Getting a DUI (driving under the influence) is a serious matter that can lead to various consequences.

Understanding what happens if you find yourself in this situation can be crucial for anyone.

Here’s an in-depth look at the things that happen if you get a DUI, shedding light on the immediate, long-term, and emotional impacts it can have on your life.

What Constitutes a DUI?

Driving under the influence, or DUI for short, is a criminal offense in which an individual operates a motor vehicle while being impaired by drugs, alcohol, or a combination of both.

The legal limit for BAC or blood alcohol concentration varies by jurisdiction, but it is generally set at 0.08% in many places.

The fines, license suspension, and potential imprisonment involved in a DUI can significantly impact your life.

Understanding the legal definition and implications is crucial in this situation.

Legal Consequences of a DUI Charge

Arrest and Booking

When one is pulled over for suspected DUI, law enforcement may conduct field sobriety tests to assess impairment.

These tests evaluate coordination, balance, and mental clarity.

Additionally, officers might administer a Breathalyzer or blood test to measure blood alcohol concentration (BAC).

These tests determine intoxication levels, and refusal may legally impact your case.

Getting arrested and booked is an immediate result of a DUI.

You might find yourself detained by law enforcement, going through fingerprinting, photos, and processing at a nearby police station or jail.

Your license will likely get suspended right away after a DUI.

This restriction on driving can heavily affect your daily routine, making transportation tough and impacting both work and personal responsibilities.

After a DUI arrest, you’ll have to show up in court.

This appearance is pivotal for the legal process and deciding how to handle the charges against you.

Criminal Charges

A DUI conviction is considered a criminal offense. The fines vary based on the severity of the offense and any prior convictions.

Alongside fines, expect probation or jail time, especially for repeat offenses.

Some areas may require an ignition interlock device in your vehicle, ensuring a sober breath sample before starting the vehicle and serving as a deterrent against future offenses.

Seek legal help to defend against DUI charges and understand your options for defense.

A lawyer can guide you through the legal process and help protect your rights.

Administrative Impact

Driver’s License Suspension

Following a DUI conviction, your license faces automatic suspension.

The duration varies based on factors like previous offenses and BAC levels.

The suspension period can range from 30 days to several years, contingent upon BAC levels and prior DUI history.

Some states offer a shorter suspension with an interlock device installation.

In certain cases, individuals with DUI convictions can request a restricted license.

This allows limited driving privileges like commuting to work or attending substance abuse programs.

Ignition Interlock Device

In some jurisdictions, individuals convicted of DUIs must install an ignition interlock device at their expense.

Costs may include installation fees and monthly maintenance charges.

The interlock device requires the driver to provide a breath sample to assess alcohol levels before starting the vehicle. If alcohol is detected, the car won’t start.

The installation of an interlock device significantly affects driving routines and daily life.

It imposes restrictions on when and how you can operate a vehicle and might lead to logistical challenges in work or personal life.

Financial Setbacks

Fines and Court Costs

DUI convictions often lead to substantial fines, varying based on the offense’s severity and prior convictions.

Besides fines, court-related expenses, attorney fees, and mandatory DUI classes or treatments add to the financial burden.

The financial strain from fines and legal costs can disrupt your budget, potentially affecting daily expenses, savings, or loan repayments.

Increased Insurance Premiums

After a DUI conviction, your insurance premiums could substantially rise, often doubling or tripling.

This financial impact can persist for years, creating a significant burden on your finances.

Higher insurance costs can burden your finances for years, impacting your ability to manage expenses and save money.

Some individuals explore specialized insurance companies or programs designed for high-risk drivers to mitigate increased premium costs.

Employment and Personal Consequences

Professionally, a DUI can bring adverse consequences. It could lead to job loss or hinder future employment prospects, especially in positions necessitating a pristine driving record or roles demanding trust and responsibility.

Having a DUI on record might pose challenges in securing employment.

Some employers conduct background checks and may hesitate to hire individuals with a history of DUI convictions, creating obstacles in your job search.

Also, DUI becomes a permanent entry on your record. This could potentially limit future opportunities, impacting areas like employment, education, and housing.

Social Stigma and Personal Relationships

There’s often social judgment associated with DUI convictions, impacting how others perceive you in your community or social circles.

Your relationships could also bear the brunt of a DUI. Strain and trust issues might arise with family, friends, and colleagues due to the repercussions of this incident.

Seeking support after a DUI is common due to feelings of shame or guilt that affect your mental well-being.

Connecting with friends and family or seeking professional help can help you navigate these challenges and support your mental health.

Online DUI Classes

Online DUI Classes are essential for post-DUI recovery. They provide education and support, aiding your understanding of the consequences of your actions.

These classes facilitate behavior change, a pivotal step for rehabilitation and fulfilling legal obligations, marking a crucial part of your recovery journey after a DUI conviction.


A DUI conviction has far-reaching consequences that affect various aspects of an individual’s life.

From immediate legal implications to long-term impacts on personal, emotional, and financial well-being, understanding the gravity of a DUI is essential.

Seeking support, taking proactive steps toward recovery, and learning from the experience can help individuals navigate the aftermath of a DUI and move forward.

Kyle J. Penniman, MSW, LISAC, CADAC, is a dedicated professional in the field of social work and addiction counseling. With a robust background and expertise in these domains, Mr. Penniman brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, aiming to support individuals in overcoming substance abuse challenges. He is also the CEO and clinical director of Stonewall Institute.


Lauren Kunis is the content marketing strategist for Stonewall Institute, an outpatient alcohol and drug treatment center that focuses on a holistic, individualized approach to addiction recovery. She loves reading books, traveling, and going on hiking adventures with her dog Max.
Top image: ©Lorra Garrick