Does Excess Weight Impair Cardio Exercise Effort?
Are you so overweight that you’re reluctant to take up cardio exercise because you believe your size will interfere with getting any results? […]
Are you so overweight that you’re reluctant to take up cardio exercise because you believe your size will interfere with getting any results? […]
Belly fat in obese women and men isn’t all the same. […]
I was inspired to write this helpful article after reading an Instagram post by an obese influencer who has a chubby daughter of seven. […]
The special needs woman I work with weighs 240. I’ll never preach fat acceptance; I’ll encourage her on her weight loss plan. […]
Is it rude not to pick up an item that a stranger accidentally dropped, even if that person is someone you know? […]
It’s weird how fat acceptance cites the diet industry’s yearly profit of $75 billion but they ignore the fast food’s $385 billion and soda’s $279 billion. […]
A relatively new term that was perhaps largely unheard of as of only 2020 is sensory Santa. […]
Can it really be true that “fatphobia” is more harmful to fat people than the actual obesity itself? […]
Here we go again: This time it’s psychiatrist Max Pemberton who claims autism can only exist “profoundly” and that an actual spectrum doesn’t exist. […]
Are you overweight and suffer from ongoing back pain? Do you have a desk job or otherwise sit for most of the day? […]
It’s genius: There are now coloring books with “special interest” topics that will have incredible appeal to kids with autism – even adults too! […]
Here are 10 stereotypes about autistic people that are most hated by autistic people themselves. […]
“All the adult autism diagnoses getting thrown around is an insult to kids with severe autism. You should see REAL autism.” […]
Why does it seem that those with high functioning autism get the brunt of abuse while those who are low functioning get treated better? […]
Yet one more reason autistic people make great employees; they’re more likely to speak up about workplace ethical dilemmas. […]
Have you noticed that a ton of Autistics love to play D&D? It’s no illusion. […]
Trying to get your blood pressure down and nothing works? Are you in loud environments a lot and don’t use ear protection? […]
Can a DVT cause only swollen toes with no swelling, redness or pain anywhere else? […]
Do you panic every time you see a new bruise on a leg because you think it could be a DVT? […]
Are you a habitual knuckle cracker and are worried that all the popping will cause a blood clot in a finger or worse, the joint that’s being cracked? […]
For the many people who are worried that all the hiking they do, or even just occasional hiking, might give them a DVT (blood clot), here is in-depth information. […]
Every year, about 100,000 people visit their doctor with abdominal pain, and around 30,000 of these are diagnosed with gallstones. […]
As people age, many notice their senses dulling over time. […]
Let’s take a look at the major health issues for obese men and women who neglect their bodies’ natural sleep signals. […]
Watch your consumption of processed meat, even unprocessed meat, if you want to avoid type 2 diabetes. […]
Delaying the correct diagnosis of breast cancer mets in the upper arm bone was that the patient had a history of upper arm pain from a musculoskeletal cause. […]
Cancer doesn’t “come back” as much as distant micro-metastases were always there: too small to be detected – until now. […]
With the increasing prevalence of AI platforms, will AI ever take over human assessments for autism? […]
Protein plays a critical role in muscle recovery after intense weightlifting sessions. […]
What’s the best thing you can do for your kidneys? […]
Are you a dipper when it comes to chips? Have you ever wondered if dipping your chips makes you eat more chips, or less, when compared to having no dip at all? […]
Strength training is an essential component of a well-rounded fitness routine, offering benefits such as increased muscle mass, improved metabolism and enhanced overall strength. […]
It’s now clear just HOW exercise can be a very effective treatment for depression. […]
Is it really true that board games are more popular among autistic people than with neurotypicals? […]
Why is it that the youngest kids in any given grade level are more likely to get an ADHD or autism diagnosis? […]
Why is it that it seems so many autistic people also report a diagnosis of PTSD? […]
If you suffer from painful shin splints that keep interfering with your treadmill workout runs, you’ll want to consider gait training to reduce the pain. […]
A study shows that fear of possible harm of exercise is what stops many people with knee pain from activity, rather than the actual pain. […]
If you suffer from depression, you’ll want to take walks, take up gardening and/or take up golf or golf more if you already know how to play the game. […]
Don’t want chronic pain? Then get more active. […]