Learn how you can really tone your loose muscles up with the leg press machine.

I rank the leg press very high on the list of exercises for toning the legs, yet most women don’t do this exercise.

There are different makes and models of this type of equipment.

The one I recommend is the contraption that has the trainee very low to the floor, feet above her.

I’ll assume that most women don’t prefer this type of equipment because it requires loading it with plates. However, consider this loading part of your workout!

How Women Can Tone Muscles with Leg Press Machine: Form Is Important

Place your feet on the sled or platform. There is variation here, but a big rule is to never let the knees “track” over the feet as you lower the sled.

If you see your feet disappearing, then start over by placing your feet higher on the sled.

Feet can be any width apart, as long as they stay flat on the sled at all times.

The feet should be parallel to each other or pointed only a tiny bit out.

However, for a very wide foot placement, it’s better to point the feet out a bit more, because this will ease tension on the knees.

Keep in mind that the more that the feet are angled outward, the more recruitment there will be of the inner thigh muscles.

Once your feet are in position, lower the sled and as the knees approach the chest, spread them out so that they clear the chest, allowing the knees to go deep. Now press back up to complete the repetition.

Do not lock out the knees, ever! At the top of the leg press, always keep the knees slightly bent or in a “soft” position.

When you lower the sled, make sure your butt does not come off the support underneath it.

Leg Press Weight Load

Beginners should use a very light weight load to avoid pulling a muscle.

See if you can do 15 reps. Don’t rush into loading up the machine or you’ll risk excessive soreness one or two days later.

You’ll need to experiment with how much weight to use, but I recommend starting off with a 10 pound plate on each peg.

This may seem too light, but remember, you’re to do 15 reps, and deeply, bringing the knees past the chest, rather than resting them on the chest like many women (and men) do.


Ultimately you want the resistance in the leg press to be heavy enough so that 12 to 15 reps are difficult.

If you can’t bring the knees down as described here, then lighten the resistance.

Do five sets with one minute of rest in between, twice a week, preferably three days apart.

Horizontal Leg Press Equipment


If you prefer the horizontal version of the leg press, that’s fine; you can still really tone up your gams!

Some gyms don’t have the floor version, or, the floor version may be occupied at the time you want to do leg pressing.

Plus, some women find they enjoy doing both the horizontal and the floor version.

The guidelines are the same, except that instead of lowering the platform towards you as the very first movement, as you would with the floor version, you’ll be pushing it away from you to start the set.

Lorra Garrick is a former personal trainer certified through the American Council on Exercise. At Bally Total Fitness she trained women and men of all ages for fat loss, muscle building, fitness and improved health. 



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