Why Does Hair Grow in Thicker After Chemotherapy?
Many women report that their hair grows in thicker and fuller after losing it from chemotherapy. Is this an illusion or is the hair shaft actually bigger in diameter? […]
Many women report that their hair grows in thicker and fuller after losing it from chemotherapy. Is this an illusion or is the hair shaft actually bigger in diameter? […]
Does a woman who hates her sister owe it to her to reveal a breast cancer diagnosis, since family history is a major risk factor for this disease? • What is the right thing to [...]
When the Treadclimber is compared to a high incline treadmill, it's pretty difficult to determine which one actually works better -- and then that depends on the user's goals. It also depends on how much the [...]
It amazes me how prevalent the recommendation for Olympic weightlifting shoes is in the online muscle building and fitness forums for people struggling with the back squat, when a so very cheap alternative is right [...]
If you’re a plus-size teen girl wanting to lose weight, it is perfectly okay to pursue this goal as long as you do it within reason and in a healthy way. […]
Treadmills that go up to 40 percent incline are getting more popular, but just how high must the incline be before you should hold on while walking? The TV commercials for the 40 percent incline [...]
How can a change of just one hour disrupt the sleep of so many people and cause anxiety? It’s just ONE HOUR, yet throngs of people are thrown into a tizzy over such a seemingly [...]
Just how often in a single day are you drawn to your treadmill that you actually fear that too many visits on it can somehow damage your body? […]
MUST a woman take Taxotere in order to beat breast cancer? Some women wonder if there are studies showing that chemo treatment without Taxotere results in much lower survival rates or higher recurrence rates of [...]
If you despise your “chemo curls” for their unmanageability and even their looks, here’s a simple trick for learning to embrace your new hair overnight. […]
It’s not that GERD can cause headaches, but rather, headaches can cause GERD. Now how is this possible? […]
So can you get GERD one day for no apparent reason? Or does it begin subtlety, gradually building up over time until you realize that your chest and stomach has been burning lately? [...]
Unexplained pain of any type in your upper back needs to be checked by a doctor, since this can mean an imminent heart attack – or just some GERD or even occasional heartburn. GERD stands [...]
Just how much must you walk on a treadmill before this becomes potentially harmful to your knees? Of course, this assumes that you have healthy knees to begin with, rather than the painful bone-on-bone disease [...]
To some women, their hair is a beloved part of their identity, and permanent hair loss from chemo is nothing short of devastating, especially if their hair was previously thick and glorious. […]
A thin person who’s healthy should not have a fat stomach. Usually, the excess belly fat in an otherwise thin individual is caused by a problem with their exercise routine. This article is about healthy [...]
Being told “You’re so fat” should never be compared to being told “You’re so tall,” even though many tall women equate these comments from strangers. […]
Tall women the world over get comments and questions (some of them rude or stupid) about their height—even from strangers, but what about 5-9 women? […]
Pain in the upper back along with more common acid reflux symptoms might actually be a sign of heart trouble. The upper back pain may be a coincidence and totally unrelated to the acid reflux [...]
At what point should an elderly parent, prone to falls, go from walker to scooter? After they take a hard fall that kills them? This is a vexing situation, a slippery-slope dilemma that many mature [...]
Ensure and Boost can be thought of as glorified liquid candy, which is why it’s no surprise that these sugary drinks cannot treat GERD in any way. A lot of GERD sufferers and those with [...]
With all the problems that secondhand smoke has been linked to as well as proven to cause, it would be no wonder if it also can cause acid reflux. If you’re exposed to secondhand smoke [...]
Left sided chest pain is associated with a heart attack or cardiac trouble, so when people experience this, they hope to high heaven it’s only acid reflux. So the million dollar question is: CAN left [...]
If you want to trim down that thick waist, you’ll need to spend less time sitting on the job. Not only are desk jobs linked to bigger stomachs, but they’re linked to a bigger risk [...]
You can get in 15,000 steps a day even if your boss won’t allow a treadmill desk. There are ingenious ways you can make the step count rack up by the end of the evening. [...]
Keflex stinks so bad that when I open the bottle to give my father a pill, I hold my breath. Keflex tastes like smoke & leaves a “burnt cigarettes” aftertaste, he says. Keflex (cephalexin) is [...]
What a real catch-22: An elderly person on Coumadin takes a bad fall, but if you take them to the doctor this will result in a prescription cancellation for the blood thinner. […]
Should you exclude acoustic neuroma as the cause of your tinnitus if the “ringing” is in both ears? Ninety-five percent of acoustic neuroma patients have the tumor in only one ear. The remaining five percent [...]
Cymbalta is sometimes prescribed off-label for patients who suffer from IBS. And some patients swear that Cymbalta has cured them of their irritable bowel syndrome. But what’s really going on here? “Unfortunately, IBS is a [...]
A metal taste in your mouth can be caused by a serious medical condition including cancer, but it can also be triggered by a disorder in your digestive tract. “In the occasional patient, acid reflux [...]
Panic often sets in when a person’s IBS flare seems to be going on and on without any let-up. […]
If you’re recovering great from your double hip replacement and walking well without assistance, here are smart treadmill guidelines from a surgeon, even if you’ve never before used a treadmill. […]
Both colon cancer and IBS can cause stools to come out like ribbons. We’ve all heard that thin flat bowel movements are something to be concerned about. "Ribbon" or "pencil" shaped stools are almost always [...]
Your chest pain may be irritable bowel syndrome—you HOPE, since you’re also fearing it’s related to your heart. If you have IBS and one day you get chest pain, this doesn’t mean it’s from your [...]
Exercising seven days a week is a good thing, not a bad thing. Your ancient ancestors worked their butts off seven days a week, and that's why you're here! Think of all the things that [...]
Do ER doctors avoid taking your migraine complaints seriously because perhaps they think you might be an opioid addict faking a headache? Here’s how to get treated promptly and efficiently in the ER for all [...]
Itchy scaly and flaky skin above the eyelids—sometimes it even stings. There are many causes, and the solution depends on the causes. The flaking and itchiness can seemingly come out of nowhere. […]
“Anything you put on your eyelid can be absorbed into the eye itself and could can cause problems,” says Dr. Janet Prystowsky, who’s a board certified dermatologist in New York, NY, with 30+ years’ experience. [...]
Stress increases stroke risk. If you suffer from a lot of stress, then beware, as this is a risk factor for stroke, which strikes 700,000 Americans every year, the third leading medical cause of death [...]
Do you know someone whose four-year-old child is not yet talking? Perhaps the child could say a handful of words on command, and may even be speaking two-word duos to communicate, such as “more food” [...]