Tall women should wear high heels, unless the reason they refuse to is because of discomfort.
Actually, tall women as well as short women should NOT wear high heels if they hurt or cause foot problems.
But this content is for the tall woman who “can’t” wear high heels because she’s so tall.
And sometimes, that “so tall” is only 5-10. I say “only” because, in the grand scheme of things, 5-10 isn’t that tall for a woman. It’s actually considered marginally tall by the moderator of tallwomen.org.
Many tall women who post on the “tall quotes” page of the site complain they “can’t” wear high heels. None of these tall women cite discomfort as the reason. “I’m too tall,” is the reason.
Yes, the reason is always because they’re already tall enough, or, they worry what other people will think.
Some tall women here have even said that their friends would kind of scold them for wearing high heels.
Some of the tall women say they’ve gotten comments like, “Aren’t you tall enough?” And, “Why do you wear high heels?”
Shame on people who deliver these comments and questions.
If you’re a tall woman who’s ashamed or embarrassed about wearing heels, then my goal is to completely change your mind by the time you’re done reading this.
Many women between 5-10 and 6-2 wear a shoe size between 8 and 11. Plenty of attractive high heel shoes come in these sizes.
Specialty stores sell stylish high heel shoes in larger sizes. Have you ever seen really dynamite shoes being modeled in a women’s clothing catalog?
And you thought, “Oh, I love those shoes! But I can’t get them because they have a 3-inch heel!” ?
Well guess what: How tall do you think the model is wearing these shoes?
Chances are she’s at least 5-10! She may even be taller than you! Yet the shoes look great on her! What does this tell you?

Freepik.com, senivpetro
The tall woman’s body looks no different than the shorter women’s body. Height is relative.
You’re tall only when you’re with much shorter people. But suppose you were to dress up and wear those high heels, then be photographed standing next to either nothing or something that does not have standard height.
You would not appear tall. Ultra-long legs? Hey, I’ve seen short women who were all legs, and tall women with relatively short, stubby legs. HEIGHT IS RELATIVE.
But if you’re like most women, you are conscious of the impression you create upon other people.
If a tall woman wears flats with a really stylish dress or skirt, here is the impression she creates:
Hello, folks. I don’t have enough self-confidence to wear high heels because I worry what other people think of me.
Even what complete strangers think of me influences what I wear. The opinions of complete strangers rank higher than my own opinions.
I know this is a hallmark sign of no self-esteem, but I guess I can’t help it. I can’t be my own person.
I am easily swayed by the opinions of strangers, even when I’m not even sure what their opinions are. I slouch and try to look shorter, because complete strangers have preeminence over me.
When a tall woman wears high heels with a really stylish dress or skirt, here is the impression she creates:
Look out world, here I come! I’m confident, goal-oriented, and proud of whom I am. I won’t let anyone hurt me or get in the way of my dreams. I want that job, and I’m gonna get it.
When people are around me, they feel at ease. Though I am a compassionate person, I also think highly enough about myself that I would never let the opinions of strangers get me down.
And instead of just assuming that strangers think I shouldn’t wear high heels, I automatically assume they think I look totally RAD in them!
One of the most wretched ways to live your life is to allow other people’s opinions to dictate your actions!
So if someone thinks I shouldn’t wear high heels, I will deliberately wear them in that person’s face, then chuckle at their reaction.
If I were a manager at some company and looking to hire people, and I had just two applicants for a job that involved dealing with people, and both applicants were six-foot-tall women, with the same qualifications, but one wore flats to the interview, and the other wore high heels…
…I’d hire the one with the high heels, because that tells me she doesn’t worry what others think of her, and she’s not a snoop.
Yes, I said snoop…SNOOP: Suggestible to the Negative Opinions of Other People.
What person in his or her right mind would hire a snoop? A snoop demonstrates very weak self-esteem.
If you think tall women have no business wearing high heels, do you also think that overweight people have no business wearing shorts or sleeveless shirts?
Or perhaps you think that if a woman has spider veins in her legs, she shouldn’t wear shorts?
Or maybe men with skinny legs shouldn’t wear shorts? Or maybe women with big waistlines shouldn’t wear belts?
- They will empower you.
- Do not let strangers or even people you know rob you of your power.
- Take it back by wearing high heels.
- The minute you put on those high heels, you tell the world, “I dare you to push me around ever again.”