Many very tall women report that all their lives, they’ve gotten rude or less-than-complimentary comments and questions about their height.
Other very tall women have never experienced this problem, and some of them may even find it difficult to believe that this problem exists.
But for some very tall women, it does. Maybe it’s because sometimes, people just happen to end up being around too many small-minded schmucks who lack social graces.
There was a website several years ago where tall women posted their experiences, and most of the posts were quite negative.
These posts cited quite an array of nasty mean comments from strangers, as well as from coworkers, social contacts and even family members.
Here is one such post, copy and pasted off the site. The post was written by 6-1 “Val.”
I’m criticized for wearing heals, called anorexic (I’m fairly thin) and I’m quite often mistaken for a guy. I have broad shoulders and I’m flat everywhere so I get many comments about my manliness xD
Val needs to re-evaluate her choice of whom she hangs with and where.
She seems to gravitate towards negative pockets of people. Maybe she and those like her grew up in negative households.
It’s amazing how rude and callous people can be!
Very tall women who keep getting fed rude, unkind remarks about their height need to get away from these small-minded people. Dump them like garbage.
Of course, if some of this toxicity is coming from family members, it won’t be so easy to toss them out the window.
But one must absolutely make an effort to limit contact with anyone who ridicules something about their body that they have no control of: their height.
It’s unbelievable that very tall women or even “average tall” women can actually be challenged or even criticized for wearing high heels — even by strangers.

Think of high heels as revenge against the clowns who make derogatory remarks about your tallness. Freepik/lookstudio
I can easily picture these rude people doling out criticisms to shorter women about other features such as hairstyle, clothes, makeup application and who knows what else.
Do you really, really wish to continue associating with people who keep trying to pull you down into their hole? Rid them.
But there’s another way that very tall women can fight back at little-minded people who dare to make unkind comments and criticisms:
Wear the doggone five-inch heels and smile at these people; add some confident clare in your eyes.
Now of course, if five-inch heels aren’t comfortable, wear a shorter heel — it’s always important to make sure a shoe fits properly and doesn’t scrunch up your toes, cause pain or make walking difficult.
These days, stylish heeled shoes are offered more than ever in large shoe sizes by various retailers.