Here are 10 things you can do for autistic people for Autism Acceptance Month in April.

Know an autistic person? Want to understand them better? April is Autism Acceptance Month.

Autism Spectrum Disorder is NOT a fad or trendy condition that people are carelessly labeling themselves with.

Nor are psychologists tossing out this diagnosis like food nuggets to a dog.

Just because someone “made it to adulthood” without an ASD diagnosis doesn’t mean that their eventual diagnosis is less valid than the same diagnosis given to a three-year-old who still can’t speak and can watch water swirling down a drain for hours.

Autism is just as real in myself, diagnosed in middle age, as it is in that non-speaking young child down the street who doesn’t look at you when you say his name and is more interested in watching things spin than in playing with other kids.

April is the month where more emphasis is put on accepting autism as a natural variation of human brain wiring.

Here are 10 ways you can better immerse yourself in this acceptance.

Educate Yourself and Others

Take the time to learn about autism, including the diverse experiences of autistic people.

Take the time to learn more about “high functioning” autism, also known as “mild” or low-support-needs autism (Level 1).

Not too long ago I had been majorly misunderstood by a woman because she wasn’t acquainted with Level 1 ASD.

For quite some time she had been working with “low-functioning” adults, some with autism.

So she had it in her head that ANY form of autism would present with obvious and stereotypical behaviors.

That’s why she mistook me for being critical of her and rude. When I got this feedback, I was shocked.

That day she learned how low-support-needs autism could come across (and sometimes this is as blunt, rude, too direct and/or overly critical).

So LEARN about how autism might present in those with a late adult diagnosis!

You can gain a better understanding autism by watching YouTubes, especially by late-diagnosed Autists.

Practice Active Listening


When interacting with an autistic person, take the time to listen attentively to their needs and preferences.

Autistic individuals may communicate in different ways, and this is why it’s important to be patient and open-minded.

Validate their experiences and make sure they feel heard.

Don’t assume they’re not listening if they’re not looking right at you as you’re speaking.

As one autistic woman once said, “I can look but then I can’t listen. I can listen but then I can’t look. Pick one.”

Use Respectful Language

Use language that promotes respect and dignity. For example, refer to someone as an “autistic person” rather than saying “person with autism” unless they specifically prefer the latter.

Most Autists prefer identity-first language.

Always ask individuals what language they prefer to ensure you’re being respectful.

Don’t do what one of my neurotypical sisters did: She challenged my preference for “autistic” over person-first language and insisted that “autistic” was wrong.

As a neurotypical, she was in NO position to do that. Don’t make the same error!

Support Autistic-Owned Businesses

Many autistic individuals run their own businesses or sell handmade products.

When you need a service but don’t have a specialist lined up (due to a recent move, a new need, or your regular provider retired), first investigate if any autistic people provide that service.

• Google the service type (personal trainer, karate school, hair salon, baked goods, tee shirts, anything goes!) plus “autism” and see what comes up.

• Post your need on a Facebook page dedicated to autistic people. You just may get a response from an autistic person who provides the service you’re seeking.

• Contact a local agency that services autistic people. Some may have programs that contract them out to provide lawn care, landscaping, handyman work and custodial/housecleaning work.

Be Inclusive

Create an inclusive environment at work, school or in social settings.

This might involve making accommodations for sensory needs, offering quiet spaces or making sure events are accessible.

Put “worrying what people will think” aside and accommodate your autistic family member or friend.

An example would be that of reassuring them it’ll be perfectly okay to wear noise-cancelling headphones at your daughter’s fancy wedding reception.

Autism needs more normalization, not marginalization.

Challenge Stereotypes

Autistic people are often subjected to harmful stereotypes and misconceptions.

Challenge these stereotypes when you encounter them in conversation, media or elsewhere.

Help spread the message that autism is a part of the human experience and that every autistic person is unique and valuable.

And don’t allow yourself to get caught up in the vortex of skepticism that’s often seen in the comments section of Daily Mail articles about late life autism diagnoses or the rise in childhood autism diagnoses.

A late ASD diagnosis doesn’t mean that individual may not be autistic.

There IS a such thing as misdiagnosis earlier in life, or, parents who were not capable (for whatever reason) of suspecting that their child could actually be autistic!

Attend Local Autism Events

The autism society for your state will provide a calendar of events.

Participate in local events or online webinars and workshops during Autism Acceptance Month.

Many organizations host special events to raise awareness and acceptance of autism.

Your participation can show solidarity and will also get you more familiarized with what it’s like to be around, and engage with, those on the Spectrum.

Support the Newly Diagnosed Adult Autist in Your Life


If a family member or friend discloses their new ASD diagnosis, there would be absolutely no good reason for you to express skepticism, doubt or an accusation that they just want attention or an excuse for their “bad” behaviors.

I believe it’s perfectly okay for you to respond with, “Thank you for telling me. What inspired you to seek out an autism assessment?”

This is a neutral response yet also shows a sincere interest at the same time.

Don’t ever say, “You don’t seem autistic.” Trust me, just because an Autist doesn’t exhibit stereotypical behaviors (e.g., peculiar mannerisms, strange speech patterns, making vocal sounds, rocking while seated in public, odd facial expressions, robotic voice with intense fixed eye contact), this doesn’t mean that all along, they haven’t been living with the internal experience of autism!

It’s there, whether you see it or not!

Don’t show pity for the person who discloses their diagnosis. Simply acknowledge it.

They want you to understand them better, not throw a pity party for them. Don’t tilt your head and go “Awww.” NEVER!

If you think you’d feel incredibly awkward at a disclosure, then, after thanking them for telling you the diagnosis, say, “Tell me about your current special interest. I’m listening.”

It’s pretty much guaranteed that they will be thrilled to talk all about their current hyperfixation or obsession.

By offering this opportunity, you just prevented any potential awkwardness on your part and on theirs.

Advocate for Inclusive Education

Advocate for inclusive education practices that accommodate neurodiverse students.

Support efforts to ensure that autistic kids have access to the right resources, support systems and opportunities for learning.

This can also extend to advocating for improved teacher training on autism and inclusion.

Volunteer or Donate to Autism Organizations

Consider donating to or volunteering with autism advocacy groups, local support organizations or research initiatives.

Your contributions can help fund programs that provide support to autistic individuals and their families.

April is Autism Acceptance Month. Go for it!

Lorra Garrick is a former personal trainer certified by the American Council on Exercise. At Bally Total Fitness, where she was also a group fitness instructor, she trained clients of all ages for fat loss and maintaining it, muscle and strength building, fitness, and improved cardiovascular and overall health. She has a clinical diagnosis of ASD.


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