Fit with Clogged Arteries vs. Unfit with Clogged Arteries

    Have you ever wondered if a more physically fit adult with clogged coronary arteries might have a longevity advantage when compared to someone with the same degree of coronary blockage but with less physical fitness? [...]

      Why Aren’t CT Heart Scans Done in Emergency Rooms for Chest Pain ?

      If you go to the ER for chest pain, you won’t be given a CT scan of your heart just because of your symptom. And if you do get one, it won’t be to check [...]

        Can an Ultrasound Show Hard, Calcified Plaque in the Heart’s Arteries ?

        An ultrasound takes “pictures” of your heart. The difference between hard calcified plaque and soft plaque in the coronary arteries is that the hard buildup is much more stable. […]

          Could Carrie Fisher Have Prevented Her Heart Attack?

          There are steps Carrie Fisher could have taken, other than healthy diet & exercise, that may have prevented the heart attack she suffered on an airplane. Drugs, alcohol, smoking and crash dieting have been blamed [...]

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