What Would Cause a 30-Year-Old to Have Osteoporosis?
You need not be old to get osteoporosis; brittle bones can affect 30-year-olds too. There are many reasons people in their 30’s can get osteoporosis. […]
You need not be old to get osteoporosis; brittle bones can affect 30-year-olds too. There are many reasons people in their 30’s can get osteoporosis. […]
The bad breath from gum disease is bad enough to literally fill a room if the patient talks. It can be so bad that someone standing just outside the doorway might be able to smell [...]
In some cases of wisdom teeth removal, something as simple and as natural as drinking water can cause pain. […]
How much time might pass between a cavity that goes untreated to when a root canal is necessary to repair the area? Many people — due to fear of dental work or the cost — [...]
“Here today, gone tomorrow” can describe a diabetic’s foot. Here are five ways that a foot surgeon says a diabetic can prevent amputations and other problems with the feet. Diabetics do NOT have to lose [...]
There are certain things that you should do upon discovering your very first diabetic foot blister, and there’s one thing you should NOT do – and that is panic. […]
Are you under 50, not previously injured but keep waking with stiff feet in the morning that soon return to normal once you’re up and about? Stiff Feet, No Injury “Stiff feet in the morning [...]
If you don’t have a coughing problem during the day but only overnight while you sleep, acid reflux isn’t the only potential cause. You may not even be aware of repeated coughing throughout your sleep, [...]
Don’t you just hate it when you’re looking forward to a delicious meal and you realize you can’t taste or smell due to your cold? And no matter how hard you blow your nose — [...]
Usually, coughing is not a symptom of a heart attack, though a heavy or pressure-like feeling in the chest is a classic symptom of a heart attack about to happen, or one already in progress. [...]
Depending on your level of health anxiety, you might think that your popping clavicle is due to cancer or a neurological disease. And in fact, if your clavicle pops in and out, you will notice [...]
There are many causes of catching a cold every few months, and some are easily fixed, while others require aggressive medical intervention […]
If a dermatologist tells you the rough red or pink patches on your face are seborrheic dermatitis, beware: They may be actinic keratosis mimicking the more benign condition. […]
Some causes of not peeing despite drinking plenty of water are life-threatening, while others are quite harmless. When urine output is abnormally low, this is called oliguria. Benign Causes of Infrequent Urination “A person who [...]
It would be reassuring to hope that the sudden twitching in your index finger was caused by a recent bang to your elbow, since ALS can cause twitching in various parts of the body. [...]
A blood sugar in the 300’s is dangerously high, and all diabetics need to recognize when it’s time to rush to the emergency room when their glucose levels soar into an unacceptable range. [...]
Are you drinking a lot of water—tons, at least eight glasses a day—and still keep producing dark yellow or bright yellow urine? Or is the urine sometimes a strong yellow-orange color? There are several factors [...]
If you suddenly notice a chemical or strong smell from your urine, this can be unnerving, especially if you already know that some cancers have an odor that dogs can sniff out. […]
The feeling of bladder pressure but you're not voiding any urine prompts a trip to the doctor, but your UTI test comes back negative. You were kind of hoping it was a urinary tract infection [...]
Tinnitus sufferers with children or near kids often wonder if a child’s screams and shrieks can worsen their tinnitus and even cause hearing loss. Many people would agree that young kids are their loudest during [...]
It is a well-known fact that for many tinnitus sufferers, morning brings relief because their tinnitus seems quieter during this time. So why can’t this quieter ringing, hissing or buzzing extend further into the day [...]
Are you puzzled over why your tinnitus seems to just come and go without any rhyme or reason? Or is it just your imagination that the “ringing” in your ears is intermittent? […]
If you know that a brain tumor can cause tinnitus in only one ear, you’ll want to be able to tell if your tinnitus is in one ear or both. You may want to know [...]
If you’ve been googling causes of tinnitus, you’ve probably come across ear wax buildup as a potential cause of this annoying condition. “Ears typically are self-cleaning, but some people produce excess wax and need to [...]
Do you find that sometimes when you’re chewing food or gum, you get tinnitus or a “ringing” in your ear? There are several reasons why chewing can bring out a noise that seems to be [...]
Can a deaf person actually experience tinnitus or the subjective sound of a humming, hissing or other tone in an ear? Tinnitus is known as "ringing in the ears." But the so-called ringing can present [...]
You probably already know that TMJ disorder can cause headaches. But what kind of headaches can temporomandibular joint disorder bring on? […]
TMJ problems affect the tongue, though more serious conditions can also cause symptoms involving the tongue such as cancer or a neurological disease […]
Just how possible is it to get TMJ disorder from biting on hard chocolate? Chocolate blocks can be quite hard if refrigerated. It’s possible that if you bite down on very hard chocolate multiple times [...]
It can be quite unsettling to suddenly notice that one side of your cheek appears swollen. If you have TMJ disorder, your first thought might be that the temporomandibular joint problem is the cause of [...]
Tinnitus or “ringing” in only one ear can be caused by a brain tumor, but what about TMJ disorder as a potential cause of tinnitus affecting only one ear? […]
It’s not just an issue of not enough donor livers; it’s an issue that for some patients whose livers are failing, a transplant would mean certain death. But let’s assume that plenty of livers are [...]
If the liver is failing due to heart failure and causes hepatic encephalopathy, can this altered mental status and confusion come and go, or is it permanent due to brain damage from toxin buildup? [...]
Is it really possible for a person with a perfectly healthy jaw to undergo wisdom teeth removal, only to come out of it with TMJ disorder? How likely can the removal of one’s wisdom teeth [...]
Do you suffer from the pain of TMJ disorder? Have you tried many treatments but none have worked? Well, what about Botox injections? “Ninety percent of all TMJ symptoms are muscular in nature; therefore, many [...]
“The reason a TMJ disorder can cause ears to clog during sleep is the same reason it can cause ears to clog while awake,” says a dentist who specializes in the treatment of temporomandibular joint [...]
TMJ disorder, with its ability to cast all sorts of troublesome symptoms onto the sufferer, can also affect neck muscles. […]
Your gums should not get sore from flossing. However, there are ways to treat this problem as well as prevent any discomfort from recurring. […]
If you think you’re suffering from the pain of a dry socket after tooth extraction, it’s possible that the cause is a particle of food that’s stuck there. ---------- “Yes, it can,” says Dr. Haissam [...]
Many people worry that a newly discovered lump in the jaw is cancer, and hope to dear God that it’s only a swollen muscle, perhaps caused by TMJ disorder or something else benign. Discovering a [...]