Is it fair to assume that when a plus size woman wears cover-ups at the beach, that she lacks confidence?
Should how much confidence a plus size woman has be measured by how much skin she shows when at the beach or anywhere else in public?
Really now — is this an accurate barometer?
Truth is, there is absolutely no evidence of a correlation between self-confidence or self-love and the willingness to bare your belly, cleavage or every millimeter of your thighs on the beach by wearing a bikini.
That plus size woman — who’s strolling along the boardwalk in a swimsuit with flowing attire wrapped around her waist to shield the massive cellulite and fat deposits on her legs — can very well be as self-loving and confident as her same-size counterpart who regularly visits the beach in only a bikini or posts bikini selfies on Instagram.
Unfortunately, in this mad world, more and more women (usually overweight) seem to be associating confidence with scant clothing.
Where are the studies by psychologists proving – or even remotely suggesting – that wanting to keep a fat body “covered up” in public is a sign of low self-confidence and not loving oneself?
And how do we know that the very large women who pose in bikinis and crop tops and post to Instagram really DO have all this self-love that they proclaim?
It can be argued that there’s many ways to exhibit self-love other than how much fabric is on one’s body.
Skimpy attire is not the be-all end-all for measuring a large woman’s confidence.
And if a woman, even at 125 pounds, feels “uncomfortable” wearing a two piece suit to the beach, and instead opts for a one-piecer, who the hell are the body positive influencers to call out this woman on her alleged lack of self-love?
- Maybe her self-love arises from the love and adoration she gets from her two young kids and doting husband.
- Perhaps it’s rooted in how valued her parents made her feel when she was growing up.
If she wants to keep her tummy stretch marks concealed and doesn’t want people to see her muffin top, SO WHAT. Leave her alone.

If she decides to wrap a piece of fabric or oversized towel around her waist to hide the cellulite, flab and stretch marks on her legs, who are the bopo influencers to brand her as having poor self-confidence?
Quite frankly, how dare they?
If you feel at ease sprawling on the beach with your larger than life body in a tight bikini, then fine. Do what makes you feel comfortable.
But hear this: If indeed you prefer a bikini despite being very plus size, you deserve no more accolades than the big – or trimmer – woman who “keeps it covered up” who’s enjoying the ocean breeze 50 feet from you.
Full-figured influencers are in no position to judge a woman’s confidence based on how little or how much skin is showing.
Followers need to realize that ANYONE can look “confident” in a photo.
But when followers post, “I wish I had your confidence!” it seems as though these followers actually believe that exposing skin means confidence in all areas of life.
In short, a picture isn’t always worth a thousand words.
If you follow one of these influencer, and especially if you’ve ever posted, “I wish I had your confidence!” you should truly wonder just what goes on in that influencer’s life beyond the smiling images or “power poses.”