can reading sometimes cause you to suffer a headache? Can it be an aneurysm, brain bleed or tumor that just happens to occur when reading? […]
Just why can reading sometimes cause you to suffer a headache? Can it be an aneurysm, brain bleed or tumor that just happens to occur when reading? […]
Are you hoping that your unexplained headaches are caused by sore neck muscles rather than something more serious like a pinched nerve or brain tumor? Headaches can be caused by a vast number of conditions [...]
Do you suffer from ear, neck or head pain that many doctors can’t seem to diagnose? There’s a sly condition often missed by doctors that just might be causing your suffering. […]
If you’ve been waking up every morning with a headache, this is less likely from a brain tumor and more likely from your brain not getting enough oxygen. […]
Headaches have so many causes, from neck strain and sinus infections to brain tumors and aneurysms. But what about wisdom teeth? […]
Headaches come in many flavors. A pinched nerve in the neck can cause pain in the head -- and usually, it's a certain kind of pain. “A pinched nerve high in the cervical spine (e.g., [...]
Isn’t it wonderful when your tinnitus magically goes away overnight? Unfortunately, it comes back to rattle you all throughout your waking moments. […]
A constant headache plus ongoing pressure behind an eye would be an emergency situation under certain circumstances, while under others would be less serious. […]
Have you been told by a dentist that your headaches are from TMJ? What has your dentist done to rule out a brain tumor? misdiagnosed “There are many different kinds of headaches, but TMJ headaches [...]
Is it safe to train with weights on a headache you got before the workout, and how about if the headache develops while you’re strength training? Some Headaches Mean Danger While Others Are Harmless “Headaches [...]
If you’re been suffering from blackouts, headaches and hearing your heartbeat in your ear, this could mean a serious brain condition. In fact, just one of these symptoms can be caused by something serious affecting [...]
Do you feel headache pain whether you move your eyes right, left, up or down? Under certain circumstances this can mean an emergency situation. […]
If you have a headache after wisdom teeth extraction, does this mean that the removal of the wisdom teeth caused the headache? Headaches have many potential causes. So it’s natural to wonder if recent surgery [...]
Waking up with morning headaches can mean a brain tumor or sleep apnea. This is because when headaches are caused by these two conditions, they typically are present as the patient wakes up for the [...]
Suffering from intense pain in the back or other part of the head during or after you complete barbell squats? This could be serious. First off, if you get a sudden headache in the middle [...]
If you’re wondering if a 24/7 headache can be caused by a brain tumor, the answer is yes, but there are four other leading causes of a headache that just won’t go away. If you’ve [...]
OW! Did you just get another one of those sudden sharp stabbing pains in a specific area of your head? Was it enough to make you stop whatever it was you were doing? [...]
A headache from a sinus problem can hurt as much as one from a brain tumor. Headaches from sinus issues, however, are very significantly more common than those caused by a brain tumor. If you've [...]
Have you been noticing a very gradual onset of mild headache that gets worse into the evening, but never gets past a level 5 on a 1 to 10 pain scale, and in fact, is [...]
Is it possible that a headache can be the only symptom of a transient ischemic attack (TIA, mini-stroke)? Let's say the headache even lasts just a few minutes. What are the odds that this could [...]
That occasional tender spot on your head can have different causes other than trauma or injury. “It’s happened to most of us,” begins Marc I. Leavey, MD, a primary care physician with 40-plus years of [...]
Here are two causes of a chronic daily headache that should not be overlooked, but often are: nerve entrapment and TMJ disorder. If you experience a headache more than 15 days a month, this is [...]
A medical doctor answers what may cause scalp tenderness above the ear. Many people want to know what might cause tenderness or soreness, even pain, on or in their scalp above the ear. “In terms [...]
Yes, there tends to be differences in symptoms of chronic subdural hematoma in young patients vs. elderly. A report in the journal Injury points out differences in symptom presentation of chronic subdural hematoma in young [...]
Not only can sore neck muscles from working out with weights cause a headache, but don’t underestimate what bad sitting posture can do, either. A headache can be an alarming symptom, but remember, the head [...]
Find out how likely a sudden severe headache might be a TIA: transient ischemic attack. If you get a sudden severe headache, you might wonder if this might be a transient ischemic attack (TIA). A [...]
Often, a ruptured brain aneurysm means quick death, and if not, permanent brain damage. But these burst blood vessels do not always have to be lethal. Surviving a Ruptured Brain Aneurysm “The sooner the presence [...]
Could a brain aneurysm slowly leak or bleed for a few weeks before rupturing? To find out if a brain aneurysm could slowly bleed or leak over a period of up to three weeks before [...]
“The sphenoid sinus can be affected by an acute bacterial infection, chronic inflammation or a cyst or a polyp,” says Dr. Stacey Silvers, MD, of Madison ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery in NYC, who is board certified [...]
All kinds of things can cause a headache, but what about the trigeminal nerve which is in the nasal passages (sinuses)? Can this nerve cause a referral type of pain into the head? “Trigeminal nerve [...]
A negative CT (CAT) scan after hitting your head doesn’t guarantee that bleeding in the brain won’t eventually result. It still might, and when it does, it’s called chronic subdural hematoma (cSDH). This happened to [...]
A chronic subdural hematoma is a very slow bleeding in the brain. Just when you thought you were in the clear for having a brain injury, this kind of bleeding could rear its ugly head. [...]
You may need to really be on the ball to catch the early symptoms or signs of a recurring chronic subdural hematoma. These new-onset symptoms won't necessarily be the same as the original ones. The [...]
Is it possible for a chronic subdural hematoma to be fatal, being that the bleeding in the brain is slow? Chronic subdural hematoma, unlike the acute (rapid bleeding) version, gives the patient plenty of time [...]
Does your very bad headache have you fearing you have a brain tumor? Does the pain make you think it could only be from a brain tumor? Though the only way to rule out a [...]
How can you tell if that sudden, alarming headache is an aneurysm headache? Can a headache hurt really bad and still be normal? Does an aneurysm headache feel different than a normal, regular headache? If [...]
How to stop fearing that your headache means a brain tumor... Is that throbbing headache making you think you might have a brain tumor? Many people will fear a brain tumor when they get a [...]
Migraine headaches can really mess up your sleep, but there's good news: Specific things you can do to finally get a good night’s sleep. “Migraine headaches can happen at any time of the day or night,” [...]
Is there a difference between brain tumor headaches and normal headaches? Answers to brain tumor headache questions you could never find are now right here. I asked an expert questions about brain tumor headaches that [...]