I’m fed up with these skeptics who think that in order for an autism diagnosis to be valid it must be given in childhood.

An adult ASD diagnosis is valid – as much as an ASD diagnosis given to a toddler.

Specifically, I’m referring to a clinical diagnosis, one given by a psychologist or neuropsychologist.

For example, in late middle age I got my Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis from a doctorate in psychology who specializes in ASD assessments.

She had nothing to gain financially by diagnosing me with autism (which was my only diagnosis).

The psychologists who administer autism evaluations do not have a financial incentive for diagnosing someone with autism, or ADHD, OCD, depression or anxiety, for that matter (a comprehensive evaluation will screen for these additional conditions).

My Late Adult Autism Diagnosis Is As Valid As Your Niece’s Early Childhood Diagnosis

The ignorance is on fire in the comments sections of articles covering the topic of being diagnosed autistic in adulthood, especially if the individual is in a professional line of work – and especially if the work isn’t related to tech or science research.

Ignorance abounds here. “Poor behavior” does NOT describe every late-diagnosed woman’s experience with autism.

I meet the criteria for being on the Spectrum as much as the four-year-old who can’t talk and is not capable of interacting with other preschoolers.

People who got diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum in adulthood can still meet the minimal criteria for a diagnosis.

Just because “they got to adulthood without any struggles” doesn’t mean they can’t be autistic.

And just because they achieved a bachelor’s or master’s degree, are married, have kids and are even in a line of work involving considerable people interactions, doesn’t mean they had not experienced various struggles all throughout childhood, high school and earlier adulthood.

Struggles Aren’t Always Visible

Struggles can be hidden. Also, there are struggles, by their nature, that are not obvious to observers.

The definition of “struggle” has nothing to do with how obvious or visible it is to onlookers.

That person sitting there quietly and hardly moving can be going through an immense internal struggle, all the while you’re nearby and thinking they’re “normal” and can’t possibly be autistic.

Many late diagnosed Autistics will tell you that in high school, for instance, they ate lunch in a bathroom stall because nobody wanted to eat lunch with them and they didn’t want to be seen eating by themselves.

Nobody wanted them at their lunch table because they were odd, strange, weird or socially inept — call it what you will.

Many got picked on by teachers because the teachers had no tolerance for any student who stood out in terms of oddness or social awkwardness.

Autistic students (including those who got their diagnosis in adulthood) are far more likely to be bullied and harassed than are neurotypical students.

Some Autists also have sensory issues that impact the quality of their lives.

You can’t always tell by looking at them or even being with them for extended periods. Sensory issues can involve visual, lighting, sound, odor and tactile experiences.

To the skeptics: You don’t think any of this constitutes “struggling”?

It sure as hell does. Never fitting in, no matter what the environment, qualifies as struggling.

Never mind that the future-diagnosed Autist has extensive verbal skills and aces every final exam.

Never mind that their mother could send them into a busy supermarket with a list of groceries and they’ll get all of those items without any difficulty.

All along, they’ve known or sensed that something was off about themselves. It just didn’t have a formal name.

Eventually, after growing up either misdiagnosed or, as is often the case, without even an assessment, they decide to get an ASD evaluation and may even be in their 50s at this time; the light finally comes on that autism might be what they’ve had ALL ALONG.

Celebrities Coming Out with an Adult Autism Diagnosis

Fueling the skepticism is the number of celebrities who, over the past several years, have disclosed an adult ASD diagnosis.

This makes skeptics think that autism is the latest fad or trendy diagnosis.

This person obviously has never taken an online autism test. A neurotypical person will score very low (like my NT sister did) or in the lower range; hence, “everything” is NOT a symptom. Furthermore, where the bloody dickens did this commenter get the idea that people seek an autism diagnosis to feel special? The diagnosis has to come from the examiner. An examiner would not be interested in giving an ASD diagnosis to make a client feel special.

But wouldn’t it stand to reason that the percentage of autism is a bit higher in the population of people who have talents in acting, comedy, music and songwriting?

It just stands to reason that autism would be more prevalent in people with gifts in art, entertainment, writing, playing musical instruments, composing music and acting in movies and TV shows. THINK ABOUT THAT.

Still believe that an autism diagnosis in adulthood isn’t valid?

Have you, as the skeptic, ever heard of the concept of levels, degrees, classes or grades?

Conditions that affect the brain or body are often categorized in terms of these distinctions.

  • A grade 3 acromioclavicular joint separation
  • A second-degree burn
  • Mild or moderate psoriasis
  • Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 obesity
  • Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 Autism Spectrum Disorder

The doubters don’t grasp the concepts of these kinds of distinctions when it comes to autism.

Instead they think in black and white terms: You’re either “severely” autistic or neurotypical.

They also believe that the changing of diagnostic criteria and terminology over the years automatically means that there’s a rash of people being misdiagnosed as autistic.

It’s actually the other way around: many autistic people being misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder, panic attack disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder or ADHD.

Though autistic people can have these other conditions, the problem is when the diagnosis of autism is overlooked.

Introverts, loners, quirky. Not all Autistics are introverts. I know one who’s seeking a full-time job that involves working with people. And if being a loner is “normal,” why are loners so often shunned and bullied? Maybe it’s because they have impaired socio-communication skills from — perhaps AUTISM?

The Fat Analogy

A skeptic once said, to paraphrase, “There’s no way that this high school English teacher has the same condition [ASD] as someone in an institution who has no language and needs prompts to use the toilet.”

A person who’s 50 pounds overweight has the same condition as someone who’s 600 pounds: obesity.

But the lighter person, specifically, has Class 1 obesity, while the heavier person has Class 3.

The woman with 50 extra pounds hikes, and takes Zumba and yoga classes.

The 600 pounder spends all day in bed or on a couch and can’t walk 50 feet without struggling.

What if we were to insist that the woman with Class 1 obesity who hikes can’t possibly be obese — because the person with Class 3 is severely incapacitated by 600 pounds?

This reasoning defies any semblance of logic, yet it’s the very kind of totally daft reasoning that people — who think adult autism diagnoses are fake — rely upon.

Adult Autism Diagnoses Are Real

My diagnosis of autism, given in middle age, is just as real and legitimate as is a diagnosis of autism given to a nonspeaking three-year-old who spends hours spinning the tires of his toy truck.

Autism is a spectrum condition of three designated levels.

The individuals, whom the skeptics think were given a trendy misdiagnosis, obviously have Level 1 (minimal support needs) or “mild” autism, formerly known as Asperger’s syndrome.

Naysayers need to stop comparing Level 1 ASD’ers to kids they know with more pronounced or stereotypical autism.

I’m sure they’ve never told someone, who’s 60 pounds too heavy, “You can’t be overweight because I know several people who have REAL obesity; they weigh in the 400s.”

To put another way, “You can’t possibly have mild osteoarthritis and be walking for exercise because I know a lot of people who’ve had knee replacements.”

If you’re a disbeliever of adult autism diagnoses, do you NOW get the picture? If not, I welcome your comments below.

Lorra Garrick is a former personal trainer certified by the American Council on Exercise. At Bally Total Fitness, where she was also a group fitness instructor, she trained clients of all ages for fat loss and maintaining it, muscle and strength building, fitness, and improved cardiovascular and overall health. She has a clinical diagnosis of ASD.


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