Yoga vs. Stretching for Improving High Blood Pressure
Which is more effective for lowering high blood pressure: yoga or stretching? Yoga and “stretching” are not the same thing. […]
Which is more effective for lowering high blood pressure: yoga or stretching? Yoga and “stretching” are not the same thing. […]
Research shows that even 5 minutes of physical activity can help lower blood pressure. […]
Trying to get your blood pressure down and nothing works? Are you in loud environments a lot and don’t use ear protection? […]
A study finds that adding a moderate amount of steps to one’s daily total in the elderly can lower their blood pressure. […]
If you spend less time in a chair and more time on your feet, just how effective might this be at lowering high blood pressure? Are you a victim of “the sitting disease”? [...]
Have you lost weight, have a bunch of loose hanging skin and are wondering if this could throw off your blood pressure reading? […]
Ever wonder just how high blood pressure wreaks havoc on the kidneys and heart? […]
Obesity advocates defend their stance by pointing out they have low blood pressure while many thin people have high blood pressure. […]
A sudden heavy feeling in one arm has several possible causes. One of them is a TIA or stroke. […]
Perhaps you already know that three big risk factors for a stroke are obesity, smoking and high blood pressure. […]
If you had to choose between napping or medications for lowering your high blood pressure, do you know which would be more effective? Hopefully, you know that napping and pharmaceuticals such as beta blockers aren’t [...]
Is the top number of your blood pressure reading sometimes 89 and the bottom number 69? Does a blood pressure of 89 over 69 necessarily indicate a medical problem? […]
Why can some people have uncontrolled high blood pressure for so long without any problems? Can it ever NOT harm the body (e.g., the person is fit and healthy otherwise in that they don’t smoke, [...]
Certainly there has to be a tipping point or threshold after which the amount of salt every day can hurt one’s heart. […]
High blood pressure, not just brain tumors and sinus infections, can cause headaches. Hypertension can also cause an aneurysm in the brain – a bulging blood vessel that can burst and cause life-threatening bleeding. First [...]
There’s a simple reason why many thin people have high blood pressure, but this reason is no excuse for obese people to deny the dangers of excess weight. […]
If you think that your big arm is affecting your blood pressure readings, you’re correct. The size of your upper arm affects the blood pressure reading. […]
The automated blood pressure machine is so much easier to use than the device that requires you to use a pump. An automated blood pressure device can indeed be accurate, but there are several things [...]
Have you noticed high blood pressure while walking? Though an increase in blood pressure is normal during physical activity when compared to watching TV in your favorite chair, the increase can also be too much. [...]
You know that low blood sugar can make your head spin, but can high blood sugar too make you feel dizzy or lightheaded? The answer is yes, but the way this happens is not what [...]
There is good reason never to double up on a drug for high blood pressure if you miss a dose. “Double dosing on hypertension drugs can be potentially dangerous (even fatal), but most often, there [...]
A blood pressure reading of 135 over 90 is so very borderline for high, but don’t let that fool you because it’s dangerous! “Blood pressure is called the ‘silent killer’ for good reason,” says Stacy [...]
While you’re lying in bed as sick as a dog with the flu and wondering if this is raising your blood pressure, you’re right. The flu -- even the common cold -- can actually cause [...]
Your diastolic (the lower number) blood pressure just jumps around so much whenever you have a blood pressure reading. One day it’s 80. Next day or even next hour it’s 68. A few days later [...]
Do you ever get waves of suddenly feeling cold or chilly, despite the room temperature being 72 or even 75? Could this be low blood pressure? Not only do your hands feel cold, but you [...]
Is a stroke pretty much guaranteed once your blood pressure reaches a point higher than a specific number? When the top number (systolic) is at least 140 and the bottom number (diastolic) is at least [...]
How is it that a person as young as 25 could have a baseline blood pressure that’s high, meaning at least 140 for the top number and over 90 for the bottom number? [...]
Teens can get very sick from high blood pressure; a young body offers NO protection against the dangers of high blood pressure. “High blood pressure in teens is dangerous,” says Dr. Lisa Lewis, MD, a [...]
Is a blood pressure of 140 over 85 much better than 140/90, which marks the beginning of high blood pressure? A reading of 140 over 85 needs to be interpreted within context. […]
If you’ve ever felt faint upon sitting, you may have wondered if this is because your blood pressure drops when you lower your body. “A sudden drop in blood pressure should not result from sitting,” [...]
Many people want to know if a stomach virus can actually raise blood pressure. Blood pressure is the force with which blood presses against the inner walls of vessels. A virus is a microscopic organism [...]
Nobody likes to be told they need drugs for high blood pressure. But at some point, intervention with prescribed drugs will be advised by one’s physician if the blood pressure reaches a certain point – [...]
“There is no evidence that dark circles under the eyes are caused by high blood pressure,” says William Manger, MD, PhD, founder of the National Hypertension Association, professor emeritus at the New York School of [...]
High blood pressure, the so-called silent killer that can lead to a stroke, can be caused by periomenopause – many years before the actual onset of menopause. […]
Do you check your blood pressure tons of times every day, always thinking about that BP monitor, disrupting your concentration at work? Does even a systolic reading of 152 send you into panic mode, even [...]
Some people are worried that a blood pressure reading of 110 over 60 is not safe and can lead to feeling dizzy, faint or actually passing out. […]
You hear a lot about the dangers of HIGH blood pressure, but guess what: LOW blood pressure can kill you. Do you know the symptoms of low blood pressure and how to safely raise it? [...]
Lifting weights will raise blood pressure, but there are exercises in particular that will really put your blood pressure through the roof. Normal blood pressure is under 120/80. It’s not surprising that a very fit [...]
High blood pressure doesn’t mean that you can’t lift weights for building mass. I cite a fascinating study out of McMaster University. This study showed that lifting lighter weights to muscle failure is sufficient to [...]
Lowering blood pressure without drugs is perfectly safe, cheaper and has no nasty side effects of conventional medicine. If you want to lower blood pressure naturally, but are already on drugs to lower blood pressure, [...]