There are reasons why “courage” should never mean wearing a bikini no matter how fat you are.
The woman in the above photo certainly will not go down in history.
She will not make the news for bringing her plus-size body to the beach in a bikini.
I grew up thinking that “courage” and “brave” applied to acts carried out by firefighters or the military, dangerous motorcycle stunts or walking around in the city completely blind and trusting a dog to lead you.
Other things have been historically labeled as courageous, such as fighting a terminal illness, training for a marathon after losing a leg to cancer, rounding up people to fight drugs in the neighborhood and jumping between a snarling stray dog and your preschooler.
The Standard for Courage Has Drastically Been Lowered by the Body Positivity Movement
Putting on a bikini — even if you’re very fat — should not be considered an inspirational act.
Yet plus-size Instagram influencers are being lauded for being “inspirational” (read the comments to their photos) simply because they post images of themselves in bikinis or “daring” clothes.
You want to see REAL inspiration? Check out the images below!
For some people, courage and bravery mean speaking before a large group, skydiving for the first time or finally telling off one’s crooked workplace boss.
The men pictured below are no more or no less a bastion of courage, bravery and inspiration than is a 240 pound Instagram star who claims to own 52 bikinis.
The term “courage” is associated with Special Olympics, especially when participants with no legs are bench pressing 400 pounds.
But unfortunately, many women — and their children — now associate “courage” with wearing a bikini!
We are de-evolving!
The decision to put on a bikini, post a selfie or walk out the door and visit the beach is NOT an act of courage or bravery, nor does it even hint at inspirational.
Let’s not make this more than what it actually is: a fashion choice.
Sadly, we live in a society where very heavyset women, who preach body confidence, feed their ego by convincing other big women to wear a bikini or two-piece swimsuit.

“I wish I had your courage!” is a common post by followers of body positive influencers who regularly post themselves in revealing swimwear.
Have you yourself ever posted, “I wish I had your courage!” in response to a picture of a fat influencer in a bikini?
For all you know, that idol of yours is too chicken to speak up about a recurring injustice at the workplace; too skittish to speak up when a woman steps before her in a line; too afraid to tell her neighbor to stop letting his dog crap in her yard.
A picture is NOT always worth a thousand words.
It’s time for fat women to stop lowering their standard of what defines courage.
Lorra Garrick is a former personal trainer certified by the American Council on Exercise. At Bally Total Fitness she trained clients of all ages for fat loss, muscle building, fitness and improved health.