What Exercises will Help Burn Fat in the Butt?
If your behind is huge and mushy, you need exercises for a fat butt that will shrink and tighten your rear-end. The majority of a big rear-end is fat, not muscle. […]
If your behind is huge and mushy, you need exercises for a fat butt that will shrink and tighten your rear-end. The majority of a big rear-end is fat, not muscle. […]
How should parents approach daughter’s college weight gain? Has your daughter gained weight while in college and you’re wondering how to approach this topic without offending her? So what’s a parent (usually, the mother) to [...]
Are you a teenage girl thinking of taking up smoking so you can lose weight? Stop! Or you'll dearly regret it later on, not to mention be out of a lot of money. If you’re [...]
If you have access to just one staircase, that’s all you need for this workout, but a few flights are even better. […]
Can’t lose stubborn weight no matter what you do? Don’t give up! If you haven’t been able to lose weight, don’t assume you’re meant to be fat. This is not how the human body was [...]
It’s possible to lose weight when you eat Linda’s Fudge Cake for breakfast. First off, your body is in a state of fuel deficit when you get out of bed in the morning; it’s been [...]
This article explains which works better for losing butt fat, cardio exercise or squats and leg presses, and why. Do you think you have a lot of fat in your butt and are wondering if [...]
So why do women love the hip abductor machine, and men don’t care for it so much? The hip abduction machine targets two buttocks muscles: the gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus. However, if you’ve [...]
Here’s the revolving staircase ultimate fat burning HIIT routine to blast off fat all through your body. […]
Not overweight, but need to lose fat? Do you feel “skinny fat” and want to replace some of that mush with lean firm muscle? […]
The best solution to your super wide hips, even if you’re thin, is something you’ve probably never even considered. And that’s to develop your shoulders and back/chest muscles to offset the lopsided appearance that excessive [...]
Yes, you can lose a LOT of weight with only a stationary bike, but only if you apply a specific technique to your pedaling. […]
Some of the reasons you've stopped losing weight despite all that exercise and strict dieting will shock you. #1. You haven't been lifting weights. This particularly applies to young females (afraid of bulking up) and [...]
Contrary to myth, focusing on weight loss does NOT lead to eating disorders, body image problems and poor self-esteem to the great extent that it’s believed by many influencers. […]
Can you slim your thighs with the adductor and abductor machines? Sad news: The adductor and abductor machines will not slim your chubby thighs. The adductor and abductor machines are popular often with women who [...]
Being a man does NOT mean you should embrace that big potbelly. It’s a marker for poor health and bad things to come. And if something isn’t done about it, your potbelly will just get [...]
The most effective way to sizzle off fat is with high intensity interval training (HIIT). The end of each brief interval feels as though you just outran a lion nipping at your feet. Myth: In [...]
Some women have disproportionately big bulky legs, no matter what they do. The bigness is stubborn fat, though it may appear to be primarily muscle. […]
Is the elliptical machine better for weight loss than the stationary bike, or the other way around? […]
What’s the best ways for women to lose their potbelly? So you just cannot get rid of that potbelly? There are truly best ways for women to get rid of their potbelly, even if they have [...]
You can get rid of love handles with the right type of cardio exercise. The wrong kind of cardio exercise, if you want to get rid of love handles, is the so-called long slow aerobics, [...]
Hate your fat thighs? You're going to love the solution! Hint: It's not endless grinding hours on cardio equipment or tricky dance moves in group classes. If you had to choose between strength training or [...]
Sit-ups, crunches, side bends, waist-turns, etc., never, ever strip fat off your middle -- no matter how many reps you crank out; no matter what those TV infomercials claim. Body fat is fuel in dormant [...]
There are six reasons why you haven't been able to lose your belly fat even though (or so you think) you've "tried everything." Fforget everything you THINK you know about how to lose belly fat. [...]
Yes, it CAN be safe to lose more than two pounds a week as long as you understand some really simple math. And the keyword is "can." Certainly, a "starvation" or "crash" approach to dieting [...]
Here are the causes and solutions to that intense and insane hunger you feel after eating sugary junk foods or highly processed snacks. It's just so amazing that such crazy hunger follows wolfing down a [...]
Here are easy instructions for the squat to lunge workout which will burn fat off your thighs, belly and all over your body. The squat to lunge workout is exactly what the name [...]
A teacher blew off a 13-year-old’s proposition that fidgeting burns calories, which, many years later, was proven by research to be true. When I was 13, I was a freshman at a Catholic high school. [...]
Even decades after its introduction on the market, the “Thigh Master” remains a popular piece of gadgetry, with its claim that it slims and tones the thighs. One reason women fell for this was because [...]
Here's how to do HIIT with the elliptical machine for a killer fat burning workout. Don't let the smooth pedaling motion of this machine fool you into thinking that this device can't crush a lot [...]
If you want to lose stomach fat and had to choose between cardio or lifting weights, which should you choose? According to a Duke University Medical Center study, cardio wins for reducing belly size. But [...]
Don't let a sprained ankle stop you from doing cardio exercise that burns fat. First of all, make sure your sprained ankle is only that; no broken bones. Make sure it is securely stabilized with [...]
Fat burning zone vs. cardio training zone for burning fat? Do you ever wonder what the difference is between the "fat burning zone" and the "cardio training zone"? Surely you've seen these diagrammed in some [...]
Here is a guide on how to lose weight with exercise even if you can’t do aerobics or leg workouts and need a total knee replacement. A person who needs a total knee replacement can [...]
Yes, you CAN get rid of saddlebags; don't let anyone tell you it's genetic or part of being a woman. There are four proven exercise approaches to burn saddlebag fat. Ever notice that a woman [...]
It’s a myth that you can’t change your apple or pear shaped “body type.” If you’re pear shaped or apple shaped, you can change this “body type.” Even though the pear shape or apple shape “body type” has [...]
Panaerobics is a fun form of cardio exercise that amplifies fat burning. Panaerobics is a unique and effective way to melt off excess fat while also greatly improving heart health--and anybody can do this fun form [...]
Follow this 30 percent treadmill incline routine to maximize fat-burning. Here is a routine you can do on a treadmill with a 30 percent incline to burn as much fat as possible with this setting. [...]
With correct use of a treadmill, you can burn high amounts of fat in your belly and thighs, hips, etc., with only a 2 mph setting on the 15 percent incline. Look at people when [...]
Confused over which cardio equipment program is best for burning the most fat? Gee, one says fat burn, but another says cardio, then another says hills, or steady pace, or this and that. Do they [...]