Can Garlic Make IBS Worse?
It’s bad news for garlic fans who’ve been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome. […]
It’s bad news for garlic fans who’ve been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome. […]
Some people with gallbladder disease wonder if their new-onset leg pain may be connected to the gallbladder issue. Other issues that involve the abdominal area, such as irritable bowel syndrome and ovarian cancer, can cause [...]
Do you sometimes feel a tickling feeling in your chest and hope that this is from acid reflux rather than a heart problem? Does this odd sensation make you imagine a feather is waving around [...]
To anyone with “molechondria,” the question of how long it takes for a normal mole to develop is often on their mind. One-third of melanoma cases arise from pre-existing moles. Of course, any new mole [...]
A red flag for melanoma is if you have a new mole that doesn’t look like your other moles, and if it’s a raised mole and all of your other moles are flat, this isn’t [...]
If you’re pregnant and notice a dark mole seemingly appear overnight, this could be a melanoma, but it could also be one of several types of benign tumors. “Pregnancy is a state of immune suppression; [...]
“Melanoma may look similar to an angioma, especially an amelanotic melanoma which are usually quickly growing pink or red bumps,” says Caroline A. Chang, MD, a board certified dermatologist and founder of the Rhode Island [...]
If you’re overweight even by 30 pounds and think you’re healthy due to normal blood work, you still should lose weight because down the road, your excess fat may catch up to you and cause [...]
If you have heart disease you’d better pick up the pace with your walking if you want to avoid hospitalizations. Slow walkers with heart disease are doomed to more frequent hospitalizations, says a study in [...]
Stop worrying about “looking like a man,” because when older women avoid strength training, this is the fastest route to aging painfully. Tell us what we already know: That it’s crucial for older women to [...]
Being obese, no matter how body positive you are, can cause a racing heart or one that thumps and has an irregular rhythm. The excess fat in one's body can lead to an arrhythmia, specifically [...]
Don’t be so quick yet to rely on only vitamin D to prevent falls in your elderly body; it’s crucial you get an exercise program started! […]
Chest pain after exercise, even though you felt fine during the workout, is cause for concern because it may be a heart problem. […]
Discovering crud or crusty gunk behind your ear can be an unnerving experience, making you wonder if it’s skin cancer. […]
The good news is that the melanoma type of skin cancer does not cause peeling skin; the bad news is that other forms of cancer can cause peeling. This includes a type of lymphoma. [...]
It’s unbelievable the questions that get asked of people who have a giant pimple on their face. Now of course, young kids get a pass on this, as they have no so-called filter and are [...]
If you have chronic lower leg edema from a medical condition, you probably already know how easy it is for socks to leave an impression in this area – and the impression sticks around for [...]
The automated blood pressure machine is so much easier to use than the device that requires you to use a pump. An automated blood pressure device can indeed be accurate, but there are several things [...]
It feels like there’s a bruise on your leg, but when you look there, you see nothing unusual. Is this a cause for concern? “That depends,” says Susan L. Besser, MD, with Mercy Medical Center, [...]
Does putting eye drops make your eyelid twitch? And does the twitching persist for quite a while after that? […]
Can the sudden onset of diarrhea in the morning—especially ONLY in the morning—mean a certain kind of cancer? Colon cancer, as well as ovarian cancer, are definitely known to cause diarrhea. […]
For some people with obstructive sleep apnea who can’t tolerate CPAP machines, Provent may be a godsend. Just how does Provent work? Provent is an FDA approved treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. This nasal device [...]
Other than when you’re thirsty or have signs of dehydration, does it really matter when you drink water? Or is the scheduling of water intake a bit too obsessive? […]
Soft plaque is unstable and can rupture, causing a heart attack; there are natural ways to unclog coronary arteries or kick back the soft plaque. […]
You’re not imagining it: Pushups really do work your abs. Think about what actually happens when you do pushups: Your abdominal region is the link between stabilizing your upper body and your lower body as [...]
Since the sitting disease is so bad for the heart and blood vessels, it’s no surprise that it’s also bad for the brain. There is just no escaping the harmful effects of sitting on your [...]
If you go to sleep late and wake up for the day late, this could put you at risk for an earlier death, when compared to going to bed earlier and getting up earlier. [...]
Under certain circumstances, a cyst on a mammogram can have a benign appearance, but under other circumstances, it can look very concerning to a doctor. […]
Some women believe that because the breast cancer tumor has “been in there” longer—despite slow growth—that this means it’s more dangerous than one that’s been present for only a short time but growing faster. [...]
You may have come upon the descriptor of “subtle benign appearing density” in reference to mammogram imaging. […]
Symptoms or signs of a pregnancy can begin occurring very soon after having sexual intercourse. But this doesn't mean that in every case of conception, the symptoms of a pregnancy will always occur very soon [...]
A breakthrough has been made in the TAVR technique for frail elderly patients at risk for suffering a fatal complication from the procedure – in which the coronary arteries become obstructed. Though the coronary artery [...]
Are you genetically predisposed to heart disease (e.g., Dad had heart attack in his 40s) and have blown off exercise, thinking, “What’s the use?” Well, you’d better rethink that approach. […]
“Frailty” isn’t just a layperson term; it’s used by doctors to describe a state of body in the elderly. “Old can look very different in different people,” begins Walter Gaman, MD, FABFM, board certified in [...]
If you have strong core muscles, you are much less likely to ever develop sciatica, a potentially very painful condition. “The most effective way of using strength training to prevent or lower the risk of [...]
If your doctor tells you that your thyroid needs to be removed, and the first thing that comes to your mind is that this will shorten your life – there is no need to panic [...]
Can menstruation affect the results of a thyroid blood test? Should you wait until your period is over before having a blood test to check your thyroid health? “The research that has been done to [...]
You’ve noticed lately and maybe suddenly that both your ankles and calves are swollen with edema, and you’ve recently completed menopause. Looking down and noticing that your ankles and lower calves have a puffier than [...]
Not having your overactive thyroid treated can kill you. In fact, it’s not if, but when you’ll die if you don’t get treatment for hyperthyroidism. […]
Has your breath been smelling like metal lately? Perhaps you even TASTE metal for no reason and wonder if a low thyroid could be the cause. Hypothyroidism, or underactive thyroid, can cause numerous symptoms. [...]