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Chest Tightness but No Trouble Breathing: Should You Worry?

A cardiologist addresses the issue of whether or not chest tightness, but no shortness of breath, should be worrisome. Have you been experiencing tightness in your chest, but no problem breathing, no shortness of breath [...]

Difficulty Breathing, Tight Chest & Fibromyalgia: Solutions

Fibromyalgia may actually be the cause of your shortness of breath and tight chest, so here’s what a top FMS doctor says you can do about it. “Shortness of breath, or a sense of breathlessness, [...]

Trouble Breathing After Coronary Bypass Causes & Solutions

Trouble breathing or shortness of breath after coronary bypass surgery? There are actually several causes for breathing difficulties following coronary bypass surgery (aka CABG). "Shortness of breath is very common after coronary artery bypass grafting," [...]

Coronary Artery Disease in Physically Fit Middle Age People

How could it be possible for a physically fit person in middle age to have significant coronary artery disease: dangerous blockages in their heart’s arteries? […]