Why You Should NEVER Make Your Kids Give Hugs!
“Is it okay to make my child hug people against his or her will?” NO, NO and NO! This article is about making (requiring, forcing) your child to “give a hug” to either someone they [...]
“Is it okay to make my child hug people against his or her will?” NO, NO and NO! This article is about making (requiring, forcing) your child to “give a hug” to either someone they [...]
Be forewarned that the Philips HF 3520 Wake-up Light comes with very poor instructions, making its operation confusing. I’m no dumb bunny. I have a four-year college degree, and my father has two, and neither [...]
Are you worried because your dominant hand’s grip is weaker than that of your non-dominant hand? So suppose you’re right-handed, but your left grip is actually stronger. Don’t jump to the conclusion that this means [...]
There are reasons why you cannot count on an ultrasound for detecting gallbladder cancer; yet, it can also “miss” it. Symptoms of Gallbladder Cancer Abdominal pain, especially in the upper right area of the abdomen [...]
There’ve been a number of studies about the effectiveness of ultrasound for detecting gallstones, says Akram Alashari, MD, a trauma surgeon at Geisinger Medical Center in PA. Dr. Alashari says that it’s key to recognize [...]
Here’s what a doctor says about the difference between a leukemia nosebleed and a benign one. If you have a nosebleed out of the blue, no apparent cause, just like that…should you fear this means [...]
Your shampoo and conditioner may be the reason your hair smells like medicine. Having great smelling hair is almost as important as having great looking hair. In fact, for some people, maybe having great smelling [...]
Sudden blurred vision that doesn’t go away can be caused by a brain aneurysm or a few other serious problems. “Visual impairment may be a result of a retinal detachment, which can present with a [...]
If you’ve developed blurred vision that differs from mere worsening eyesight, there are three benign causes, but these explanations don’t rule out more serious or life-threatening causes. “A temporary visual disturbance or episode could be [...]
See a doctor ASAP if you have sudden but temporary blurred vision, as this can be a harbinger of an awful outcome. There are many causes of blurry vision, but let’s get more specific: Your [...]
Here are the traits of the kind of teen girl a predator would never try to lure into his car. I am so sick of reading about teenaged girls who accept rides from strangers [...]
Here is how I cured my jammed big toe pain after injuring it from a karate kick. […]
Are you panicking about ALS because your legs are uneven or not symmetrical? The body is NOT symmetrical. This applies to more than shape and muscles. Examine the moles on your lower leg. Do you [...]
I’ve never understood why sleep paralysis scares so many people and why they say they “suffer” from it. Since childhood (though I can’t pinpoint if it was grade school or junior high), I’ve experienced sleep [...]
It’s not your imagination; minoxidil 5 percent can stain your hair gray. Based on my experience, the 5 percent minoxidil solution “turns” whatever hair it comes in contact with a grayish color. The new hairs [...]
Constant muscle atrophy checking is a common experience with people who are plagued by an obsession they might have ALS, a deadly, incurable disease that results in muscle atrophy. ALS is very rare, striking about [...]
A control freak man who’s prone to violence wants only a certain kind of female victim. Men who are capable of physically or even just emotionally abusing a girlfriend or wife are on the lookout [...]
There are different kinds of gallbladder polyps and this includes cancer. So if it’s been discovered that you have a polyp in your gallbladder, should you panic and assume that it’s cancer? Will the mass [...]
The pain you experience in the lower abdomen from running is probably harmless, but you may also consider seeing a doctor about it. “Lower left, or lower right for that matter, pain can be from [...]
Here’s what a doctor advises if you suffer from nausea and vomiting from a weightlifting workout. “A major cause of nausea and vomiting with weightlifting is doing too much, too quickly, without adequate preparation,” begins [...]
Here is your FINAL article on the calf dent that you think is a sign of ALS muscle atrophy. Do calf dents have you terrified you have ALS because you think this is how muscle [...]
Here is why you shouldn’t assume a woman is unhealthy or too skinny just because her ribs show. Many women have ribs that show. Some are undernourished, weak and unhealthy, while others can deadlift 250 [...]
Abusive men are choosy in that they won’t pick just any woman to get involved with. What kind of woman would a controlling man, who has a high propensity for abusing a girlfriend or wife, [...]
There are a number of self-serving reasons why parents force their children to share their toys, games, whatever, with their siblings or kids outside the family. Is it more about the parent than the child [...]
“Shortness of breath” and “difficulty” breathing are NOT one and the same. I’m in perfect health and have shortness of breath all the time—after completing strenuous routines at the gym or running up hills outside. [...]
Actually, you get MANY cracks at raising your children and being a parent because the process takes years, not seconds. “You get only one crack at it,” my mother has often said about raising kids. [...]
Is it wise for little girls to grow up on Cinderella, a cowardly woman who makes NO effort to escape an abusive situation? What kind of role model is THAT? Cinderella is among the most [...]
A teenager who declares her mother is her best friend is showing lots of respect, not the absence of it. Judge Judy once explained to Larry King that mothers should not try to be “friends” [...]
Yes, there IS a cause, and a way, to tell someone to stop laughing after everything they say. And it goes like this: “Jen, are you aware that you laugh after everything you say?” Then [...]
Are you a woman (or teen girl) who thinks you’d appear rude if you refused to get into a stranger’s car when he offers you a ride? There will always be women and teen girls [...]
A doctor explains the differences between a melanoma black line under the fingernail and a normal one. “Splinters or dark streaks under nails can occur when microscopic areas of bleeding happen and allow blood to [...]
“While a bleeding mole is something that should be evaluated, this is not always cancer and usually just is an irritated mole, especially if it was in the way of scratching,” says Dr. Joel Schlessinger, [...]
Are small and itching "blisters" on your fingers driving you mad? If you see “blisters” on your fingers and they itch, these may not be the typical blisters that result from a burn. “Itchy small [...]
A dermatologist explains what might cause excessive sweating on your face, neck and head that doesn’t correspond to any intense physical activity or heat. “Excessive sweating is usually caused by a certain type of nerve [...]
There are MANY causes, says a gallbladder surgeon, of stomach burning after the surgery, and thus, many treatment approaches. Sometimes, a person who had gallbladder removal surgery reports a burning in the stomach. This has [...]
A gallbladder disease expert recommends five foods in particular that will help prevent gallbladder attacks. “There is often a history of fatty food ingestion one hour or more before the initial onset of pain,” begins [...]
I have very small breasts (A-cup) and never wanted them to be bigger. An A-cup bra is actually a tad too big for me; my breasts do not quite fill out the cups, and the [...]
If you have colon cancer, would a CT scan show it? "CT scans are adept at locating pathology IN the abdomen or outside of the bowel,” says Sander R. Binderow, MD, FACS, FASCRS, with Atlanta Colon [...]
Here is how I cured stubborn golfer’s elbow: just two exercises. I had golfer’s elbow for many months and months that didn’t respond well to rest, avoidance of offending activities or massage. “Golfer’s elbow is [...]
If you’ve been diagnosed with microscopic colitis, you’re no doubt wondering if this inflammatory bowel condition can go away on its own, or spontaneously resolve. After all, half of all cases of microscopic colitis present [...]