What Can Cancer Make Your Urine Smell Like?
It’s impossible not to notice if your urine has an odd or stronger than usual smell. […]
It’s impossible not to notice if your urine has an odd or stronger than usual smell. […]
Many of the men who’ve had surgery with the da Vinci System want to know what blood in postop urine should look like. […]
Do you have a roommate or husband who regularly pees in cups or bottles, and worse yet, lets them accumulate? Is this laziness or mental illness? […]
Ever feel like you have to go, but you know that your bladder is empty because you just voided? Then you pass gas, and the urgency is gone. […]
No matter what you do, you’re pulled out of your sleep every night at least once, often more, by an overactive bladder telling you to get to a toilet. […]
UTI symptoms in the elderly may only be cognitive, rendering them incapable of knowing they have an infection that can spread to the kidneys and be fatal. […]
Being that interstitial cystitis can be unbearable and crippling, why isn’t bladder removal more common? This disease has rendered many patients disabled and unable to work. […]
Have you read that elevated ketones in a urine sample might mean diabetes or prediabetes? But what about “Trace” ketones in your urinalysis? […]
Were you diagnosed with a UTI but the urinalysis shows only a “Trace” amount of bacteria? […]
What does it mean if your UTI symptoms are getting worse even though you’ve already taken four or six antibiotic pills? […]
You look in the toilet and see two distinct shades of yellow to your urine. Maybe most of it is light yellow, but then there are patches of dark or brighter yellow. […]
When a UTI spreads to the kidneys, back pain will likely result. […]
How long can a urinary tract infection be brewing inside you before symptoms first start appearing? […]
Are you diagnosed with a UTI nearly every single month despite taking rounds of antibiotics, wiping front to back and taking cranberry pills? […]
Do you keep waking overnight with a strong urge to pee, but only a trickle comes out? This happens even when you stop drinking water 5 hours before bedtime! […]
Are you having groin pain, pressure or a gassy feeling there only overnight, particularly after you get back into bed after relieving yourself? […]
Have you noticed tiny white specks in your urine? Perhaps you then decided to collect your urine in a clear plastic cup to see if this happens again. […]
You’re nowhere near dehydrated yet your urine is a brilliant amber and leaves salmon-orange stains on the tissue paper when you wipe! There’s a most likely cause. […]
Did you just collect an orange substance on the tissue paper from wiping yourself after urinating? […]
If you’ve ever held a cup of urine after providing a sample in it for your doctor, you will have noticed that the cup was warm. Or, if your urine has ever streamed down a [...]
Sometimes, sugar can find its way in the urine of people who don't have diabetes. This can make them wonder if diabetes awaits them around the corner. What Sugar in the Urine of Someone Without [...]
Many men notice a bad odor coming from their penis. Cancer can affect the penis and has a high mortality rate. If a man begins detecting a smell from his penis, the first thing that [...]
As your poops plunge into the toilet water, you notice something odd: Bubbles form and rise to the surface and then pop. Can this mean a disease? Or is it more of a mechanical issue [...]
You pee every last drop RIGHT before the seated calf raises, but doggone it, just one set makes your bladder feel full. Now of course, the action of calf raises (weighted) doesn’t increase urine production, [...]
Cloudy urine may be a sign that something is wrong, including kidney damage from diabetes. Eating. […]
Dark urine has many causes, and even what “dark urine” actually means is open to interpretation. With HIV infections on the rise, the worry over dark pee as a possible symptom is also gaining momentum. [...]
If you’ve been diagnosed with bladder cancer, by when should you have surgery? What is the absolute longest that you can wait? “There are no perfect guidelines for how quickly surgery should be done after [...]
When a CT scan shows “something” in the bladder, even what’s labeled an air pocket, the first thing that comes to mind is cancer. […]
If an abdominal CT scan shows a normal bladder, don’t celebrate yet. But if it comes back indicating cancer, don’t panic yet, either. About 80,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with bladder cancer every [...]
If having sex makes you feel like you have to pee or like your bladder is full, there are several reasons for this. […]
Can irritation of the bladder be caused by a vaginal yeast infection? An irritated bladder is certainly a very annoying symptom, as it can make you constantly feel like you "have to go." Another symptom [...]
A man who has new-onset difficulty with urinating may immediately fear prostate cancer, cross his fingers and hope it's only constipation. Difficulty with urination can present as a problem with urine stream. It can also [...]
A discharge of a sticky or jelly like substance with a man’s urination or right after can set off the cancer alarm bells. Prostate cancer is a disease that can cause a variety of symptoms. [...]
One of the scariest symptoms is “blood in the urine,” yet just HOW does it appear if it has blood in it? The term “blood in the urine” is used in symptom lists of various [...]
Some causes of not peeing despite drinking plenty of water are life-threatening, while others are quite harmless. When urine output is abnormally low, this is called oliguria. Benign Causes of Infrequent Urination “A person who [...]
Are you drinking a lot of water—tons, at least eight glasses a day—and still keep producing dark yellow or bright yellow urine? Or is the urine sometimes a strong yellow-orange color? There are several factors [...]
If you suddenly notice a chemical or strong smell from your urine, this can be unnerving, especially if you already know that some cancers have an odor that dogs can sniff out. […]
The feeling of bladder pressure but you're not voiding any urine prompts a trip to the doctor, but your UTI test comes back negative. You were kind of hoping it was a urinary tract infection [...]
There are numerous causes of fishy smelling urine, and you may be wondering if cancer is one of them if you’re suffering from this situation. If your urine has a fishy odor, it’s exceedingly unlikely [...]
Seeing red in your urine can mean you have cancer, and the cancer can involve one of three possible structures. The bladder is the most likely source of cancer-caused blood in the urine. What can [...]