We keep getting “body positivity” shoved down our throat. What about women with homely faces? When’s their ship going to come in?
Why don’t we see THEM strutting catwalks and getting on covers of magazines?
In fact, the very phrase, “All faces are beautiful,” isn’t even used amid all the body positivity hoopla.
Even women with conventionally attractive bodies don’t stand a chance of getting a modeling gig if they have a plain Jane face, let alone a “dog face.”
Professional Models
Look, I get it: It’s important that a model have a pretty face. I myself use images of only attractive faces for most of my articles.
However, I also don’t actively campaign for “body positivity,” either. I’m off the hook.
I don’t claim to be a pioneer in this area like Sports Illustrated — which contradicts itself by using only gorgeous-faced women.
What about the increasing media attention towards models with skin conditions?
Well, here’s the problem: The barrier-breaker is their skin, not their facial structure!
Yes, they have acne, large moles or a pigment disorder — yet at the same time, still have a “model’s face” — in terms of structure. This is no coincidence.
Winnie Harlow has allegedly “broken barriers” as the first model with vitiligo to strut a Victoria’s Secret show.
BUT … Winnie’s facial structure is traditional model caliber. Check out her beauty below.

Winnie Harlow — a classically beautiful face that just happens to have de-pigmentation.
Amy Deanna landed a contract with CoverGirl, a company that claims body positivity due to this move. Gee what a coincidence that her face is structured like the typical runway model’s!

Amy Deanna. Would CoverGirl had hired her if her lips were thin and eyes closer together?
Let’s see CoverGirl hire a woman with either of the faces below for any contract! That’s the day hell will freeze over.

Sports Illustrated, CoverGirl, you interested?

We should gun for “Lip Positivity.”
We can put a bunch of big splotchy moles on Ashley Graham’s face, and doggone it, she’d still be gorgeous!
We can give Emilia Clarke’s face a noticeable case of vitiligo – and let’s toss in several giant zits while we’re at it — and crikey, she’d still be beautiful!

Emilia Clarke, actress
When I speak of facial beauty or homeliness, I can’t say this enough: I refer to features and proportions, NOT skin color variegation or large moles or patches.
Target’s “Inclusive” Swimwear Campaign
Four models, all with YOUNG faces. Below is one of them. Note the skin difference.

Source: Target’s Shade & Shore line
What else do you notice? Hint: Imagine her without the skin condition. What do you see? It’s obvious: a face that’s STRUCTURED like that of a conventional model’s!
Paint on some eyebrows, add false eyelashes, eyeliner, eye shadow and lipstick, and she’d be quite attractive despite the rough skin.
Target falls short on inclusion because all the women in their Shade & Shoreline campaign have YOUNG, STRUCTURALLY PRETTY faces.
Recording Artists
For once, I’d like to see a recording artist (plus size or not) hit it big who has an unbecoming face.
I’m not talking about winners of those TV talent shows. I’m talking about those who blow into the public eye out of nowhere and hit it huge.
Now before you start naming successful “fugly” female recording artists, I need to point out that facial beauty is outright required for three genres of music:
• Top 40
• Country
• Hip hop and whatever else you call today’s music
Requirements are looser for rap, grunge rock and alternative, but let’s stick to the big 3.
Name one wildly popular, contemporary recording artist in any of these three genres who is homely.
This excludes those you hate. Some people have posted that Beyoncé, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Britney Spears, Rihanna and Ariana Grande are ugly. It’s no coincidence that their posts also spew a lot of hatred towards these performers.
Would Taylor Swift, Alicia Keys, Rihanna or Cardi B gotten their big break if they looked like the two women below?

Joel Mott/Unsplash
Now before you point out that these artists are very talented and that their looks are only coincidental, then how about explaining why – once again – we NEVER see a woman with a homely face who hits it big in pop, soft rock, country or hip hop?
You may be thinking of Barbra Streisand and Celine Dion, but their exceptional pipes cancel out their less-than conventionally attractive faces. Plus, that’s only two out of a boatload.
Keep in mind that “not beautiful” does NOT mean ugly. Think of this as four categories: Ugly/homely, Plain, Pretty and Beautiful.
With makeup ON, name one recording superstar who’s Plain, let alone Ugly/homely.
And don’t let your hatred towards her skewer your perception of her face. Be objective. CAN you name even one?
Even Lady Gaga, with makeup, certainly isn’t a plain Jane, and it’s with makeup that counts, since nobody ever performs or attends functions or photoshoots without makeup.
• Are we to believe that all the good looks in the recording industry are just a coincidence?
• Are we to believe that only women with pretty faces can sing, dance and play a flute?
• Are we to believe that homely women can’t sing?
Recording studio executives know that ugly doesn’t sell; only beauty does – even if it’s on a 230 pound body.
It’s no coincidence that Adele has a very pretty face. You know stinkin’ well that Adele would not have had a snowball’s chance in hell if she’d had a face like Rosie O’Donnell.
It’s amazing that women will cry for body positivity but at the same time would never pay to see a “fugly” woman perform on stage.
Body Positivity Calendars and More
Show me ONE plus size woman on a body positivity calendar whose face isn’t pretty.
The body positivity movement still has a very long way to go.
This includes the photographers who pat themselves on the back and boast inclusivity when photographing women with skin disorders – yet most of their subjects have Golden Ratio proportions!