Do Long Femurs Interfere with Tire Flipping Workouts ?
Long femurs are just as lousy for tire flipping as they are for back squatting. […]
Long femurs are just as lousy for tire flipping as they are for back squatting. […]
Crunches are worthless if you’re fat, obese or have a huge belly. […]
Do you know the ONE, single exercise to start off your 100-pound weight loss venture? I do! Can you say DEADLIFT? You can lose a hundred pounds with the help of this multi-joint, whole-body exercise. [...]
Some reasons will surprise you why some women are just naturally very strong. What makes a woman naturally strong? Is it size? Not always. If the size is mostly excess fat and/or long bones (tallness), [...]
What you need is a sure-fire way to conquer “Flabby Arm Depression.” You don’t have to have flabby arms. Why should other women have tight, toned arms while YOU get stuck with flabby arms? It’s [...]
You’re not too fat for ANYTHING if you can do it, including jump rope for exercise. Just about anything, of course. As a fitness expert, I wouldn’t recommend that an obese person take up skateboarding [...]
Why is it that most women think that ANY woman can be a victim of domestic violence? […]
Low back pain is no picnic. If you don't want to be on narcotics to relieve the pain, you'll want to try a cold pack or maybe a hot water bottle. But which one works [...]
If you were dying & had to choose between a childless woman to raise your children and a mother of four, the mom would get them even if she was Mama June? After you read [...]
Do you know the many causes of severe dizziness during exercise? “Exercise can trigger dizziness for number of reasons,” says Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, medical director of the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers nationally, and author of [...]
What can a petite woman like 5-2, 105 lbs., gain by strength training with only light weights? […]
Contrary to popular advice, the overweight woman who’s “bullied” at the gym SHOULD confront the “bully.” […]
Delirium in elderly hip fracture patients after surgery is so common, don’t be surprised if your senior age mother suffers from this after the operation. […]
Is that tingling in your head and faint feeling happening to you again? “There can be many causes,” says Carolyn Dean, MD, ND – Medical Advisory Board Member, Nutritional Magnesium Association at According to [...]
Uh oh, if you sit a lot…this can actually lead to clogged coronary arteries. […]
Cankles — is there any hope for those who suffer from these? In some cases of cankles, there’s actually some hope. The word cankles is a fusion of “calf” and “ankles.” […]
If all you do are bodyweight exercises like pushups, dips, pull-ups, jumping), then YES, you can get a ripped physique. And I mean really ripped if you apply the very important element of HARD WORK [...]
Overweight, even very fat, people CAN lose a LOT of weight once they start doing specific exercises at the gym that will melt off pounds. […]
One machine stands out for shrinking fat stomach. All the time people used to ask me when I was a personal trainer at a gym, “What machine will get rid of this?” as they then [...]
Sjogren’s syndrome, an autoimmune disorder, is usually misdiagnosed several times before the correct diagnosis is made. You may have Sjogren’s syndrome and not even know this, despite visiting one doctor after another and after another [...]
Yes, you can lose a LOT of weight with only a stationary bike, but only if you apply a specific technique to your pedaling. […]
Strength tests can be incredibly reassuring to those suffering from muscle twitching anxiety. Are you unable to get through the day without worrying dozens of times that you have ALS? […]
There’s a reason why a skinny ectomorph may be able to lift an impressive amount of weight and seem quite strong. […]
Ever notice that in a warm room, your hands have suddenly gone cold? You’re sitting there at the computer—doing some kind of work, rather than relaxing with an entertaining story—and you begin noticing, “Gee, my [...]
If you’ve been suffering from a cotton dry mouth, could this possibly be Sjogren’s syndrome, even as your only symptom? One of the hallmark symptoms of Sjogren’s syndrome is the very dry mouth. This situation can [...]
Some of the reasons you've stopped losing weight despite all that exercise and strict dieting will shock you. #1. You haven't been lifting weights. This particularly applies to young females (afraid of bulking up) and [...]
Women over 35 who’ve never been married need to stop letting all the clowns out there make them feel that there’s something wrong with them. […]
Weightlifting gloves are a common sight among fitness enthusiasts who do strength training and bodybuilding workouts. […]
If twitching muscles have you panicking, here’s how to do foot drop strength tests. If you’re terrified that the twitching muscles in your leg or foot might mean that you have ALS (and you would [...]
Most women would trade their height for another height, it seems. The average American female is 5-4. There are a ton of women who stand 5-1 to 5-3. I think many wish they were taller. [...]
There are plenty of exercises for morbidly obese people to do. Nevertheless, a morbidly obese individual might be wondering what the best exercises are for his or her size. […]
If twitching muscles are terrifying you about ALS, here’s all the reassurance you need from someone “eight years out” from benign fasciculations. “Muscle twitching, also called fasciculations, are small, local muscle contractions that occur involuntarily,” [...]
It makes ZERO sense to work your abs every day, so stop this madness! You should not work your abs every day. This is senseless. As a personal trainer I never endorsed this mad practice. [...]
Contrary to myth, focusing on weight loss does NOT lead to eating disorders, body image problems and poor self-esteem to the great extent that it’s believed by many influencers. […]
Are you avoiding leg strength training because you think your thunder thighs will get even bigger? If anything will make those thunder thighs bigger, it’s donuts and pizza. […]
That doggone rotator cuff! Here are 10 strength training exercises to AVOID if you have a sensitive rotator cuff. If you have a painful rotator cuff, here are the 10 worst weight routines, especially with [...]
Obese people need to stop spending so much time on the floor; this will do next to zero for weight loss and improving physical fitness and stamina. […]
It’s not uncommon for men with enormous (wide) backs to be seen doing heavy deadlifts. Some women may be concerned that doing deadlifts will give them a wide back, while some men will do deadlifts [...]
Can you slim your thighs with the adductor and abductor machines? Sad news: The adductor and abductor machines will not slim your chubby thighs. The adductor and abductor machines are popular often with women who [...]
The deadlift + bar dip will jolt your body into muscle growth. The combination of these two exercises gives the body no choice but to grow. […]