Why Are Old People More Likely to Fall?
The answer to why old people are at higher risk of falling goes way beyond “because they’re old and weak.” In fact, there are fall risks that most people would never even consider when wondering [...]
The answer to why old people are at higher risk of falling goes way beyond “because they’re old and weak.” In fact, there are fall risks that most people would never even consider when wondering [...]
Chronic heart failure is such an ugly disease that you should do everything possible to prevent it including limiting your salt intake. “High salt intake is associated with a doubled risk of chronic heart failure, [...]
You’ve heard about the amazing virtues of aged garlic extract, particularly as they pertain to heart health. Studies have shown that aged garlic extract can help prevent coronary heart disease and improve cholesterol profile. And [...]
Let’s just say that brief sugar spikes are harmful to people WITHOUT diabetes, so imagine just how dangerous they are to diabetics – whether type 1 or type 2! […]
Have you noticed high blood pressure while walking? Though an increase in blood pressure is normal during physical activity when compared to watching TV in your favorite chair, the increase can also be too much. [...]
Where in heaven’s name did the idea ever come from that ginger ale is good and healthy for you? Are people forgetting what ginger ale actually IS? It’s a sugary soda — the very beverage [...]
Poor sleep can lead to insulin resistance, which is a progenitor of type 2 diabetes. There are several things you can do to reverse insulin resistance that’s caused by or made worse by poor sleep—as [...]
You know that low blood sugar can make your head spin, but can high blood sugar too make you feel dizzy or lightheaded? The answer is yes, but the way this happens is not what [...]
Believe it or not, a lot of salmon—so rich in health-giving omega-3 fats—can actually be unhealthy. Since day one we’ve all heard how good fish is for the body, particularly salmon. But is there a [...]
Underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism is a potentially fatal condition. If you quite taking your Synthroid, you’ll die. It may not be overnight, but it WILL happen. So keep taking that tiny pill first thing every [...]
‘Those nasty looking purple “bruises” on your elderly mother’s or grandfather’s arms are not as harmful as they look. But they can easily resemble marks from elder abuse. Don’t be alarmed if these purple marks [...]
According to the “sex is a good cardio workout” myth, hookers should be in excellent cardiovascular condition! Though there’s a strong association between how FIT a person is and how active their monogamous sex life [...]
That heavy, uncomfortable feeling in your chest when you eat bread — a unique chest pain that no other food causes. What truly is going on here? How can bread cause chest pain in the [...]
Do you cringe while listening to weather or sports reporters loudly gulp air after every sentence, including short sentences? What is UP with this most annoying phenomenon that seems to be far more prevalent among [...]
Is it actually possible to unwittingly “train” your body to wet your bed more if you sleep with adult diapers? If you’re sick and tired of bedwetting and have finally decided to buy the so-called [...]
Do you usually get hit with a wave of dizziness during or immediately after blowing your nose and can’t get the idea of cancer out of your mind? “Dizziness when you blow your nose is [...]
Non-walking pneumonia refers to a more serious type, while “walking” refers to a less threatening type that some people claim has gone away without treatment. If you don’t treat the so-called non-walking pneumonia, can it [...]
Do you feel short of breath lately and wonder if it’s a low thyroid causing this or all in your head, even though you have not been diagnosed with hypothyroidism? […]
Edema in the legs is the result of a process that involves the veins, and a DVT is also the result of a process that involves the veins. So how likely, then, can having edema [...]
You can’t always tell by simply looking at your swollen puffy ankles if the cause is serious or benign. If you’re worried about the bilateral swelling in your ankles, especially if it seems to be [...]
It’s no secret in the medical world that hand grip strength is associated with heart health, cardiac events and death. You may be wondering what on earth does hand grip strength have to do with [...]
Here’s what you need to know about treatment if your elderly family member is diagnosed with pneumonia but has pre-existing heart failure. Pre-existing heart failure poses a significant risk of higher mortality when such patients [...]
Exercised legs are very important for chronic heart failure patients. Don’t assume that legs don’t matter just because they’re far from the heart. […]
If a doctor didn’t order IV fluids for a patient with acute decompensated heart failure, this was probably a very smart move… even though it would seem—from an intuitive standpoint—that IV fluids would be beneficial. [...]
Gaining weight over time can put you at risk for future heart failure. The "fat acceptance" subset of the body positive movement needs to understand this. Chronic heart failure should never be an "accepted" disease. [...]
It’s odd that with all the people so afraid of dying from cancer, these same individuals often don’t give heart failure a second thought. Though getting the “big C” may scare the daylights out of [...]
Following prostate cancer surgery, a man may experience twitching down there, or what seems like a kind of twitching within or near his manhood. This not only can be quite annoying to some patients, but [...]
It seems that the logical treatment for spinal stenosis is to repeatedly extend the back throughout the day or do sustained back extension exercises to “force” the lumbar region into a more upright position. [...]
“There are several possible causes for medial knee pain when deadlifting,” says Dr. Tom Carpenter, corrective exercise specialist, certified personal trainer and chiropractor, inventor of Stand Corrected™, a portable harness-like stretching tool that helps alleviate [...]
Causes and solutions for shoulder popping when you bring the bar down when bench pressing. ****** Bringing the bar down in the bench press can put more stress on the shoulder than the act of [...]
It’s supposedly a big achievement that the Barbie doll body now comes in a curvy or “realistic” version—yet her face remains totally unrealistic. […]
It would seem that most patients with advanced heart failure who are getting worse would be suitable candidates for a ventricular assist device. […]
If someone with chronic heart failure goes into acute decompensated mode triggering cardiorenal syndrome and dies, is there a sooner point in time for which medical intervention could have saved this individual? […]
How can doctors tell that ejection fraction has worsened over the course of a few days in someone admitted with acute decompensated heart failure if only one echo was taken on the day of admission? [...]
The contraindications for drug therapy in critically ill patients with acute decompensated heart failure with worsening renal function leave physicians in a very tough spot, because without these drugs, the patient is sure to die. [...]
What determines when drug treatment in the elderly with acute heart failure and worsening renal function can be helpful vs. harmful? Cardiorenal syndrome has no clear-cut cookie-cutter treatments. […]
Bad news for workout enthusiasts who watch a lot of TV: Your gym exercise may not cancel out the blood clot risk of sitting a lot in front of the TV. Now if you walk [...]
Is a fasting blood sugar that’s always in the 90 range as good as always in the 80’s or 70’s, or does this mean you’re at higher risk for eventually developing type 2 diabetes? [...]
There is good reason never to double up on a drug for high blood pressure if you miss a dose. “Double dosing on hypertension drugs can be potentially dangerous (even fatal), but most often, there [...]
It’s not health anxiety if you keep worrying about your fasting blood sugar being around 119. Because if you keep seeing 119, you’re in big trouble – and your excessive worrying is quite justified. [...]