Why Fat Camps for Children & Teens Fail; Solutions
Think long and hard before sending your obese child to that luxurious “fat camp” tucked away in the majestic mountains somewhere. […]
Think long and hard before sending your obese child to that luxurious “fat camp” tucked away in the majestic mountains somewhere. […]
The best weight loss plan for teen girls starts with accepting the fact that skipping meals will sabotage your weight loss efforts. Going long periods without food, especially when you’ve been exercising, will most likely [...]
Some men who have a six pack just happen to have one, but it seems that women must work harder to get six pack abs. […]
If you want hot abs, you might be wondering if diet might be better than cardio, or the other way around: Perhaps cardio wins over diet when it comes to getting great abs. To understand [...]
You can get a six-pack even if you're over 45 and have never had one. But first, here's what you should NOT do in your quest for a six-pack -- these will only waste your time: [...]
There are steps Carrie Fisher could have taken, other than healthy diet & exercise, that may have prevented the heart attack she suffered on an airplane. Drugs, alcohol, smoking and crash dieting have been blamed [...]
You know that running burns a lot of fat (if intense enough), but what about grueling incline walking, either on a treadmill or outdoors? […]
If you’re too weak to bench press an unloaded Olympic bar (45 pounds), here is what you should do to develop the strength to push up that bar without any assistance. […]
The kettlebell swing is an excellent exercise for the elderly, yet very few personal trainers have their aged clients doing this compound exercise. […]
Scads of articles online advise doing crunches to get rid of belly flat or to flatten a paunch. As a fitness expert, I’m flabbergasted at the volume of incorrect information in cyberspace about how to [...]
Weightlifting machines are perfectly safe for kids–a lot safer than some of the things that parents make their kids do around the house and yard. […]
There’s an ingenious way to prevent traction hair loss (alopecia) from clip-in extensions. You’ll never again have to worry about bald spots showing up that were caused by your clip-in extensions. […]
Why is it that as men get older, their gut gets bigger? Some men look like they’re in their fourth trimester. Some men with big guts have thin legs and arms. […]
If a middle age person suddenly gets several new moles, does this mean they’ll continue getting new moles for the rest of their life and thus have to worry about melanoma? […]
Does a hostage victim who gets Stockholm syndrome have a pre-existing character weakness? Does bonding to the kidnapper mean that the victim is mentally weak? […]
Does your breath when you lift weights at the gym stink up the air around you? The guilty are clueless that their bad breath can be smelled 10 feet away. I am always smelling someone’s [...]
You’re 50-plus & are getting new moles that your doctor says look benign, but you’re worried they might become melanoma. Here’s a brilliant way to monitor these new moles. […]
A new mole in an older adult has a higher chance of becoming melanoma. But do you know what percentage of new moles in people over 50 or even 40 eventually turn into melanoma? [...]
If new moles later in life are concerning, why don’t doctors just remove them to play safe rather than having the patient continuously worry about melanoma? […]
So you’re scared like sh** that your tiny new mole is an early melanoma because you read that older people are not supposed to get new moles! […]
New moles over age 50: Have you figured out yet what to believe after googling all over creation about melanoma’s connection to new moles in older people? […]
People with Down syndrome can work out at a gym, lifting weights and building muscle. Jake is a man with Down syndrome who loves bodybuilding and weightlifting at a chain health club--pumping iron and feeling [...]
Though many childfree couples relish boldly taking on rude questions & comments, others hate this. I interviewed actual childfree couples to see what kind of great comebacks they had in their tool bag. [...]
Surprisingly, the childless couple gets flack from people they just meet! If you’re childless by choice, you must be ready to put these numbskulls in their place. If someone says to you: “Don’t you think [...]
If you’re intimidated by the gym’s free weight area, here are ways to undo this feeling and make ANY woman feel EMPOWERED by the free weights section! […]
Gym workouts can benefit cancer survivors in so many ways. Many cancer patients needn’t wait until their illness is in remission to engage in strength and cardio training, as long as exercise is custom-fit to [...]
According to a medical doctor, there are quite a few supplements that are the best for breast health. No matter how “healthy” you think your diet is, you still need to supplement with at least some [...]
Why is it that so many teen boys worry that lifting weights will stunt their growth, but are less worried about the reality that SMOKING will stunt their growth? Are you a teen boy afraid that [...]
Though laryngeal cancer is strongly linked to several risk factors, a small percentage of patients have no known risk factors. […]
Nonsmokers can get laryngeal cancer, but can it be reassuring to know what percentage of laryngeal cancer patients don’t smoke? […]
Has your dog’s fur been embedded with countless porcupine quills? Here’s a technique that will get out every last porcupine quill from your dog’s coat. […]
Did your dog just swallow a plastic bag? Don't panic yet; here's a simple way to make your dog pass the plastic bag right out of its system. This happened to my sister's dog, a [...]
Why do so few elderly people at the gym bench press? More appalling is that so few personal trainers have their elderly clients bench pressing. The bench press is one of the easiest exercises to [...]
It’s actually true that some women will accept a ride from a stranger because they think it’s the polite thing to do, that it’d be rude to decline. […]
“Never feeling full” is a poor description of the hunger of Prader-Willi syndrome. We’ve all been hungry, but not hungry enough to eat dog food or cardboard. […]
When’s the last time you saw a plus size woman doing deadlifts? I don’t mean baby deadlifts with a 40-pound short barbell, but hammering it out at the “cage”? […]
Why is it that adults, who were abused by their parents, don’t beat up their parents, who may still be relatively young and healthy? […]
Isn’t it amazing so many women love the inner thigh (adductor) machine, yet are still blind to the failure of this machine to trim big thighs? […]
If you feel too fat & clumsy to exercise & have NO idea where to start, there are several kinds of exercise where you won’t have to worry about falling or stumbling. […]
If you’re an elderly woman who’d like to learn to do pull-ups, then go for it! Elderly age, in and of itself, does not make it harmful for a woman to train at pull-ups or [...]