Find out if it’s possible to identify melanoma when the “mole” still looks normal.
What if you have melanoma, but a close look with your, or your dermatologist’s, naked eye easily misses it because it’s early enough to still appear normal?
Must you wait until it progresses enough to look abnormal in order for it to catch your attention or that of your doctor’s?
Actually, melanoma can be detected while it still looks normal. In order for this to happen, you’d have to either have normal moles removed and then biopsied, or, a more practical approach is to take advantage of the latest melanoma detection technology.
There’s always a period of time in which a mole, that has become malignant (melanoma) still looks normal or unchanged to the naked eye.
“This is why an early detection and surveillance program such as MoleSafe is so critical,” says Richard Bezozo, MD, President of MoleSafe, the world’s most advanced melanoma screening program.
“MoleSafe uses high resolution photographs, and advanced dermoscopy and can find melanomas before they would be identified in a naked eye examination, and would also reduce the need for unnecessary biopsies, unlike what you will find in a typical dermatologist’s office.”
Computer Technology Hunts Down Suspicious Moles
Serial digital dermoscopy involves having selected moles photographed.
“MoleSafe uses high resolution photographs and advanced dermoscopy to find melanoma before they are visible to the naked eye,” explains Dr. Bezozo.
“MoleSafe is something that is repeated annually, so that the dermoscopic images can be compared from year to year, making this the most advanced tool for identifying early changes.
“For patients at risk for melanoma, nothing should be taken for granted.
“Early detection is the only cure. Identifying changes not visible to the naked eye are essential.”
People with average risk for melanoma can still take advantage of serial digital dermoscopy for hard-to-see moles on their back or simply for increased peace of mind.

Richard Bezozo, MD
There are more new cases yearly of skin cancer than breast, prostate, lung and colon cancers combined. The MoleSafe system produces high-resolution diagnostic images and creates a profile for your skin that’s monitored for any changes in moles.
Lorra Garrick has been covering medical, fitness and cybersecurity topics for many years, having written thousands of articles for print magazines and websites, including as a ghostwriter. She’s also a former ACE-certified personal trainer.