Should You Disclose New Autism Diagnosis to Your Cardiologist?
If you have a late diagnosis of ASD, should you tell your cardiologist, whether you’re being seen for heart symptoms or just for a routine checkup? […]
If you have a late diagnosis of ASD, should you tell your cardiologist, whether you’re being seen for heart symptoms or just for a routine checkup? […]
I’m slugging below the belt here in that it infuriates me that so many parents allow their autistic kids to get fat; I don’t mean thick, but obese. […]
It’s a very peculiar phenomenon: Most people imitate gunshots when talking about a shooting instead of just saying, “I heard gunshots.” […]
Timothy Blackwell’s dynamic drawings are printed on tee shirts, sweater tops and tote bags. […]
An oral surgeon talks about an oral cancer that you probably have never heard of – and it can be deadly if not treated in time. You’ve probably heard of squamous cell carcinoma, the most [...]
We are the ASD Band; all our musicians are autistic and we write and record original songs. Here’s our message. ASD stands for Autism Spectrum Disorder. We are ASD Band (pictured above), and all of [...]
Have you been experiencing a sensation of shortness of breath that seems connected to your rotator cuff problem? […]
There are 10 distinct reasons why some autistic people avoid eye contact as much as possible or, if they do hold it, they still find it troublesome. […]
An autistic college professor lived falsely as a neurotypical for 20 years. […]
Can someone have ONLY edema from chronic heart failure yet have no other symptoms such as easy fatigue from activities that normally never tired them? […]
You keep hearing that whoosh whoosh in your ear that synchronizes with the beat of your heart: pulsatile tinnitus. […]
A vocal cord dysfunction or spasm is frightening because it makes you feel like you’ll die from not being able to breathe in enough air. […]
Suddenly you have difficulty inhaling, as though your airway is the diameter of a straw. […]
Do you sometimes feel as though your nasal passages are narrowed, causing a feeling of resistance when inhaling? […]
Does an annoying pepper smell seem to be coming from inside your nose? […]
What are the variables that can dictate length of time for checking your moles for melanoma? […]
You know that odd mole is probably melanoma, but you decide to just “wait and see what happens.” If you do this for five years, how bad can the melanoma get? Well, that’s a fair [...]
Basal cell carcinoma is the most common cancer in the world. […]
A woman had a tiny melanoma removed; five years later she was terminal. […]
A melanoma on a toe, either on the skin or under the nail, can be particularly unnerving vs. a melanoma elsewhere. […]
Is that white speck on your breast nipple more likely to be a melanoma than a harmless cyst or some other benign condition? […]
Are you pretty sure you just suffered a grade I AC joint sprain but you can’t see the “bump” it’s supposed to have? […]
If I don’t care what anyone thinks of me, then why do I mask my autistic stimming (repetitive behaviors) in public? […]
Can strength training or working out with weights reduce frequency, intensity and/or duration of autistic meltdowns in adults? […]
Neurotypicals must stop seeing Autistics as a subspecies or different species of human, and Autistic people need to do their part too as far as viewing humans as all one kind. […]
An autistic adult who presents childlike with an intellectual disability may actually have a high IQ and a professional job. […]
You’re hiking along a scenic trail when suddenly you feel your heart flutter or thump: palpitations. […]
Are you afraid to fall asleep after having heart palpitations all day? […]
The dental hygienist noticed his dry mouth; little did he know that this was being caused by cancer. […]
People don’t realize how astute oral health professionals such as dentists can be at spotting skin cancer as well as cancer inside the mouth. […]
Can any type of strength training or weight workout actually improve the structures within the wrist and help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome? […]
Do your fingers tingle when you’re stressed out? Could all your stress actually cause carpal tunnel syndrome to develop? […]
Is cubital tunnel syndrome a reason to stop lifting weights? […]
Have you been diagnosed with ASD but are now overwhelmed with the idea that you actually don’t have it? […]
Does TIA health anxiety have you crippled with fear? Is every little headache, tingling or stumble a sign of a transient ischemic attack? […]
My clinical diagnosis of ADHD happened during one of the worst times of my life. […]
Has your teen athlete reported a fluttering or irregular heartbeat from time to time? […]
Tongue cancer can be fatal if not caught in time. Dentists often notice the tumor when it’s in an early stage – when the prognosis is at its best. […]
What’s the longest it could take Botox to work? Is your doctor feeding you BS when they say it takes MONTHS for Botox to start working? […]
Is health anxiety more common in autistic people than in the general population? […]