Renegade Row Intensity Techniques for Killer Core Workout
There are a number of ways to add intensity to renegade rows, but few people do this! Yes, you can add intensity to renegade rows – many ways! I do renegade rows on my chest [...]
There are a number of ways to add intensity to renegade rows, but few people do this! Yes, you can add intensity to renegade rows – many ways! I do renegade rows on my chest [...]
Find out what a study determined activates more latissimus muscle: bent-over barbell row or the T-bar style! So which is better when it comes to building up the lat muscle, the bent-over barbell row or [...]
Learn why it’s a myth that lifting weights is harder for tall people. It’s often said that tall people have a harder time with lifting weights, and that it’s easier for short athletes. Let’s assume [...]
There’s more than one reason why strongman competitors are so very tall. Isn’t it odd that many champion powerlifters aren’t all that tall, yet when it comes to strongman athletes, it’s not uncommon for them [...]
An intellectual disability should be no barrier to lifting weights at a gym. When I say that people with a mental handicap should lift weights, I’m obviously referring to those who have no medical issues [...]
Are you in construction and wondering if this will build muscle the way that training at a gym with weights will? The big question for men in construction work who believe that this occupation can [...]
Liam Hoekstra was born in 2005. The World's Strongest Toddler aired in 2014 on TLC about 3-year-old Liam Hoekstra, a pint-size boy from Roosevelt Park who has 40 percent more muscle mass than typical [...]
These ganglion cyst pain exercises are very simple. Do you have wrist pain? You may have a ganglion cyst, and I have exercises to relieve ganglion cyst pain. These ganglion cyst exercises should be done [...]
So, are tall people really stronger than short people? Ever wonder if it's really true that tall people are stronger than short people? A lot of folks think so, including Hollywood. Ever notice that the [...]
Smith machine or dumbbell squats? It’s tough to assert which is better between the smith machine and dumbbell squats. And why would you even want to compare these two, when the free barbell squat ("back [...]
Here’s how to face the problem of female bullies at the gym and how to manage them. Is there even a such thing as gym bullies who are women? This depends on how you define [...]
GOMAD means a gallon of milk a day, but there are better ways to gain weight. GOMAD means a gallon of milk a day for weight gain; have you hopped on the GOMAD bandwagon? There [...]
Exercises that can help a woman get a biceps vein... Are you a woman struggling to get that biceps vein going? I take pride in my own biceps vein, which I refer to as my “cable.” [...]
Images & simple instructions: best exercises for weight loss & toning using a resistance band or tension tube. However, I must stress that the level of resistance in the band (also known as a tension [...]
Straight from a cardiologist, here are the guidelines for bodybuilding after having heart bypass surgery, a.k.a. CABG. CABG stands for coronary arterial bypass grafting, and there are two kinds of patients when it comes to [...]
Making lifestyle changes to help prevent a DVT is as easy as 1 through 7. Deep vein thromboses are much more common than you think and are very dangerous, requiring immediate medical intervention. “The problem [...]
I solved my forearm pain that occurred during biceps curls. If you've been suffering forearm pain from biceps curls, you might be experiencing exactly what I experienced. I'm a former certified personal trainer, but even [...]