How Fit Can You Get from Living Room Dance Parties?
Those living room dance parties may be fun, but are they really enough for aerobic and heart fitness? If you love to dance, there are ways to make this count towards a good level of [...]
Those living room dance parties may be fun, but are they really enough for aerobic and heart fitness? If you love to dance, there are ways to make this count towards a good level of [...]
Dr. Christine Traxler, MD, suffered from many symptoms and was misdiagnosed multiple times over seven years before she herself figured out what was wrong. I didn’t know that when my symptoms first started, that I [...]
It’s alarming to get diagnosed with stroke, but before you panic about blood clots in your brain, you should know that MS symptoms can sometimes mimic a stroke. Janet Perry tells her story. It was [...]
Since when does a hard workout mean you’re punishing yourself for how you’ve been eating? You should never feel guilty for exercising like a warrior and dripping with sweat. […]
Find out what you might have if you’re been suffering from migraines, muscle and joint aches, insomnia, dizziness, depression, inability to focus and a fast pulse. […]
Are you fearful of taking another bad fall after having surgery for a broken hip? Here are 5 exercises designed for preventing older adults from another bad fall. […]
Here are five things that caregivers of older adults with diabetes absolutely should know. […]
It’s okay to want to lose excess fat, but think again if you believe that tracking the calorie burn of all your daily activities will help you lose weight. Do you often refer to “calories [...]
Here’s how to prevent weight gain or lose gained weight as a result of your leg or ankle injury. […]
Are you trying to lose weight by taking medium or even brisk paced walks after dinner? How well is this working for your weight loss goals? If not much weight is coming off, here are [...]
Women over 50 can get a fitter, firmer, rounder behind, along with a stronger core and legs, by doing barbell hip thrusts. Sharon Smith, 71, demonstrates. […]
If you’re relying on any of these five weight loss “tricks” to get rid of your stubborn fat, you will be very disappointed because they DON’T work. […]
Are you on your feet eight hours a day at work and wonder if this can replace aerobic or resistance exercise? Do you feel “exhausted” after your shift and wonder if this means your heart [...]
Here are the important numbers you should know as part of your mission to prevent developing heart disease or having a stroke. How well do you know what your numbers should be? Blood pressure Lipid [...]
The fat won’t come off, right? No matter what you do, the scale won’t budge. But don’t despair, because you’re probably NOT doing the very four routines that’ll kick that blubber clear to the curb. [...]
Here is an absolutely brilliant hack for home hamstring strength training that I discovered by accident while doing chest presses at home. […]
A doctor compares diet vs. surgery for getting rid of painful gallstones. For someone diagnosed with gallstones, it’s easy to wonder about how effective a certain diet would be. Could the right diet pass gallstones? [...]
If your young child upchucks only overnight, the likely cause will really surprise you. “If your preschooler vomits only at night, my first thought as a pediatrician would be that it is a behavioral issue,” [...]
Why don’t doctors screen for obstructive sleep apnea during the annual routine physical? […]
There are 10 tricks that fast food restaurants use to make you overeat or give too much food to your kids. The result is unwanted weight gain and obesity for many. Big Colorful Ads in [...]
How is it possible that a preschooler can figure out how to pick a door lock and "escape" without the parent knowing? There always seems to be news of yet another tragic story of a [...]
Here’s 12 things you’ll need around the house once you return home after a total knee replacement surgery. These items should be purchased beforehand. Even the most prepared-thinking person may not consider the usefulness of [...]
Ever wonder if too much exercise can prevent weight loss in an individual who's trying to shed pounds? First of all, just what is “too much”? This is subjective. Is it merely the time spent [...]
There are ways to raise your daughter so that she never gets involved with an abusive man. The environment little girls grow up in is crucial for instilling the inner strength to avoid toxic men. [...]
Here are the signs that your bullied child is thinking of taking his or her life — of dying by a planned suicide. […]
A study shows that walking a dog makes a person more active overall – or is it that active people are more likely to take a dog on walks? […]
Medical errors are the No. 3 killer of Americans; so many are highly preventable. The reason that “medical errors” does not make the list of the top 10 killer of Americans is simple. [...]
Do you need to burn a LOT of fat? Mixing brief intense cardio in between strength training sets burns more fat than a session of strength training followed by cardio exercise. In an effort to [...]
There is no scientific proof that rice cereal is better for a baby’s health than any other food out there. […]
Are you concerned that your young child won’t have the stamina to keep up with all the walking you’ll be doing on your upcoming vacation? […]
Are a pedometer and 10,000 steps every day all you need to lose weight? Will you even be able to maintain the quota of 10,000 steps a day, day after day — and then for [...]
If you discover what appears to be blood mixed with your toddler’s poops, first ask yourself if your toddler has just started a course of antibiotics. […]
Obesity can cause high blood pressure in children, so would it be practical to give an overweight child regular home blood pressure checks? […]
Parents need to teach their children it’s OKAY to refuse helping a stranger because it’s very suspicious when a stranger seeks a young child’s help. […]
At what point does a preschooler's or baby's temperature cross over to that of a fever? This is something that every parent should know. A fever likely means that your child is fighting off an [...]
Have you noticed how common it is for parents to bring their babies into public buildings without their feet covered? Ironically, if an adult is barefoot in a restaurant, he or she will be told [...]
Here’s a clever way to sneak some hamstring exercise into an upper body workout or even a leg workout. […]
Does your preschooler sometimes cry out in pain for no apparent reason, clutching his foot? […]
If your period comes only once every few months, and you’ve been trying to get pregnant for a long time but have failed, this problem is most likely because of an unrelated issue. [...]
What is the weight after which a woman is just too big to expect getting pregnant? Is there a cutoff weight? […]