HOW Do Pull-ups Cause Golfer’s Elbow? And How to Cure
I developed inner elbow pain while doing pull-ups using a bar wedged in a door frame. […]
I developed inner elbow pain while doing pull-ups using a bar wedged in a door frame. […]
If you suffer elbow pain when carrying things, especially in just one elbow, there is a likely specific cause of this. “Elbow pain from carrying things is often due to lateral epicondylitis, otherwise known as [...]
Here is how I cured stubborn golfer’s elbow: just two exercises. I had golfer’s elbow for many months and months that didn’t respond well to rest, avoidance of offending activities or massage. “Golfer’s elbow is [...]
As funny and goofy as Popeye's elbow looks, one has to wonder if this bizarre condition always comes with pain. Though Popeye’s elbow (olecranon bursitis) is associated with pain, it can also be painless — [...]
How long does it take to get rid of medial epichondylitis, also known as golfer’s elbow? I developed a case of medial epichondylitis (golfer’s elbow) after doing high reps, low weights, with a close-grip on [...]
One day I noticed that after completing my third or fourth set of deadlifts, my right elbow felt a bit funny. This funny feeling was in the joint; the tendon had somehow been overloaded or [...]
If you have elbow tendonitis, it can greatly interfere with the deadlift. The type of elbow tendonitis that I had is called medial epichondylitis (golfer’s elbow). Just a little gripping would aggravate it. My initial [...]
There's a specific reason why your elbow hurts or feels "funny" when you bench press. The tweaky kind of pain may occur the most as you remove the bar from the rack, then lessen a [...]
Can’t do pulling exercises (rows, chin-ups, deadlifts) because of elbow pain? I have the solution. Elbow pain often comes in the form of “golfer’s elbow.” This is an inflammation of the tendon on the inner [...]
Believe it or not, there are two ways to do inverted rows while protecting your golfer’s elbow from further injury or pain. If you have golfer’s elbow, you can actually do sets of inverted rows. [...]
There’s actually a way to do the shoulder shrug exercise against heavy resistance if you can’t grip due to golfer’s elbow. Golfer’s elbow has the potential to make gripping hurt, since the medial epicondyle tendon [...]
If you have golfer’s elbow, here is how to perform the lat pull-down without gripping a bar or handle. If your golfer’s elbow makes it painful to pull against resistance, this means you can’t do [...]
If golfer’s elbow interferes with your bench press, here’s a way to help get around this problem. If your golfer’s elbow is bad enough, bench pressing will aggravate it. I’m a former personal trainer who [...]
Believe it or not, there IS a version of the deadlift that can be done if you have golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis). I've had golfer’s elbow. Until the tendon healed, I couldn't do deadlifts or [...]
Elbow pain when you bench press DOES have definite causes and definite solutions. You'll want to get on board quickly before the injury becomes chronic. There are specific causes of elbow pain both while, or [...]