Clicking Sound When Blinking Your Eyes: Causes and Solutions
Do you hear a clicking sound with every blink of your eyes? Maybe it happens only sometimes or with nearly every blink – and it’s not only impossible to ignore. But it brings to mind [...]
Do you hear a clicking sound with every blink of your eyes? Maybe it happens only sometimes or with nearly every blink – and it’s not only impossible to ignore. But it brings to mind [...]
Do NOT buy the Sigvaris Comprefit compression sock with wraps or you will totally waste your money. This product was a sorry disappointment for an elderly man with edema in both legs. […]
If one of your eyes has been sticking out or bulging lately, this could be a sign of a brain tumor, eye tumor or sinus tumor. When an eye protrudes, this is called proptosis. [...]
You need not be old to get osteoporosis; brittle bones can affect 30-year-olds too. There are many reasons people in their 30’s can get osteoporosis. […]
Depending on your level of health anxiety, you might think that your popping clavicle is due to cancer or a neurological disease. And in fact, if your clavicle pops in and out, you will notice [...]
There are many causes of catching a cold every few months, and some are easily fixed, while others require aggressive medical intervention […]
Most cases of temporal arteritis occur in people older than 50, but this doesn’t mean a younger person cannot ever develop this condition. “Temporal arteritis or giant cell arteritis is a systemic inflammation of blood [...]
If you’re thinking of enrolling your overweight young daughter in ballet classes, you may want to abandon that idea and consider martial arts. Though ballet comes with it an association of glamour, glitz and fairy [...]
What if your urine smells like coffee but you DON’T drink coffee? Could this be a sign of cancer? Drinking a lot of coffee can make your urine smell like coffee. But it’s a whole [...]
Discovering crud or crusty gunk behind your ear can be an unnerving experience, making you wonder if it’s skin cancer. […]
It feels like there’s a bruise on your leg, but when you look there, you see nothing unusual. Is this a cause for concern? “That depends,” says Susan L. Besser, MD, with Mercy Medical Center, [...]
Not having your overactive thyroid treated can kill you. In fact, it’s not if, but when you’ll die if you don’t get treatment for hyperthyroidism. […]
“Before choosing which weightlifting exercises to do and which ones to avoid with sciatica, it’s important to determine why you’re having these symptoms,” says Dr. Tom Carpenter, corrective exercise specialist, certified personal trainer and chiropractor, [...]
According to the “sex is a good cardio workout” myth, hookers should be in excellent cardiovascular condition! Though there’s a strong association between how FIT a person is and how active their monogamous sex life [...]
Do you cringe while listening to weather or sports reporters loudly gulp air after every sentence, including short sentences? What is UP with this most annoying phenomenon that seems to be far more prevalent among [...]
Is it actually possible to unwittingly “train” your body to wet your bed more if you sleep with adult diapers? If you’re sick and tired of bedwetting and have finally decided to buy the so-called [...]
Eeuuugh! What could be causing your belly button to stink and be oozing and bleeding? Could it be some form of cancer? […]
Are you a man who spends too much time inspecting the nipple that’s bigger than the other? Or perhaps you see it as one nipple being smaller than the other. […]
What may be the best cardio exercise for postmenopausal women offers not just fat loss and improved cholesterol, but also stronger bones and legs. If you’re thinking running, think again. […]
Though rock wall climbing can be seen as a resistance workout, there can be a good cardio component to this kind of activity, depending on some factors. […]
You need only a few minutes here and there throughout your busy day to burn fat; there's no such thing as not having time for fat-burning exercise. You need to know the correct technique. This [...]
HPV is highly contagious and can lead to numerous cancers including that of the penis. So if a man’s never had sex, could he still get infected with this common virus? […]
Exercise induced asthma (EIA) has several skilled mimickers. You should know what they are. “The classic symptoms of asthma include wheezing and shortness of breath,” says Angel Coz, MD, FCCP, board certified pulmonologist, Associate Professor [...]
The long term effects of an extruded or herniated disc vary depending on the degree of bulging out of the disc contents, or the leaking of the inner disc fluid into the spinal canal. [...]
Don’t think for a second that the typical patient with sleep apnea is a fat man with a thick neck. Skinny young women can be diagnosed with this often misdiagnosed and very common condition. In [...]
One of the classic signs of anemia is a feeling of overall weakness and fatigue that may seem to originate from the muscles. Symptoms of anemia can be anything from mild to severe, and there’s [...]
“A CT scan can show signs of Crohn’s disease,” says Alan Gingold, DO, a board certified gastroenterologist with the Digestive Healthcare Center of NJ. A CT scan can easily show the thickened bowel wall that [...]
There are far more conditions that mimic ALS than you can imagine: at least 22. “Potentially curative treatments exist for certain ALS mimic syndromes,” states a report in the Iranian Journal of Neurology (April 2016), [...]
If your vomit is tarry black, there’s more than one disease that can cause this, but the black itself is old blood. Vomiting blood is always bad news and requires immediate medical attention. [...]
How panic attacks cause chest pain are due to several ways, including a few that involve the heart. What’s quite fascinating is that the body mechanisms involved in a panic event may work in concert [...]
Have you noticed a sudden development of mustard or bright yellow staining under your fingernails and/or on the skin on either side of your nails? […]
Cancer causes significant weight loss for many patients, and the reasons are many. This situation goes well-beyond loss of appetite or anxiety. “A review of 25 studies relating weight loss and cancer was done in [...]
There is one marked difference between proton beam radiation and cyberknife. men with prostate cancer are understandably concerned over which treatment modality will be most effective. […]
If anemia is severe enough, it can damage the brain. It’s easy to see why anemia could lead to brain damage. The brain depends upon oxygen for proper functioning. Blood delivers oxygen to the brain, [...]
In a very small percentage of cases, a dermoid cyst in the ovary can turn into cancer. This isn’t the same as CAUSE cancer; it actually becomes cancer. What exactly is a dermoid cyst? “Derm” [...]
Are you in perimenopause, menopause or post-meno and suffer from excess sweating ONLY behind your knees overnight? You frequently awaken in the middle of the night to find that behind your knees is warm and [...]
Hyperhidrosis is a very bothersome condition that can impede the quality of one’s social life. It can bring on enough embarassment to make the sufferer want to stay home. “Hyperhidrosis is a condition that in [...]
Hyperhidrosis of the armpits, groin or feet--it can be bad enough to impair social life. But is there hope as the sufferer gets older? Can you “age out” of hyperhidrosis? Hyperhidrosis is the medical term [...]
What are the causes and prevention of vomiting a thick mucus after eating foods like beef, rice and sauces? […]
Muscle knots can cause anxiety over possibly having a serious disease, but it’s a benign condition that has different causes and treatments. Do not panic if the professional who’s massaging your back, shoulders or neck [...]