Obese Kids Should Go on Diets to Prevent Adult Blood Clots
A child’s fat body is NOT “perfect just as it is” because this can lead to life threatening blood clots in adulthood. Stop the patronizing rhetoric. […]
A child’s fat body is NOT “perfect just as it is” because this can lead to life threatening blood clots in adulthood. Stop the patronizing rhetoric. […]
Can a DVT cause only swollen toes with no swelling, redness or pain anywhere else? […]
Do you panic every time you see a new bruise on a leg because you think it could be a DVT? […]
Are you a habitual knuckle cracker and are worried that all the popping will cause a blood clot in a finger or worse, the joint that’s being cracked? […]
For the many people who are worried that all the hiking they do, or even just occasional hiking, might give them a DVT (blood clot), here is in-depth information. […]
Should you believe all those testimonials of how a “serum” that comes in a tube can actually reduce or even get rid of varicose veins, especially in a short period of time? There are many [...]
Have you noticed a yellow bruise behind a knee and are worried this could mean a blood clot, either in that location or nearby? […]
What are the telltale signs of a blood clot that your fingertips can detect if you feel along the suspected area? […]
Bike riding is a fun way to exercise or just get out there and be active, but what if you have a DVT in your leg? Is it safe to ride your bicycle or even [...]
If you’re a health conscious man, are you aware that men are four times more likely than are women to develop a life-threatening blood clot, especially in older age? […]
Children have a lower risk of DVT from long plane rides than do adults. They’re not immune to blood clots, but are much less likely to get them. Why is this? […]
Out of 900,000 annual U.S. cases of DVT, how many patients are not on Coumadin, a potent prescription blood thinner? […]
Shouldn't ALL people on an airplane wear compression stockings to prevent a DVT? Sitting cramped in an airplane for many hours can cause a blood clot to form in the leg. If you're familiar with [...]
A vascular surgeon comments about drinking soda on an airplane for hydration to help prevent a deep vein thrombosis. […]
It is alarming just how many DVTs (blood clots) are missed in a patient following surgery. But why does this happen? […]
Just how safe or potentially dangerous are the potent blood thinners for joint replacement surgery? There’s something you need to first consider about these important drugs. […]
Can Coumadin (Warfarin) prevent DVT’s 100% of the time or can these dangerous blood clots still form and go to the lungs and become life-threatening? […]
Children can get blood clots called deep vein thromboses. These are emergencies and need prompt treatment. How are they diagnosed? […]
Can you actually have a large blood clot (DVT) growing inside you yet not have any symptoms at all? When a DVT causes symptoms, they typically are calf pain or cramping, swelling in the affected [...]
Blood clots are life-threatening and can result from using birth control pills. Here is the best way to help prevent these DVT's from forming. A woman who takes estrogen-based birth control needs to be aware [...]
On one hand, a benign pink mark from trauma can resemble the pink or “red” of a blood clot. A harmless bruise can also be large and quite ugly, while a blood clot that looks [...]
Since joint replacement surgery raises the risk of DVT, why don’t all joint replacement surgeries include IVC filter placement, especially in higher-risk patients? It seems that it would make sense to perform the 20 minute [...]
Sitting for many hours day after day is a risk factor for developing a deep vein thrombosis. […]
It is extremely dangerous to fly if you’ve been diagnosed with a DVT in any part of your leg or pelvic area. […]
Are you worried you have a blood clot or deep vein thrombosis in your finger? This question pertains to the finger itself, rather than a bruise under the nail from bleeding. You probably already know [...]
Can that pain in your calf that keeps coming and going, on and off, possibly be a DVT? A deep vein thrombosis classically causes calf pain that’s hard to ignore. […]
Could a smoking habit be light enough to no longer be a risk factor for DVT? Or is the risk of deep vein thrombosis the same for light smokers as it is for moderate and [...]
You know that a DVT can cause pain, cramping and soreness in a leg, but did you also know that it can cause numbness and tingling? “Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is often labeled the ‘silent [...]
Edema in the legs is the result of a process that involves the veins, and a DVT is also the result of a process that involves the veins. So how likely, then, can having edema [...]
Bad news for workout enthusiasts who watch a lot of TV: Your gym exercise may not cancel out the blood clot risk of sitting a lot in front of the TV. Now if you walk [...]
Both sciatica and deep vein thrombosis can cause a lot of calf pain. What’s troubling is that not all DVT pain comes with visible symptoms that strongly point towards this condition. So the patient is [...]
Yes, a deep vein thrombosis can occur in the arm, not just in the legs. The risk factors for a DVT occurring in an arm are the same as for the leg -- generally speaking. [...]
Ever wonder why, if the body has a natural clot-dissolving mechanism, DVT patients must continue with blood thinners for many months even after the blood clot is dissolved? […]
A severed spinal cord means so much more than just paralysis; it often leads to fatal conditions whose frequency is in proportion to the degree of paralysis. You may already know that spinal cord injury [...]
You know that excess sitting can cause a DVT, but what about sleep? How much sleep is too much sleep when it comes to causing a blood clot in your vein? “Excessive sleeping means you [...]
Do you have microscopic colitis and fear getting a deep vein thrombosis (DVT)? A deep vein thrombosis (blood clot in a deep vein) is a serious situation -- because the blood clot in your leg or [...]
So the leg suddenly swells up four days out from hip replacement; does this mean a deep vein thrombosis (DVT)? After my mother’s hip replacement surgery (fracture repair), I thought that the surgical leg looked [...]
Here's why you shouldn’t panic if you learn an elderly loved-one’s D-dimer test came back positive and indicates a blood clot. The D-dimer blood test is to screen for a blood clot, and doctors routinely [...]
The rate at which a deep vein thrombosis kills an American will floor you. Every year in the United States, a significant number of people die from VTE: venous thrombus embolism. “DVT kills more people [...]
A deep vein thrombosis (DVT) can be deadly, but does this mean it can’t go away on its own? If you suspect a DVT, get to the emergency room, because a deep vein thrombosis can [...]