Yoga vs. Stretching for Improving High Blood Pressure
Which is more effective for lowering high blood pressure: yoga or stretching? Yoga and “stretching” are not the same thing. […]
Which is more effective for lowering high blood pressure: yoga or stretching? Yoga and “stretching” are not the same thing. […]
Good news for those with stiff backs and legs who are wondering if they could benefit from or even try yoga! Do not blow off yoga just because your back is as stiff as a [...]
When yoga is compared to cardio (aerobic) exercise as part of heart disease treatment, which is better? Yoga and cardio exercise are both very beneficial forms of physical activity for healthy people as well as [...]
Yoga can provide an immediate boost to someone who feels depressed, whereas an antidepressant drug can take weeks to kick in -- if at all. The 2017 125th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association [...]
Between rock wall climbing and yoga, which burns more fat depends on the skill level of the person. […]
If you’re an animal with deadlifts, don’t think for a second that a single class of yoga won’t give you a sore back after the class or the day after. There are different ways that [...]
Are you continuing to put off taking your first yoga class due to the presumption that all those bare feet will stink up the classroom? Even the appearance of all those bare feet could be [...]
Though being overweight will make yoga more challenging, this doesn’t mean you must first lose weight before taking your first yoga class. Keep in mind that many yoga poses are done while seated on your [...]
Where on earth did this absurd idea originate that yoga classes are full of skinny women? I was inspired to cover this myth after reading an article about a plus-size yogi. In her article was [...]
Ever wonder if yoga, water aerobics and walking can actually burn a lot of fat? Many people question the ability of yoga, water aerobics and walking to burn off a lot of fat. So let's [...]
A ganglion cyst in the wrist will interfere with practicing yoga — but there’s an ingenious solution that will allow you to do the poses painlessly. I’ve had a ganglion cyst in my wrist for [...]