Postpartum Body Distress and the Power of Lifting Weights
Just how badly could you possibly feel about your postpartum body if you could pick up heavy things with ease? […]
Just how badly could you possibly feel about your postpartum body if you could pick up heavy things with ease? […]
If you can knock off 20 halfway pull-ups, is this really the same as 10 reps from a dead-hang? Or are you sacrificing muscle recruitment with those cheat reps? You’ve seen it plenty of times [...]
How is it that every time you do pushups, BOTH wrists end up hurting, yet you have no problem doing other pushing routines at the gym? Though carpal tunnel syndrome can cause a pain in [...]
Can you bench press without a problem, but when it comes to pushups, you always get pain in only one wrist? And it’s enough pain to screw up the set. “Pain in one wrist during [...]
You’re not imagining it: Pushups really do work your abs. Think about what actually happens when you do pushups: Your abdominal region is the link between stabilizing your upper body and your lower body as [...]
There are 10 pushup mistakes that many women make and don't even realize it. But they can be eliminated very easily. Here they are, in no particular order. Being too presumptive. A big mistake is [...]
If no matter what you do you can never do more than 10 pushups and feel like a weakling, there’s a solution that’ll turn your embarrassing pushups into power pushups. […]
Here are great but simple barbell workout routines for beginning fitness enthusiasts. When I was a trainer I had my beginner clients performing these inviting barbell routines during their workouts. […]
Will you build more strength by doing pushups with your feet on one of those big “stability” balls, or should you just stick with the tried-and-true regular pushup? […]
Can you do pushups with a rotator cuff injury? Pushups are a real bear when you have a rotator cuff injury. I have had rotator cuff problems in the past. And my clients -- when [...]
Pushups are very difficult for obese people, but if you’re plus size and want to strengthen your chest, shoulders and arms, there are substitutes you can do instead of pushups. […]
If you consider yourself “fat,” could you benefit from doing pushups? When I was a personal trainer I had many overweight clients. You may want to hold off on pushups for a while. [...]
Here are four routines that will get you strong enough to do pushups. With the right training, women and “weakling” men can get strong enough to do many solid pushups. […]
Women will get stronger at pushups if they follow my no-nonsense strengthening plan--designed by me, a woman who does pushups very easily. I was a personal trainer for five years at a gym and taught [...]
Elderly people can learn to do “real” pushups instead of limiting themselves to wall presses. But–you should start out with wall presses. […]
Here’s the comparison between the bench press and weighted vest pushups. One of my personal-training clients some years ago asked me which was better: bench press or weighted vest pushups. What are your goals? Do [...]
Get ready for the kettlebell heavy pushup — for those who dare, for those who find pumping out lots of plain ‘ol pushups is just way too easy. Pushups need not be fancy to be [...]
Can a child be too young to do pushups? How young is too young for kids to do pushups? What's interesting about this question is that babies do this type of motion all the time. Though [...]
Renegade rows with pushups is one of the best routines for hammering the entire body at once. I’m a former certified personal trainer and I’ve been doing renegade rows for quite some time. This exercise [...]
Does pain in your wrist make pushups difficult and you've now noticed a little rubbery lump in your wrist? The lump may be tender if you press on it. It’s not rock hard; it gives [...]