Best Ways for Middle Age Men to Bust Potbelly
Being a man does NOT mean you should embrace that big potbelly. It’s a marker for poor health and bad things to come. And if something isn’t done about it, your potbelly will just get [...]
Being a man does NOT mean you should embrace that big potbelly. It’s a marker for poor health and bad things to come. And if something isn’t done about it, your potbelly will just get [...]
WARNING: Your waist may be getting thicker when using weight with ab exercises. What exercises work best for bringing out abdominal cuts? Obviously, low body fat percentage isn’t enough. We’ve all seen thin people with [...]
Conditions that mimic ADHD and lead to misdiagnosis in kids. Has your child been diagnosed with ADHD, because if so, he or she may have been misdiagnosed. Numerous conditions mimic the condition that is known [...]
The most effective way to sizzle off fat is with high intensity interval training (HIIT). The end of each brief interval feels as though you just outran a lion nipping at your feet. Myth: In [...]
Some women have disproportionately big bulky legs, no matter what they do. The bigness is stubborn fat, though it may appear to be primarily muscle. […]
Is the elliptical machine better for weight loss than the stationary bike, or the other way around? […]
HIIT should burn fat, not muscle! The treadmill is a favorite for HIIT workouts. Find the setting on a treadmill that you can maintain a run on for less than 30 seconds before being forced [...]
Have you ever wondered if a doctor can misdiagnose a transient ischemic attack as something benign? Have you had any symptoms lately that you believed were a TIA but your doctor assured you otherwise, even [...]
When it comes to domestic violence (staying with abusive men), do abused women share common psychological traits? The myth circulates that “any” woman can be a victim of domestic violence. […]
What’s the best ways for women to lose their potbelly? So you just cannot get rid of that potbelly? There are truly best ways for women to get rid of their potbelly, even if they have [...]
The best strength training exercises for the elderly are the same for both men and women. If you’re elderly or of "senior" age, you should strength train -- no excuses. This means lift weights. Elderly [...]
If you’re struggling with gains it’s time for the 20 reps bench press! Bench pressing for 20 reps will help bust through ruts in progress. The bench press is often used as a staple of [...]
What exactly is the rack pull and its benefits? Rack pulls can do several great things for your body -- male or female. One of its biggest benefits is that it will help you get [...]
If you’ve been walking up a storm yet have not lost weight, there’s a few reasons why. Don’t give up yet. Learn how to make walking melt off the fat. […]
Why is it that some women find back squats easy while others struggle? Some women take to this exercise fairly quickly and are just a natural at it. Then there are those—perhaps you yourself—who just [...]
Are you a schmuck who uses the squat rack for barbell curls? This isn’t very considerate for those who wish to do squats and rack pulls. Why do people tie up the squatting rack or [...]
The inverted row is a fabulous compound exercise for which there’s many ways to increase intensity. It seems as though the inverted row is the exercise that, when someone finally decides to include it in [...]
You can get rid of love handles with the right type of cardio exercise. The wrong kind of cardio exercise, if you want to get rid of love handles, is the so-called long slow aerobics, [...]
Descending talus and scree slopes with agility and grace can be achieved by the athlete in YOU! […]
Are you panicking because a very elderly loved-one, 89, just fractured a hip? I know how you feel. When my mother was 89, which is considered advanced elderly, she broke a hip after falling, but [...]
How do you treat pain in one knee when squatting but not when running or jumping? Let’s assume there’s been no traumatic injury to the knee that hurts when you lower down into a deep [...]
Not all deep vein thromboses resolve with the aid of drugs, especially when they are long and dense. “DVT stands for deep venous thrombosis, which represents abnormal blood clotting in the veins, usually involving the [...]
There’s many ways to describe “shortness of breath,” a common complaint among those fearing heart problems or GERD. Shortness of breath can feel as follows: […]
Women will get stronger at pushups if they follow my no-nonsense strengthening plan--designed by me, a woman who does pushups very easily. I was a personal trainer for five years at a gym and taught [...]
Bad News—Water aerobics will do very little for heart fitness. This isn’t vigorous lap swimming; it’s the so-called water aerobics, the classes you participate in with colorful implements… […]
If you’re “skinny fat” or just plain thin but dream of having abs that show, there IS a way you can achieve this–and it’s not zillions of crunches, either. […]
Elderly people can learn to do “real” pushups instead of limiting themselves to wall presses. But–you should start out with wall presses. […]
Do you know how to train your child to recognize the “I need directions” lure from pedophiles? […]
Are you afraid to bring up suicide to your depressed and bullied child out of fear they'll get the idea to try ending their life? Some parents, alarmed after reading about yet another victim of [...]
Are you scared sick that your bullied child just might attempt suicide? Every so often there’s a major news break of a teenager or adolescent who committed suicide because they were being bullied. Did their [...]
Discipline is one thing, but the principal slammed a non-aggressive student into the lockers, hands around his throat. The school principal could be the worst bully your child faces! Yes, sometimes the school bully is the [...]
A pedophile will hesitate to go near a child who brims with martial arts training confidence. With so many children being abducted every year by strangers, it’s certainly reasonable for parents to wonder how effective martial [...]
Should you assume that a bully has parents who bully him or her? Just what kind of parents do youth bullies typically have in the first place? Do parents of bullies bully their kid? “This [...]
Is there a way you can lose lots of weight with lots of cardio exercise? Have you read that cardio won't cut it for weight loss? How MUCH cardio must you do to lose all [...]
Here's a guide for fat people who want to do HIIT: high intensity interval training. Yes, fat people can do HIIT safely and lose tons of weight this way. When I was a personal trainer [...]
If you normally use the stair climber for your cardio training, why not do high intensity interval training on this equipment? I must admit, I’ve never seen anybody do high intensity interval training (HIIT) on [...]
How do you define "bully-proofing" your child? There are things you can do that will help prevent your child from becoming that tortured person who eventually attempts suicide. There’s a lot out there on “bully-proofing” [...]
Stop using fear of shrunken breasts to avoid bench pressing, ladies! Some women worry that bench presses will reduce the size of their breasts. This is absolutely not true! Benching recruits primarily chest muscles. The [...]
You can learn to stop arching your back while bench pressing. The first thing you can do that will make it easier to stop arching your back while performing the bench press, is to watch [...]
If your child is obese, it's SO SAFE to get him/her into weightlifting for fantastic benefits! Obese children in particular will greatly benefit from lifting weights, and this article explains the details. Obese children as [...]